Did I get Chalet spelt correctly??
Well watever, Takahina will be going to chalet soon, so he will not blog or be online for like few days?
Well watever.
Anyways, Takahina is in a SUPER GOOD MOOD!!!
Everything will be well man!! TAKAKO IS THE BEST!!!!!! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Monday, May 29, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
The Unlucky Takahina
Kinda sian, exam coming, gig coming... a lot of shit to be done yet Takahina has no time for it. The other worse thing is...

Takako sama... dun make me wait anymore... I miss u too much... this is torture... ah........

Why do u look so indifferent... :'(
I tell u, under such circumstances what will happen.
1. Depressed Takahina will go buy the imported version, $73.
2. Wait for 3 weeks, finally imported. Go buy it.
3. Next week go visit Sembawang. The $20 taiwan version comes with an extra song in it.
If that happens, there will be another blog post of The Unlucky Takahina 2.
Then also, something else happened.
On friday, the sun is shining brightly and everything looks well. Mr Woot san, aka Yiren comes along with a ball. 30mins in Takahina's break time.
Everytime is ok for a game of basketball.
So Takahina went for it, happily. To remind Takahina of the GP lesson at 11.30am, Takahina set an alarm on his handphone, in good will of the GP lesson.
As it ended, due to Takahina's handphone having frequent emo moments, it blackout on me. Sweated and highly steamy that time, Takahina was freaked off and heck care the fucking piece of technology. Bad Move.
During GP lesson, the snoozed alarm rang. Takahina fucked up liao, go and switch the phone off. But to no avail. Cause firstly, the phone is still in it's emo moment, and the snooze function is still not off.
Lydia possibly having a little pms session, went ahead and confiscated my phone and had the intention of being super-responsible by telling my civic tutor. K, my accidental mistake. Go ahead then. U can fuck the phone if u like anyway, it's emoness is getting on my nerves.
Soon after, Adam, another guy in my class, his hp rang. Oh... GG. But lucky for me, i'm not alone. I can be Eve if u want to. We can create a whole new world together.
Then after that, both of us confronted Ah Tan.
"Ah, can return phone?"
K, it's fake. I repeat, she didn't say that.
Anyway, she soon after did return Takahina his phone. And knowing another class is coming in, she shooed us off. Quickly and hastily, Takahina took his bag and left. When Takahina got back home... he realised one thing.
I didn't pack my bag.
My pencil box is gone.
And so, Takahina hijacked his brother's room and stifled out the long hidden pencil box in it.
Soon after, Takahina den realised another thing.
"Oh fuck, tmr have to go to school. For being audience and not to let the price takers malu."
Wah.. sian cheesebun...
Then Takahina felt that he should compose himself. Let's go play some FFX-2.
And Takahina sits in front of his tv, wanting to play it.
"Let's make Rin the culprit this time." --> Game plot.
Well, to do that one have to do something to set up the plot early in the game. Takahina did all of it. Only to realise one thing...
Shinra never put any commsphere in that area, thus making the whole event, invalid.
WTF!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So Takahina can only resort in making the chocobo eater the culprit, that is so sian.
Then my disciple just told me that he is gonna have a gf. That seems cool. He talks until it's so simple to get a gf. Haiz...
Doesn't he understand, the age of Takahina is the age whereby he has remained single?
So Takahina did a little theory in how to make urself attractive.
1. U must be unique, if not significant.
--> Takahina isn't really unique, he's just a normal student. The only un-uniqueness is that Takahina scorns most mainstream shit. And the only significant is that Takahina is a piece of lard who can move. That's all.
2. U cannot be fat. Normally thin people are much more easily approached than fat. Cause fat people generally appear to be lazy, oily, stupid.
--> That is so not Takahina, but as Takahina is fat, he gets tied down with all this shit.

This picture showed few things.
Takahina is too lazy to create a better speech balloon effect. Takahina has oily face. Takahina is too stupid to use a photoshop.
Freak man...
Life sucks.
The only consolation is during Saturday, when Jude, one of my band members said somebody wants to poach me into a Visual K... or Poser Band as Desmond Chan said it. It proves of my ability as a drummer is at least somewhat recognised.
And that I'm good in making people in trouble. Soon enough, the SG Jrock people will flame u des chan.
Har har har har har....
Takako sama... dun make me wait anymore... I miss u too much... this is torture... ah........
Why do u look so indifferent... :'(
I tell u, under such circumstances what will happen.
