Many people lately have gotten curious about the ways and system I work, so in otherwords, how I go about planning on my life even though some people don't even bother to plan.
Today, also partly due to having not much insightful knowledge or inspiration in life other than constantly seeing damn frecking sianners and fuckables around my environment and relishing in about the most obscene of places, I will just write on most of the things I believe.
So, you people can just shoot questions to know more about me...
Overally arrogant bitch: Mr Takahina, why is it that you look so dumb in real life?
Takahina: Cause my parents born me to be such. Securities get this bitch out of here please...
Mathematician: Can you please explain what you mean by Fuckables?
Takahina: Oh... complicated... look at that bitch that just got out of here. Next!
Sianner: Why do you hate Sianners so much, aren't you a sianner yourself?
Takahina: I'll never ever forgive any form of sianners and i'm not a sianner. So fuck yourself dude. Securities please get him out of kill him. NEXT!
Fat guy with huge specs on: Why do you even have a rule to watch porn, you're too much dude!
Takahina: How about you keep on watching the same porn everyday, see if your dick can stand after watching the same thing for 1 year. Securities give him some Hentai. Next.
Fellow celebrity Blogger: Heyxz, y do ya blog in such gd england and y ya title everytime so siao one? Cannot be like us meh?
Takahina: Next.
Student: How do you feel about the education system in Singapore.
Takahina: A failure. Next
Killer: If you can kill a person, who would you kill?
Takahina: Too much to choice from. Next.
Raper cum blackmailer: Hey, I've got some girls back at my house, how about u join me for some fun yea?
Takahina: Thanks for the gifts. Securities, force his address out from him and kill him. Next!
Takahina: So you want me to insult you instead? Kill him guys, next!
Parent concerned with too much porn on internet: How can you encourage people to watch porn?! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
Takahina: Don't let them watch porn and they won't know how to produce offsprings and act like noobs on the bed. THINK OF YOUR GRAND CHILDREN! THEY WON'T HAVE THE CHANCE TO LIVE IN THIS WORLD!! Securities give this parent some porn and pressure her to show it to her children. Next.
Guy with lots of girls around him: Hey dude, why don't you have any girlfriend?
Takahina: Cause you stole them all pimp. Next.
Perverse Christian chionger: Why don't you believe in god??? Do you want to go to hell?
Takahina: Do you believe that your god will save you if my men just keeps on burning you but grudge down medical pills to your throat? Next.
TV surveyer: Do you support local TV?
Takahina: No. NExt
Takahina: Japan dramas make you cry, Taiwan dramas make you cry due to laughing too much, US drama are too draggy reaching up to 700 episdes... Singapore drama? Unheard of. Securities make sure he doesn't leave and force him to watch 700 episodes of Indian dramas. NExt
Computer Expert: Why don't you change your computer since it's already in such a condition?
Takahina: Bo Lui, Next.
Smoker: Hey dude, have a puff.
Takahina: Are you Matsu Takako?? NO! Men make him smoke 1000 packets of smokes everyday. After that take out his organs and feed it to people who wanna be negros. Next.
Jay Chou Fan: Hey....
Takahina: SHUT UP. Men kill her. Next.
Skeptical Bastard: Why are you so weird?
Takahina: Cause I'm Takahina, next.
Naruto fan: Why do you like Love Hina so much?
Takahina: Cause I'm Takahina, next.
Mainstream fellow: Why do you like to listen to underrated stuff?
Takahina: Cause I'm Takahina, next.
Sianner Guitarist: Why do you play the guitar instead?
Takahina: Cause guitars are overrated. Next.
Negro: What do you like about black people??
Takahina: Anything but your smell, next.
Millionaire: If I give you 1 million dollars, what will you do?
Takahina: Go Japan and watch every Takako's performance. Next.
Billionaire: If I give you 1 billion dollars, what will you do?
Takahina: Extort more from you. Securities do that right now! Next.
Youtube supporter: What do you think of youtube?
Takahina: It needs porn. Next!
Tammy: How do you think of the video...
Takahina: Securities, capture her now and make her a pro AV star, I'll be the founder of the local porn industry, at least it'll be better than those Xiao Long Nu around. Next.
Samuel Lim Wenjun: What if Matsu Takako tells you to do 1000 pull ups, will you do it?
Takahina: Yes, anything for her. Next.
Samuel Lim Wenjun: What if Matsu Takako tells you to run 1000 laps, will you do it?
Takahina: Yes, anything for her. Next.
Samuel Lim Wenjun: What if Matsu Takako...
Takahina: Men get him out of here. Next.
Photographer: Why do girls always shy away from you when you want to take pictures of them?
Takahina: Cause I'm Takahina, next.
Takahina: Yeah, give me $$ and grades and I won't be. Next.
St John Ambulance Brigade: Hey...
Japanese: Ano ne, naze anata wa nipon no koto sonnani suki desu ka?
Takahina: England please? Next.
TPJC surveyer: Do you like TPJC?
Takahina: HELL NO! Next.
Canteen seller: What food do you like best in our school?
Takahina: Anything not produced by you guys, next.
Econs teacher: What is the theory behind demand and supply.
Takahina: hmmmmm...... complicated........ next.....
Birthday shop owner: What do you want for your birthday?
Takahina: Girlfriend, next.
Christmas shop owner: What do you want for Christmas?
Takahina: Another girlfriend, next.
DDR dancer: You think you're pro in DDR? I challenge you.
Takahina: Die you fool. Next
Weapons producer: What do you think is the most lethal weapon in the world?
Takahina: My legs when i'm dancing DDR. Next.
Doctor: Are you sick? Do you need help?
Takahina: Guards throw an apple at him once everyday. Next.
Questionaire recorder: How many questions have you answered now?
Takahina: Dunno, next.
Matsu Takako: Woon Han...
Takahina: Oh.... (jumps down to join Takako and walks off to the horizon with her...)
End of interview. Probably the end of TTT as well. Who knows.