Well, should I push that to NS, or is it because of my own laziness. Don't really know. But to say NS changed my life within this year, in terms of behaviour, and my current social circle. Gone are the usual shit of classmates, but instead... constantly changing environment as I go to one posting to another and now, finally settling down in my operational unit.
I guess I can say, it's time.
It's time... Takahina, all grown up... fully featured and sexy as always. Return to the scene.
Partly also it's because my cousin who lately has moved in along with aunt and her sister, she views blog regularly at night hours more scary than me. I kinda just got...
"Eh... What happened to my blog?"
Well nothing changed.
Just Samuel still constantly saying he's been refering back to this blog even though he knows I didn't update. So is he stupid, I think...
Well anyways... Memoirs of a Takahina...
Remember I said something about Guan Ying Ma in my Hainan Island trip which was about a year, and that my HP camera cocked up in it's pics? Well... That didn't happen to be the only camera available obviously... I awaken the prowess of Nan Hai Guan Ying.
Then of course, there is my faltering music career with EvE. Let me intro them for once...
The one of the most left is my vocalist, the professionally talented keyboardist turned vocalist with her faithful chinese love songs, Rhea. She has an original named 1234567 leh. We tried to made it original, but it was impossible.
The one on my right side, is my guitarist, Mr Ivor. He carries with him a coffin of... pedals. And he usually competes with my bassist Frankie who keeps their things first.
Then there is a newly added in keyboardist whose face is too young to be in the picture. Actually it's only because he joined in after he see how good my band were in the performance, he felt my band needed a keyboardist to be able to make it, if not EvE will be cannot make it.
Then of course there is Takahina. Shame on you if you can't recognize where he is.
And Singapore's very own model on Wheel of Fortune who turned MP, Miss Eunice Olsen is one of our backup vocalist!! OH YEAH! Just look at the whole list of back up we have, 3 girls 1 guy. Rhea is always stressed because of this.
Ok la. EvE just contains 5 members. The rest are? History. Eunice Olsen mainly because she still prefered Lee Kuan Yew to Takahina, and the rest met better man than Takahina. Yes, including the guy. Surprisingly, after I joined NS, I became more gay...
And then of course... there is my current true career.
Me. My Parents. Pass Out Parade. Photo. I'm pro.
And then the latest on my issue... I've just returned from Austraila, Rockhampton. For those who do not know where it is... Wikipedia is still your friend.
And yes, Takahina is still crazy over Matsu Takako. In fact I'm gonna watch her movie 'Hero' very soon.
(Can anyone beat this beauty? OMG.... )
The whole world can say that movie sucks, but for Takako, Takahina will fight against the world and reason till the very last person in the world says it's a 5/5!!
Look into Takako's eyes, can you see her love for me?? Muahahahahaha...
Lately, Takahina experiences life differently now. No more of the growing up stuff as Takahina IS already a grown up now. He still has a slanted dick but thats ok, ever heard of cosmetic surgeries for privates? So many of mankind's faces are saved because of that!! Imagine, you finally are able to love your girl... when she suddenly says...
Takahina," Why? Darling why??!"
Darling (Still unknown and unlocated to Takahina), "Cause your dick is slanted honey, and my previous ones are all straight."
If I meet a girl who will say that, Takahina will do 2 things.
Firstly I'll get a doctor, most likely from Korea to do my shaft. Secondly I'll kill myself and put off any rumour of a slanted dick by dying naked. We all are borned naked, so naturally we should return in our godly self.
But still, time passes by...
I still miss the gungho times when Takahina is still so nooby and joins an even noobier, only to know Takahina is the most pro in the band.
Naturally I'm fond of the good memories from secondary school. But as said, it's secondary...
And lastly of...
TPJC. Takahina's Private Junior College.
And of course Sam and his entics. He is selling condoms to me and is asking me to try it out on him while I took this photo.
Sue me for Slander Sam.
A lot of pass. Rurouni seldom meets anymore. Those who stay out in NS wants to stay in cause of lack in $ while those who stay in wants to stay out to spend more money. My brother Tian Wei's recommendation of the book 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' changed my perspective in life on money. Takahina tried and asked a number from a girl which he succeeded, I nickname her DDR girl. Takahina has no more room so he can't watch porn...
Alot alot of stuff.
Takahina is all grown up now, or has he?