1. Depressed Takahina will go buy the imported version, $73.
2. Wait for 3 weeks, finally imported. Go buy it.
3. Next week go visit Sembawang. The $20 taiwan version comes with an extra song in it.
If that happens, there will be another blog post of The Unlucky Takahina 2.
Then also, something else happened.
On friday, the sun is shining brightly and everything looks well. Mr Woot san, aka Yiren comes along with a ball. 30mins in Takahina's break time.
Everytime is ok for a game of basketball.
So Takahina went for it, happily. To remind Takahina of the GP lesson at 11.30am, Takahina set an alarm on his handphone, in good will of the GP lesson.
As it ended, due to Takahina's handphone having frequent emo moments, it blackout on me. Sweated and highly steamy that time, Takahina was freaked off and heck care the fucking piece of technology. Bad Move.
During GP lesson, the snoozed alarm rang. Takahina fucked up liao, go and switch the phone off. But to no avail. Cause firstly, the phone is still in it's emo moment, and the snooze function is still not off.
Lydia possibly having a little pms session, went ahead and confiscated my phone and had the intention of being super-responsible by telling my civic tutor. K, my accidental mistake. Go ahead then. U can fuck the phone if u like anyway, it's emoness is getting on my nerves.
Soon after, Adam, another guy in my class, his hp rang. Oh... GG. But lucky for me, i'm not alone. I can be Eve if u want to. We can create a whole new world together.
Then after that, both of us confronted Ah Tan.
"Ah, can return phone?"
K, it's fake. I repeat, she didn't say that.
Anyway, she soon after did return Takahina his phone. And knowing another class is coming in, she shooed us off. Quickly and hastily, Takahina took his bag and left. When Takahina got back home... he realised one thing.
I didn't pack my bag.
My pencil box is gone.
And so, Takahina hijacked his brother's room and stifled out the long hidden pencil box in it.
Soon after, Takahina den realised another thing.
"Oh fuck, tmr have to go to school. For being audience and not to let the price takers malu."
Wah.. sian cheesebun...
Then Takahina felt that he should compose himself. Let's go play some FFX-2.
And Takahina sits in front of his tv, wanting to play it.
"Let's make Rin the culprit this time." --> Game plot.
Well, to do that one have to do something to set up the plot early in the game. Takahina did all of it. Only to realise one thing...
Shinra never put any commsphere in that area, thus making the whole event, invalid.
WTF!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So Takahina can only resort in making the chocobo eater the culprit, that is so sian.
Then my disciple just told me that he is gonna have a gf. That seems cool. He talks until it's so simple to get a gf. Haiz...
Doesn't he understand, the age of Takahina is the age whereby he has remained single?
So Takahina did a little theory in how to make urself attractive.
1. U must be unique, if not significant.
--> Takahina isn't really unique, he's just a normal student. The only un-uniqueness is that Takahina scorns most mainstream shit. And the only significant is that Takahina is a piece of lard who can move. That's all.
2. U cannot be fat. Normally thin people are much more easily approached than fat. Cause fat people generally appear to be lazy, oily, stupid.
--> That is so not Takahina, but as Takahina is fat, he gets tied down with all this shit.
This picture showed few things.
Takahina is too lazy to create a better speech balloon effect. Takahina has oily face. Takahina is too stupid to use a photoshop.
Freak man...
Life sucks.
The only consolation is during Saturday, when Jude, one of my band members said somebody wants to poach me into a Visual K... or Poser Band as Desmond Chan said it. It proves of my ability as a drummer is at least somewhat recognised.
And that I'm good in making people in trouble. Soon enough, the SG Jrock people will flame u des chan.
Har har har har har....
Sunday, May 14, 2006
The Gigging Takahina
Long time no blog fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.........
Yeah, as u see, Takahina lately has been unusually addicted to something, and that is Hard Gay san... okaaayy.... Just to let you all have a witness...
Well, the subtitled ones are by Stupid Fish, and it's not too bad a translated piece of work also. Yeah.... Okaayyy...
But let's get away from that yeah?
On Vesak Day, which is 2 days before I'm blogging right now, Takahina performed in a Cafe Bar?? That place sells coffee and stuff, and also sells alcohol. Okaaayyy. Then song song is that it has a jamming studio on the second floor, a toilet whereby it's a room with urinal and a cubicle for shitting, and you can lock that room.
So to mean, Just one guy wanna urine, he can lock away the door to prevent other people from coming in just because he wants to use 1 urinal. Sui man!!!!!!!
