Ok, as promised, i'll finally began to the usual schedule of blogging every weekend on a Saturday. Yay!!
Hmmmm, where to start... do note that today's post will not have anything too mature.
Drumming - Essential part of Takahina le.
Ok, 1 thing that comes to my mind now will be drumming. Firstly, Takahina will have a performance which last only about 3-4 mins. It's a 4 person drum play so Takahina is just 1/4 of the performance.
Official data is...
Venue : Suntec City Lvl 1. Around the platform just below Toyr'us.
Time: 11th November 2005. 4pm.
Time of activity: 3-4 mins nia...
Then, another time you can catch us is at...
Venue: Suntec City Lvl 3. Just outside Music Clef School.
Time: 4the November 2005. Timing not confirmed.
Time of activity: Not confirmed.
Well, i expected a longer timing, but whatever lah. Our standard still not there yet. That's all I can say. But then hor, drumming has now become quite a part of my life. Cause whenever I feel depressed hor, I dun call the number 1800-223-1313 (The depressed hotline). But instead, I feel like taking up the pair of drumsticks which i presume is harder than your bone then PA!! the drummania machine. But..... BUT! The stupid drum machine at the Century Square arcade die die also always got problem one!
Why? Because everytime the cymbol is spoilt. And why is that so? Cause I see everytime! There will be a drumming swordsman waving and using his drumstick as a sword and with great dexterity, creating touching music onto the plastic piece of greyish rubber. Beautiful.
In case you don't understand. Then don't bother le. Too much technical terms in there to comprehend.
Well, regarding drumming I hav also advanced to intermidiate (sp?) level. So now it has grown more expensive.
Well, excluding that. Just last saturday I went to see Jimmy Lee my drum teacher play drum with his band, Chronic 7. Really, their music was superb, at least I felt so. This is one of the few concerts which got me really attracted. Their music is not the stereotype and dumb dumb pop music. Instead it's a much more advanced standard of music like acid jazz, new age and fusion. You can also call it Alkali Jazz. But really, it showed of the power that each instrument can play.
What they used to play?
Drums, Percussions like African drums and tamborine, Bass guitar, Electric Guitar and 2 keyboardist, 1 with the main rhythm and also another with the guai guai sounds one like frog screams.
Their standard frankly lah, all very good. Can perform nicely done solos on their own. I was inspired. That is the type of music which I hope to perform in the future. Not those just use pure brute strength to PA the damn shit, not just those with standard beats of a drum. But instead continously different beats with it harmonizing beauitfully with the flow of the music. I mean, i see Jimmy play, got entertainment value sia!!!
Imagine, his left hand like machine gun, tham tham tham tham tham 1 whole bar, then right hand at that time in the air ready to PIA the mini sized cymbol which i hadn't seen before at all. Then POM the cymbol pia!!
Really, really, Professor Jimmy Lee is really a very superb drummer. Of course i won't say the best, but in SG, he's the best i've saw personally.
Ok ok, enough of drums, I think you all hear liao also sian ji pua.
Well, so now how? Enter another realm of the activity I have done these few weeks. Dota.
Defense of the Ancients - 1 game which I hate to admit is fun.
So how now? In the past, even though I don't give dota too much thought, but then truly it's quite addictive lah. The thing is Takahina don't like to do things which are VERY VERY hot. Esp in SG. For example is Dota le. When ppl intro me to DOTA, i was like resistant. Cause, I don't like to be like most average Singaporean whom I feel is too standard. You can guess their actions one.
When Final Fantasy VII: AC is out. Almost the WHOLE of Singapore went to chiong it. Even those people who didn't play FFVII.
Frankly, whenever something good or exciting comes out like Naruto, DotA or even Jue Dui Superstar, Singaporeans will chiong it. When that happens, it will create into a trend whereby something good will also be overwhelmed to it being seemingly commonfare and then people won't find it good. It's ironic really... very ironic.
I tell you ar, if Naruto was not so hot in Singapore, I may have pursued it long time ago le. So blame who? Blame you narutards. :p. Keep on telling me Naruto very nice. Keep on saying lah! You say more the MORE i won't watch.
Heng now not much people going for the Naruto craze, so at least my interest in Naruto is slowly popping back.
For Dota, it's the different thing le. Dota is the one rare case whereby Takahina will actually go with the craze BUT, not as hiong as most people are. There is an evidence to prove it.
Once the Rurouni (My secondary sch group) went to Bugis to dota. There was only 2 comp available, so 2 among our group went for it. I went to play drummaniaV at bugis which was 1 of the best machine i saw. On a sidenote, it's called one of the best cause you can miss up to 100 in a row and won't die. At most in red life. But then, since it's so easy, alot of novices go there and play and Takahina will always watch and insult them secretly.
"Ah... this guy dumb dumb!! LOUSY!! MUAHAHAHA..."
Anyways, back to dota. So after drumming, we went back to wait for compys. Then, got 2 comp le. My friends say who play? I say i play drum. This proves that although I do like Dota, but I can restraint myself. Ah....
But still, it's a good game lah. I'm not too much of an expert but at least not too much of a noob as well.
