Hmmmm, ever since the last blog I guess it's bout a semester? Takahina is about to end his Tekong trips and sispec trips and is starting to grow a bit of hair. Although more and more people say Takahina should keep his hair short, but his current length which requires little shampoo or no shampoo at all to maintain is all but too unbearable.
Also, Takahina is 19 now. Not a too significant age like 18 or 21, but still it's a year older.
Hmmm, as promised, I'll get the new photos in...
You guys remember i said I'll put in pics of the Hainan Island trip i had last year? Well... thanks to my memory card, only like a fraction of the photos i took is still available. Anyways, here are the photos i can savage...
Yes, just 1 photo of the farm land scenary in Hainan Island, the other photos... all gone... quite sad too. I took quite a number of the super sized Guan Ying Ma pics, was hoping it can bless and give mercy to this blog for all the Karma it could have caused... Guess it's gone now. 1 superb recommendation is you look at this photo while listening to one of Takako sama's more country type of songs... You would suddenly feel that Singapore should have remained rural.
Then also, in case you guys didn't know Takahina just recently performed a gig last weekend. Didn't really bother to get the photos of all the cosplay girls and guys and bands, cause I know other people will do it for me. But I did get a photo of someone... someone who has relatively long hair and dressed up for the event! Oh yeah!! Some hot babe in Gothic Lolita!!
Hmmmm... his lips... ohhh...........
You know? Actually Jae Sung said he looked like a Tai Mei, (direct translate, Taiwan Girl) the previous time he saw him. I kinda agreed.
And also my cousin who went to the gig/cosplay fest, had some homo spirits acting in him...
Heh, all in good fun la... But if you ask me, the only way I would wear that is when I die. Just imagine a relatively fat/big sized me wearing bright pink and having all the cutey bling bling around almost any parts of the body which is still in skin and the face in a fantastic brilliant make up. I would look like... you know those Taiwan they have competition for breeding the biggest sized pig and calling them Pig God??
Also I saw a black Cloud on that day. Lucky there is no negro Sephiroth.
Hmmm, would like to announce 2 things.
Firstly, thanks to all who came for the gig, hope you guys enjoyed yourself. Sorry to Ben though, didn't really talk to u much ar...
Then secondly, The True Takahina is deciding to take away this blog. It's like a semester late in update and Takahina is terribly apologetic to himself. :p
So maybe Takahina would create another blog? I don't know. NS is currently taking out a lot of time. Also, someone mentioned that Takahina is now less emo compared to his JC days. Don't know why, cause by right I should be more emo now. Being less emo is a detribute to his ever insulting and hypocritical post in TTT and that will greatly affect the emo fans of his blog.
So being like a fugitive now, Takahina will once again abandon this blog and return in another shelter of his.
Maybe I'll act more normal next time.
Sore jaa... maata shita...