Then hor, if you are considerate, like Junrong is, u can go and open door big big while u urine, then everyone can see. That is if they wanna see lah. SONG BO!!!
Anyway, that day was kinda weird.
On that day, I only invited Rurouni over cause I know they have possible interest in the type of music being played. Then since people entering have to pay, I didn't wanna trouble others too much lah hor.
My band reached there first, even though we're the last band. Fucked up. Make us look like sibei kiasu and very xiao pai like that. Next time must act Dai Pai, arrive late and bui song face all over. They won't dare kao pei with you one.
Anyways, soon after 2 other bands arrived and both the bands have a M initial. They seem very friendly with each other, or am I just mistaken. But then lah, they were sitting in another position while our band just sit in a corner. Hyde tried to greet them, but tio DAO. Sad. From then on, Takahina didn't really like them as human.
They may be good, but it doesn't mean we have to respect them humanly. I can respect them musically. Yes.
Den, we waited for a fairly long time. Waited for Rurouni to appear without Ben. Kinda expected, if Ben come oso pai seh. Cause need to pay $$ ar. Desmond Chan said his friends dun wanna come. Ok lah, if they come Takahina oso dunno how to handle. Don't ever expect me to like go there and say..
"Eh, friends of Desmond Chan! Thanks for coming to pay us money ar!"
Cause u see ar, this Gig is almost like, earning the money of your friends. Whatever entrance fee earned will be given back to us in terms of transfer payment. Pai Seh mah like that, Takahina may be thick faced, but not to the extent of begging friends to give u money.
Eventually, alot of people started to turn up. Including a lot of Cosplayers. Belted dress, high stockings, metal chain... YIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
But then hor, Takahina is too shy to talk to them ar... even though they are Nika's friend lah, but then... haiz......... I found a few quite attractive also... haiz...... Never talk to them.... wasted.... haiz.....
Then anyway, the performance soon started. I shall give a low down on how I feel.
1st band: M something something.
Overall, this band was good, I don't sense anything bad, and it's good music overall. Visual performance wise was good as well, not disorganised, not messy. And drummer isn't too bad as well. Timing well kept. I like them. Vocals gave tired I guessed around half time, he went a little zao sia.
However, Rong and someone else didn't like them too much. And throughout talking about them. In valid though I feel.
Rate: 4/5 for a local band standard.
2nd Band: Also M something something.
I missed their first music cause my vox told me to go get a drink. WTF. NVM, I earn tax from you, earn another bottle of water. Yeah.... But when I came back, they were playing music which I LIKED!
Firstly, Driver's High. Yeah, all anime fans. This is the opening theme of GTO. GREAT TAKAHINA ORGASM!!!!!!!! However, after hearing it a while. I kinda changed mood. Most of the members are ok and on time. But something went terribly wrong.
The drummer.
Hohohoho, Drummer san... even though u around same size as me... big big fat fat, Don't think I give u chance ar. Cause i heard the music alot of times before, I can easily remember the drum beats of the song. Mistakes done frequently and possibly the drummer is unconfident? He looks tense man. Then also the main drum set keeps on shifting in front. Hohohohoh, pedal too hard ar uncle. Then also timing is off. If the drums are good, I tell u this will be one of the band I like alot, mainly cause they play music I like man.
Then after that, they play Rurouni Kenshin's 1/3 Junjou na Kanjou. Hohohohoho... U're in trouble drummer san... CAUSE TAKAHINA BELONGS TO THE RUROUNI GROUP, DO YOU THINK I WON'T KNOW THE SONG??? HOHOOOHOHOHOHOHO.... Once again, the problem lies with the drummer with timing and mistakes apparent. He also bastardised the fills and rhythmes a little, but that's ok cause Takahina does that too.
After that, they went on to play 2 other songs which Takahina had little knowledge of. Didn't sound too bad, but drums still has problems.
Rate: 3/5 thanks to the last 2 songs which pulled up your points. If not the drummer could cause a fail.
Next band: REI
Well, the most VK band. Everyone has face powdered and the drummer looks like some black african getting sold to US. Cool.
Overall, they did a total of 8 songs, 6 original, 2 covers. Le foret was happy. Why?
Cause we can slack more and waste more time. And their last song was awfully long. Wow.
Anyway, nothing much to say. Compared, I still prefer the first band. Also, drummer san of Rei. I don't feel a double bass is needed. Instead it messes up the whole timing at times. Consider that k.