Side note: I always miscall Queen of Cards of FF8 to Queen of Pain of Dota. Samuel Lim of 7 Swords chided me for that.
Hmmm, now talk what?
Disappointment of the Chalet - Talks about human behaviour
Well, I don't know to say am I biased or what. But there was this case of a chalet which Rurouni co-planned in making and it ended it quite a failure.
1. Not as much people came as planned.
2. Some came but didn't pay as requested
3. Uninvited people came as well
4. Uninvited people didn't pay but ate more than those invited.
Well, but in the end it's the co-planners who finished up the extra food.
The thing showed of the fickleness of any person. 1 principle which I have always believed is that people will change, no matter how minor they will change as a person during every major period of their life. And also there is also the part whereby people should let go but cannot let go despite going through it for 4 years.
My bro Tian Wei has grown more patient and understanding, not saying he isn't in the past. Benji has grown a little more responsible compared to the past. Woon Han has become more talkative and idiotic and immature compared to last year. So indeed everyone changes.
406 (Secondary School Class) in the past is i should say a rather united class. In that most events we attend and quite active. But then now, the whole spirit is gone. I guess its inevitable throughout the 1 year. And then, everyone develops a new type of spirit. I'm close to my class now... (at least i think i am) and I'm quite close to 7 swords as well. And from there i learnt of few things like singing and finally doing fake pull-ups.
Then from the Rurouni I learnt of alot of things as well.. too much to state actually. So to say... it's just a cycle of life. Nothing can be together and nothing can be eternal.
But then hor, another human behaviour I saw is the fact of dispromise (new term formed by Takahina). Esp on the money side, money and all can really make people go siao one. Few people never pay as promised, just cause they claim they didn't eat enough. But then, the whole event is like a buffet whereby u jus cook and pick. You don't eat enough, your own business lah...
You know? It's cause you don't eat enough, we co-planners have to shit out all the food. Yeah, we're blaming you people for making us eat more. Happy?! SONG?! MUAHAHAHAHAHA,,,
Happy at seeing old faces? Sure. Disappointment from during behaviour? Definitely.
Exam results - Takahina's dismay at not only his own but also others.
Hmmm, my results are average to say the least. Not too pleasant, esp Chinese whereby I expected at least a B3 but only to obtain a C6. And the Chinese exam is just tomorrow. Damn.
Anyway, my sad results is one thing, but then what i truly hate is the attitude of other people.
Let me ask you people, when u get something like BCC, you don't go and write on your msn nick saying, "Die liao lah... Exam results like shit.. how..."
Such issues, make me fume with supreme anger. Like I once stated in a much earlier post which made this blog almost famous in my class, I hate people flaunting shit like this. These actions are completely inconsiderate and annoying to people like me, who hoped for good result and received things like CEE. And still I don't go around saying my results are KNS, just cause I know there are still people worse than me!
And to think their response at first before the exams is, "Aiya, I just wanna promote, thats all."
Wou Pei! PUI PUI PUI!!!
Frankly, such behaviour is truly hypocritic. Consider the people with much worse results, it's very hurting to them don't you discover? You will only make them depress and make them think their results are truly worst of the worst and their whole life in JC is just a total piece of shitload mistake.
I tell you. Only people who can't promote are the people who can write "DiE lIaO lAh, ExAmS rEsUlTs LiKe ShIt... HoW?"
For those people getting shit like CCC or BCC or more than sufficient to pass to write such things, let me show you something.
*The following picture may be too explicit.*
Don't force me to show another. It's more disgusting than this.
Such things is why I always say Singaporeans are totally immature. And i mean TOTALLY. Flame me lah! I WILL REFUTE YOU SINGAPOREANS!...
I feel like i'm scolding myself sia.
Dunno what else to talk bout le.
Maybe just a short one on my computer and something regarding the last 2 post.
As you people know, the previous previous post is meant for someone in my family. Well, why am I so agitated? Because Takahina has commited similiar crimes when he was still in pri sch and that he has been seriously punished for that. Not corporal but spiritual, i kneeled in front of the guan ying statue in my living room hor and cried like a fucker with his penis cut off. Really worked for me. That's why when he said something like that i was so fucking pissed off. And now my parents got wind of it.
Today, just before i'm writing this I was eating out, celebrating my bro's b'day. Ironic, but throughout the whole night I did not mention or talk to him at all. Cause I'm perfectly clear it's not me. I did not even look at him in the face for more than 2 sec straight. Yup, this is how I'm reacting to him now and I won't reconcile with him unless he officially apologized to me. At my face, in front of my parents.
Now regardin the other one, my computer is quite slow now compared to before I realised. And it also creates a much more audible processing sound compared to before. A little worried I am. Cause I'm scared after 2 months of no computing, I will be with that situation again in perhaps just a few weeks.
Hopefully no more beeps sound.
Oh ya, I promised a Takako picture right? Let me show you guys what I showed Sam on Friday.
*Warning, the below picture could prove too big for this blog to handle. So handle with care.*
Most people already know of this background. But then, i need to show Sam who is the better one... hahahahahahahaha...