Rate: 3.5/5 for the participation in originals.
Last Band: Le Foret
One instead comment from the start by Vox san, 1 hit KO the image of the band.
"Hi, We're Le foret, We're new, so don't expect too much from us."
First song... sucks imo. VOX timing went off. I Can't hear the bass and guitars
Second song... sucks imo. VOX didn't sing around half time cause off time. Bass complained drummer is too slow. I agree... maybe.
Third song... sucks imo. Don't know why it sucks. But my self opinion is very low liao by this time. And also I hate this song more and more.
Fourth song... sucks imo. Because there was no splash cymbal there and overall Takahina did a bad job of producing the wanted effect during jamming.
Hai. Ok, I'll produce the report lah.
Throughout the whole gig, I can't hear anybody at all. ESP the bass, can't hear. Why? No feedback. Even if there is, I can only hear echo due to sound waves bouncing off the walls at the back. U can't hear them, naturally timing confirm off.
Secondly, the arrangement of the band is messed up. Vocalist have lots of space, guitars and bass are stuck together. Like Acapalla like CH said. Why is that so? Wires are too damn short to move around at all man! All looks like entangled shit.

This scene reminds me of 2 things.
1, during Takako concert whereby the 3 on the right are accompany singers, Takako at center, acoustic guitar at left.
2, Opera. Paparotti at left, ballet dancer at center, accompanying high pitchers at right.
Great stuff man, this shall be the style of Le Foret.
At the end of the whole thing, Takahina heard 2 sides of reviews. But because it's too long, Takahina will summer the whole shit.
First, from his friends.
Throughout the whole thing, guitar are messy, Vox never sing and too visual. Bass maybe too soft. Drum has slight mistakes, but overall ok.
Second, from someone in Lucify from Defense of the Ancient.
Rhythm section has problem. Bass and drums never coordinate well. No comments on guitar, vox has great potential and rooms for improvement.
WTF, why is there such a big contrast in the terms of comments?
My confidence which was supposedly quite ok, fallen to a great depth after the whole thing. In the end, Takahina could be the one with the mistake after all.
Flattery fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then also, Takahina doesn't know or hear any comments in drums at all. Frankly and admittedly, Rong and Benji are not assumed experts in drums. I don't know bout that ga.... no, guy from lucify, but then in the end, Takahina is freaking confused man.
Hyde said it's ok for a virgin band. But then, it's cheebye. In Takahina's opinion...
"Never act like a virgin. Even if you're really a virgin, the performance must be experienced."
In the end, I don't like our end performance. I see CH, Benji and Rong's face after the whole thing. Their face not really happy. I instantly mentally say,
But then in the end, each band receives $105, so Takahina got $21.
However, ytd when Takahina went to drum lesson, his drumstick finally broke.
Trip to find a good drumstick = $1
Average price for a desired pair of drumstick = $15
Treating Rurouni to drinks = $5
Broken heart due to good friend Promark 7A drumstick spoilt = Priceless
So, in the end. $21 all gone. CAN'T EVEN BUY A CD!!!
Anyway, before the gig began, Takahina was requested a produce a photo for Lime due to DJ party.
Then, Takahina looked for a few pieces of photo.

Wah, Des and QH, laugh until so happy, I bo pian have to laugh oso lah hor... Then i send this.

Instanly, Takahina got worried... this is not good. Thus so I went to look for a better pic.

Wah... delicious gossiping bad scene of me. Erotic man. This will do.
No lah, kidding. Takahina may like Hard Gay, but he's not Hard Gay. Time to look for another picture!!!
But then, after searching for so long... Takahina can't find a suitable one...how sia....
Then... Takahina go search in the sianner's most favourite website, Friendsters. And... voila...

Yeah uncle Sam, u're on TTT, smile... ok forget it. Don't smile. I won't smile with you.
I tell u guys one thing, when Takahina smiles, he will be on Lemon, when he doesn't he will be on Lime.

Don't get it? Watch Hard gay,

So, the end result of Takahina not laughing and being on Lime is...

YEAH, IN SCH U MAN!!! OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take that in ur face LIME!!
Yeah, as u see, Takahina lately has been unusually addicted to something, and that is Hard Gay san... okaaayy.... Just to let you all have a witness...
Well, the subtitled ones are by Stupid Fish, and it's not too bad a translated piece of work also. Yeah.... Okaayyy...
But let's get away from that yeah?
On Vesak Day, which is 2 days before I'm blogging right now, Takahina performed in a Cafe Bar?? That place sells coffee and stuff, and also sells alcohol. Okaaayyy. Then song song is that it has a jamming studio on the second floor, a toilet whereby it's a room with urinal and a cubicle for shitting, and you can lock that room.
So to mean, Just one guy wanna urine, he can lock away the door to prevent other people from coming in just because he wants to use 1 urinal. Sui man!!!!!!!
Then hor, if you are considerate, like Junrong is, u can go and open door big big while u urine, then everyone can see. That is if they wanna see lah. SONG BO!!!
Anyway, that day was kinda weird.
On that day, I only invited Rurouni over cause I know they have possible interest in the type of music being played. Then since people entering have to pay, I didn't wanna trouble others too much lah hor.
My band reached there first, even though we're the last band. Fucked up. Make us look like sibei kiasu and very xiao pai like that. Next time must act Dai Pai, arrive late and bui song face all over. They won't dare kao pei with you one.
Anyways, soon after 2 other bands arrived and both the bands have a M initial. They seem very friendly with each other, or am I just mistaken. But then lah, they were sitting in another position while our band just sit in a corner. Hyde tried to greet them, but tio DAO. Sad. From then on, Takahina didn't really like them as human.
They may be good, but it doesn't mean we have to respect them humanly. I can respect them musically. Yes.
Den, we waited for a fairly long time. Waited for Rurouni to appear without Ben. Kinda expected, if Ben come oso pai seh. Cause need to pay $$ ar. Desmond Chan said his friends dun wanna come. Ok lah, if they come Takahina oso dunno how to handle. Don't ever expect me to like go there and say..
"Eh, friends of Desmond Chan! Thanks for coming to pay us money ar!"
Cause u see ar, this Gig is almost like, earning the money of your friends. Whatever entrance fee earned will be given back to us in terms of transfer payment. Pai Seh mah like that, Takahina may be thick faced, but not to the extent of begging friends to give u money.
Eventually, alot of people started to turn up. Including a lot of Cosplayers. Belted dress, high stockings, metal chain... YIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
But then hor, Takahina is too shy to talk to them ar... even though they are Nika's friend lah, but then... haiz......... I found a few quite attractive also... haiz...... Never talk to them.... wasted.... haiz.....
Then anyway, the performance soon started. I shall give a low down on how I feel.
1st band: M something something.
Overall, this band was good, I don't sense anything bad, and it's good music overall. Visual performance wise was good as well, not disorganised, not messy. And drummer isn't too bad as well. Timing well kept. I like them. Vocals gave tired I guessed around half time, he went a little zao sia.
However, Rong and someone else didn't like them too much. And throughout talking about them. In valid though I feel.
Rate: 4/5 for a local band standard.
2nd Band: Also M something something.
I missed their first music cause my vox told me to go get a drink. WTF. NVM, I earn tax from you, earn another bottle of water. Yeah.... But when I came back, they were playing music which I LIKED!
Firstly, Driver's High. Yeah, all anime fans. This is the opening theme of GTO. GREAT TAKAHINA ORGASM!!!!!!!! However, after hearing it a while. I kinda changed mood. Most of the members are ok and on time. But something went terribly wrong.
The drummer.
Hohohoho, Drummer san... even though u around same size as me... big big fat fat, Don't think I give u chance ar. Cause i heard the music alot of times before, I can easily remember the drum beats of the song. Mistakes done frequently and possibly the drummer is unconfident? He looks tense man. Then also the main drum set keeps on shifting in front. Hohohohoh, pedal too hard ar uncle. Then also timing is off. If the drums are good, I tell u this will be one of the band I like alot, mainly cause they play music I like man.
Then after that, they play Rurouni Kenshin's 1/3 Junjou na Kanjou. Hohohohoho... U're in trouble drummer san... CAUSE TAKAHINA BELONGS TO THE RUROUNI GROUP, DO YOU THINK I WON'T KNOW THE SONG??? HOHOOOHOHOHOHOHO.... Once again, the problem lies with the drummer with timing and mistakes apparent. He also bastardised the fills and rhythmes a little, but that's ok cause Takahina does that too.
After that, they went on to play 2 other songs which Takahina had little knowledge of. Didn't sound too bad, but drums still has problems.
Rate: 3/5 thanks to the last 2 songs which pulled up your points. If not the drummer could cause a fail.
Next band: REI
Well, the most VK band. Everyone has face powdered and the drummer looks like some black african getting sold to US. Cool.
Overall, they did a total of 8 songs, 6 original, 2 covers. Le foret was happy. Why?
Cause we can slack more and waste more time. And their last song was awfully long. Wow.
Anyway, nothing much to say. Compared, I still prefer the first band. Also, drummer san of Rei. I don't feel a double bass is needed. Instead it messes up the whole timing at times. Consider that k.
Rate: 3.5/5 for the participation in originals.
Last Band: Le Foret
One instead comment from the start by Vox san, 1 hit KO the image of the band.
"Hi, We're Le foret, We're new, so don't expect too much from us."
First song... sucks imo. VOX timing went off. I Can't hear the bass and guitars
Second song... sucks imo. VOX didn't sing around half time cause off time. Bass complained drummer is too slow. I agree... maybe.
Third song... sucks imo. Don't know why it sucks. But my self opinion is very low liao by this time. And also I hate this song more and more.
Fourth song... sucks imo. Because there was no splash cymbal there and overall Takahina did a bad job of producing the wanted effect during jamming.
Hai. Ok, I'll produce the report lah.
Throughout the whole gig, I can't hear anybody at all. ESP the bass, can't hear. Why? No feedback. Even if there is, I can only hear echo due to sound waves bouncing off the walls at the back. U can't hear them, naturally timing confirm off.
Secondly, the arrangement of the band is messed up. Vocalist have lots of space, guitars and bass are stuck together. Like Acapalla like CH said. Why is that so? Wires are too damn short to move around at all man! All looks like entangled shit.
This scene reminds me of 2 things.
1, during Takako concert whereby the 3 on the right are accompany singers, Takako at center, acoustic guitar at left.
2, Opera. Paparotti at left, ballet dancer at center, accompanying high pitchers at right.
Great stuff man, this shall be the style of Le Foret.
At the end of the whole thing, Takahina heard 2 sides of reviews. But because it's too long, Takahina will summer the whole shit.
First, from his friends.
Throughout the whole thing, guitar are messy, Vox never sing and too visual. Bass maybe too soft. Drum has slight mistakes, but overall ok.
Second, from someone in Lucify from Defense of the Ancient.
Rhythm section has problem. Bass and drums never coordinate well. No comments on guitar, vox has great potential and rooms for improvement.
WTF, why is there such a big contrast in the terms of comments?
My confidence which was supposedly quite ok, fallen to a great depth after the whole thing. In the end, Takahina could be the one with the mistake after all.
Flattery fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then also, Takahina doesn't know or hear any comments in drums at all. Frankly and admittedly, Rong and Benji are not assumed experts in drums. I don't know bout that ga.... no, guy from lucify, but then in the end, Takahina is freaking confused man.
Hyde said it's ok for a virgin band. But then, it's cheebye. In Takahina's opinion...
"Never act like a virgin. Even if you're really a virgin, the performance must be experienced."
In the end, I don't like our end performance. I see CH, Benji and Rong's face after the whole thing. Their face not really happy. I instantly mentally say,
But then in the end, each band receives $105, so Takahina got $21.
However, ytd when Takahina went to drum lesson, his drumstick finally broke.
Trip to find a good drumstick = $1
Average price for a desired pair of drumstick = $15
Treating Rurouni to drinks = $5
Broken heart due to good friend Promark 7A drumstick spoilt = Priceless
So, in the end. $21 all gone. CAN'T EVEN BUY A CD!!!
Anyway, before the gig began, Takahina was requested a produce a photo for Lime due to DJ party.
Then, Takahina looked for a few pieces of photo.
Wah, Des and QH, laugh until so happy, I bo pian have to laugh oso lah hor... Then i send this.
Instanly, Takahina got worried... this is not good. Thus so I went to look for a better pic.
Wah... delicious gossiping bad scene of me. Erotic man. This will do.
No lah, kidding. Takahina may like Hard Gay, but he's not Hard Gay. Time to look for another picture!!!
But then, after searching for so long... Takahina can't find a suitable one...how sia....
Then... Takahina go search in the sianner's most favourite website, Friendsters. And... voila...
Yeah uncle Sam, u're on TTT, smile... ok forget it. Don't smile. I won't smile with you.
I tell u guys one thing, when Takahina smiles, he will be on Lemon, when he doesn't he will be on Lime.
Don't get it? Watch Hard gay,
So, the end result of Takahina not laughing and being on Lime is...
YEAH, IN SCH U MAN!!! OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take that in ur face LIME!!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
The PAPing Takahina
Oh man... this is dangerous. But whatever lah hor.
Lately, Singapore is having a GE. Who doesn't know, but whatever. Just now, while i was having dinner, I heard this truck sprouting some malays gibberish which Takahina doesn't want to fucking understand. On it, sits the pictures of the tampines gang. Mah Bow Tan, Irene Ang, and 3 other people whom I have no knowledge of.
People in background: Haiz... the sadness of our youths in Singapore...
All i know is that, one of them is malay. And he's not Mr Yatiman Yusof, the guy who gave me $$ twice in a row on 2 years whereby i got some edusave shit. I remember calling him Antiman Yousoft. I stil remember there was a year when I sat on the hall, there was this sibei chio girl sitting beside me. And since she got edusave, she must be almost as clever as Takahina. Yeah!!!
I tried to initiate conversation with her, but then hor. Can't speak. Tongue Tied.
So throughout the whole speech whereby softman is speaking, I just opened my mouth, glance at her, then look back, then look again. Hecking care of softman. After all, he's responsible to Takahina is just to give me my lui, the rest i dun fucking care. And if Takahina can get lui and za bor at the same time, God must be helping me. Yeah. Love you god.
But then, I can't speak anything. So in the end, nothing happened, all i have was just cramps at my mouth, fucking pain. Haiz, I'll stick with my Tripitaka.
Ok, back to topic. As my father once worked in a gov firm, he knew some of this people and had meeting with them at times. There was once when he was having a party of what with this people, then one of my father's friend, Ah Low, spotted Mr Mah Bow Tan.
Acting friendly, he readied himself while Uncle Mah walked over to greet everyone. My father was first, so he said, "Good morning, Mr Mah."
Ah Low seemed nervous.
Uncle Mah then walked to greet Ah Low, then Ah Low said.
"Good morning, Mr Tan."
Great Job.
Anyway, this evening after hearing that malay gibberish, soon enough Takahina heard the speech in Hokkien. Yeah, that's more like it. Hokkien is vulgar and fun. Also, the speaker is sprouting a girl's voice. Must be Auntie Ang.
Takahina and family ignored it, my father was just complaining of the fish being too salty in front of him. However, soon enough, one of the Tampines Gang came to the kopitiam and acted like some big fuck, with this guy whose my father's friend as well, taking pics. Then there's this auntie, wearing mini-skirt. It looks so wrong. However, the center of the picture is this malay who replaced my antiman yousoft. That's bad, I liked Antiman cause he gave me lui.
Regardless, he went to the store owners first. Obviously lah, cause owners give him cooperate tax. Then he went to each table to greet. My feeling is like...
"Sia lah, big shot. dun give a fuck to us commoners."
Well, he didn't lah.
He went to each table, talk talk talk.
"Please give us your support."
I heard that, and almost said...
"Give me lui, then I consider."
But then i never. And also since Pa knows these uncle, they spent more time talking to us.
Hehehehehehehehe.... jealous ar... I tell u in future once this malay guy give me lui, i'll remember his name man. Then this guy gave somethign to my ma, and pa. And then he asked me.
Malay big shot: "Are you voting in the GE?"
I said, "no lah (cheebye), not old enough yet (you're lucky i'm not)"
"Oh, but you look so sturdy and mature."
"No lah... Lol.. (Stop your flattery old gesser. U say I fat and old, I won't forgive u man)
"Now still studying?"
"Ya (not voting + young me = studying lah. Use your brain.)
K, watever else he said, is history.
But frankly, if you ask me, would I vote for the PAP, people close to me will know i'm almost an anti PAP. But then I read the fucking propagandic Straits Times, a.k.a PAP times, then it's indeed true that PAP has been good in their nation building. Jus t that working people like my father and mother feels very imbar about the whole situation.
Seems like I'm too immature to know what harm does PAP cause to the working society.
However, there is something very wrong with their statement lah.
"More competition in the parliament would result in a possible taiwan parliament."
That will be cool man. But Singapore will die along. Then we will talk with Chen Shui Bian, and soon China will send in Pandas, then the people in the parliament will argue whether to put the panda in Mandai Zoo or Night Safari.
Watever man.
People in background: Irresponsible Singaporean... Singapore will die if u be the PM someday.
I'm not voting, i'm not into politics. Who cares.
Time to play my picture game, the choices I make there affects whether I get a good bang or not. More important in my life now.
Lately, Singapore is having a GE. Who doesn't know, but whatever. Just now, while i was having dinner, I heard this truck sprouting some malays gibberish which Takahina doesn't want to fucking understand. On it, sits the pictures of the tampines gang. Mah Bow Tan, Irene Ang, and 3 other people whom I have no knowledge of.
People in background: Haiz... the sadness of our youths in Singapore...
All i know is that, one of them is malay. And he's not Mr Yatiman Yusof, the guy who gave me $$ twice in a row on 2 years whereby i got some edusave shit. I remember calling him Antiman Yousoft. I stil remember there was a year when I sat on the hall, there was this sibei chio girl sitting beside me. And since she got edusave, she must be almost as clever as Takahina. Yeah!!!
I tried to initiate conversation with her, but then hor. Can't speak. Tongue Tied.
So throughout the whole speech whereby softman is speaking, I just opened my mouth, glance at her, then look back, then look again. Hecking care of softman. After all, he's responsible to Takahina is just to give me my lui, the rest i dun fucking care. And if Takahina can get lui and za bor at the same time, God must be helping me. Yeah. Love you god.
But then, I can't speak anything. So in the end, nothing happened, all i have was just cramps at my mouth, fucking pain. Haiz, I'll stick with my Tripitaka.
Ok, back to topic. As my father once worked in a gov firm, he knew some of this people and had meeting with them at times. There was once when he was having a party of what with this people, then one of my father's friend, Ah Low, spotted Mr Mah Bow Tan.
Acting friendly, he readied himself while Uncle Mah walked over to greet everyone. My father was first, so he said, "Good morning, Mr Mah."
Ah Low seemed nervous.
Uncle Mah then walked to greet Ah Low, then Ah Low said.
"Good morning, Mr Tan."
Great Job.
Anyway, this evening after hearing that malay gibberish, soon enough Takahina heard the speech in Hokkien. Yeah, that's more like it. Hokkien is vulgar and fun. Also, the speaker is sprouting a girl's voice. Must be Auntie Ang.
Takahina and family ignored it, my father was just complaining of the fish being too salty in front of him. However, soon enough, one of the Tampines Gang came to the kopitiam and acted like some big fuck, with this guy whose my father's friend as well, taking pics. Then there's this auntie, wearing mini-skirt. It looks so wrong. However, the center of the picture is this malay who replaced my antiman yousoft. That's bad, I liked Antiman cause he gave me lui.
Regardless, he went to the store owners first. Obviously lah, cause owners give him cooperate tax. Then he went to each table to greet. My feeling is like...
"Sia lah, big shot. dun give a fuck to us commoners."
Well, he didn't lah.
He went to each table, talk talk talk.
"Please give us your support."
I heard that, and almost said...
"Give me lui, then I consider."
But then i never. And also since Pa knows these uncle, they spent more time talking to us.
Hehehehehehehehe.... jealous ar... I tell u in future once this malay guy give me lui, i'll remember his name man. Then this guy gave somethign to my ma, and pa. And then he asked me.
Malay big shot: "Are you voting in the GE?"
I said, "no lah (cheebye), not old enough yet (you're lucky i'm not)"
"Oh, but you look so sturdy and mature."
"No lah... Lol.. (Stop your flattery old gesser. U say I fat and old, I won't forgive u man)
"Now still studying?"
"Ya (not voting + young me = studying lah. Use your brain.)
K, watever else he said, is history.
But frankly, if you ask me, would I vote for the PAP, people close to me will know i'm almost an anti PAP. But then I read the fucking propagandic Straits Times, a.k.a PAP times, then it's indeed true that PAP has been good in their nation building. Jus t that working people like my father and mother feels very imbar about the whole situation.
Seems like I'm too immature to know what harm does PAP cause to the working society.
However, there is something very wrong with their statement lah.
"More competition in the parliament would result in a possible taiwan parliament."
That will be cool man. But Singapore will die along. Then we will talk with Chen Shui Bian, and soon China will send in Pandas, then the people in the parliament will argue whether to put the panda in Mandai Zoo or Night Safari.
Watever man.
People in background: Irresponsible Singaporean... Singapore will die if u be the PM someday.
I'm not voting, i'm not into politics. Who cares.
Time to play my picture game, the choices I make there affects whether I get a good bang or not. More important in my life now.
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