January of 2011 didn't start out well... well, at least not for me, but few people around me.
People are getting sick with this weird virus spreading around, making us cough, flu and fevers. At the same time, there are people who start to face money problems around me, some needing to stick to living a very uneventful live despite being in their most lively period. Takahina is also kinda broke, but at least I still can go out and stuff.
At the same time, it's somehow also a period of change for many people, with a lot of people I know changing jobs, or in the midst of changing jobs, or already thinking of changing jobs. As trend would follow, other than changing jobs people also change their study courses. :/ Don't worry though, Takahina is still stuck with his TNT job and is still in his RMIT course.
Then also, there are livelihood problems and somehow I got to know more people who can't afford to go a bit more luxurious and have to stick to their basic livelihood to live off.
Den again, my friends love lives seem to have improved, with more people I know getting attached. No offense to those still single. So as usual I shall make a commercial for myself again that I'm very single and very available with no commitment problems at all. :)
In anyways, 2011 somehow started out with a subtle bang that affected people around me somehow, and come on it's not pass the CNY yet!!
Lately, something happened to my relatives and that could be one of the more shock-affecting event to hit them, live-changing is not an understatement. The mood within the family is low and the depressing feel among the family is somewhat obvious. I have been trying to keep my cousin company, but during the times we talked on the phone etc, you can tell the affect is there. No one can be happy after something major happened.
The thing is that from this I somehow realized one thing, in that how unpredictable life can be. Just when we're in our young 20s, planning to go out party, we can be suddenly thrown into the pits and with all the responsibilities instantly piled up against us. Takahina is fortunate to not need to shoulder all those task of supporting a family or person, but neither should he take it for granted the luck that we have for even being able to lead a normal life.
I'm not saying my cousin is suddenly unable to lead a normal life, he is still able and well, just the responsibilities suddenly upon him, is much higher than most of us now at our age.
Somehow, even though we know of this fact, but I think people always overlook it unless something happened, as did with me. People like us who have no disabilities and no problems with our life at all, having 3 meals everyday and leading a normal life, that in itself is very fortunate. Rather than complaining over why the Iphone is so expensive, where to go next for your holiday, why are the food so lousily done, why I have to squeeze with people everyday on the public transport. We should think it in this way; I'm lucky enough to hold a handphone, anywhere for a holiday is already a luxury, being satisfied to be able to eat and be full and just being able to be on the public transport.
In this world, there are many people with different circumstances and situations. Look out to the hordes of people in every parts of the world, just in Singapore we can jolly well see tons of people in poverty and sickness, needless to say about Africa and the less developed countries. One meal featured on Epic Meal Time would be enough nutrition to provide for an African malnourished kid for a half a year.
Not saying that we don't always strive for higher and more lavish goals and just be content with be able to fulfill our basic needs, but instead while we the more lucky ones are able to climb, don't forget the unlucky ones situated at any location in life right now.
Takahina has never ever and will never complaine that he's unfortunate (well except for maybe his love life) and Takahina will never complain of leading an unlucky life, because he knows just able to type and talk right here on this blog, itself is already fortunate.
Short post; school + work together has been tiring, but finally as CNY is approaching, I'll be able to have some rest. Speaking of which, I have no idea how CNY would be this year after this incident in my family has happened. :/
Friday, January 28, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Takahina Resolutions for 2011.... nahhhhh... screw those.
Every year, people write and talk about things like the new year resolutions. As usual Takahina has written his own list of resolutions...
But oh well, screw those I suppose, no one would be bothered to read about another person's resolutions won't it?
Then it got me thinking, what is the purpose behind a resolution?
Because every year, after finishing it I check back at my resolution and do a real proper check list of whether I have accomplished my resolutions, well at least for those that can be checked. Spiritual ones I can't do anything can I? :/
From the actual archives of Takahina's folders...
Things I want to achieve in 2010!
Achieving good/satisfactory results for uni.
Losing weight. At least get below 75kg.
At least complete 3 cycles of the game list under the principle of activity (Laws of Takahina)
Perform and gig at least twice
Restart my lessons with Jimmy
Restarting Neverlasting Time.
At least update The True Takahina regularly to upkeep my writing skills.
Saving at least up to $4000 in my saving acc.
Pass my driving test.
IPPT Silver at least.
So I look at it...
Things I want to achieve in 2010!
Achieving good/satisfactory results for uni.
- Did I get good results...? I guess so, having a few D, not failing any of the modules are good enough for me...

All she wants is just to pass her Econs :/ And she'll feel very satisfactory about it. :D
Losing weight. At least get below 75kg.
- I failed. I didn't lose a lot of weight actually, just 1 or 2 to be frank. And I'm still in the 80kg range. Deplorable me.
At least complete 3 cycles of the game list under the principle of activity (Laws of Takahina)
- In case you guys don't understand, 3 cycles of the game list would be literally like completing 3 Final Fantasy, watching 3 animes and completing all my Onimusha game. Nope, I didn't go even as close as completing 1 Final Fantasy. Deplorable me.
Perform and gig at least twice
- Did and done that. Sad to say those, the gigs are not those that I had expected to go.
Restart my lessons with Jimmy
- Nothing like that happened. I never even get to see Jimmy at all this year. :x
Restarting Neverlasting Time.
- I restarted it, but didn't continue to new plot down. I suck.
At least update The True Takahina regularly to upkeep my writing skills.
- Did I write regularly?? .... Hmmm.. .maybe?
Saving at least up to $4000 in my saving acc.
- Didn't happened. In fact I still owe a great ass of debt.
Pass my driving test.
- Did it. Happily and gloriously.
IPPT Silver at least.
- I passed... barely. >.<
In a sense, you look at this resolutions of mine, the outcome is fucking sad.
And I mean, FUCKING SAD.

I am Sad.
So if you create resolutions, give yourself a whole year to complete it, but nothing like it happens, then how?
You become emo and sad, like Takahina!
So the solution is? Don't create resolutions!
Hmmmm, well but of course it's a bit of like avoiding the main problem. But if we take resolutions that seriously, if becomes a chore instead. Its the same thing with smoking actually.
Charles told me something which I felt was quite insightful.
If you don't want to smoke, just say "no" to smoke. It's very interesting actually. In the end it's a matter of "mind over body".
There is this mis-conception of people that smoking is like drugs, it makes you want to smoke and you won't be able to quit smoking... well for some cases it is. But the thing is that for regular smokers to not smoke, it won't kill them, but well, let's just say it makes them irritable like not having able to sleep for a whole day like that.
But that's it, as compared to drugs which can kill, smoke is much easier to quit and at the same time a more passive way to die. :) Let's just say, if you really put your mind to it, you can quit smoking and masturbating in a day but for drugs that will make you as mad as Britney and the guys at Epicmealtime.
You gotta salute the Bacon Chalice seriously.
So you relate it to resolutions, how does it work out? Well, it doesn't really work out in the same way, but you get what I mean, the mind over body... yeah whatever.
Just look at it this way, whats the sense of resolutions, if you can't keep to it for a whole year and complete it in that year? Resolutions will make you have a very high hope and expectations for this year. Then not fulfilling them within this year may make you enter a state of depression in this year. If its gonna be this way, then resolutions makes no sense.
I should re-state my point, resolutions makes sense, it's NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS that don't make sense. Because if you ask me no one can keep on and remembering everything that they have promised themselves in a year from the 1st Jan till 31st Dec.
No one. At some stage or point of time, something or someone will make us forget and do something that leads you away from this resolutions. Because it's simply, too long. Make a short terms ones, like monthly resolutions, at least you will remember and have more idea of it clearly. That is, if you really have that discipline to keep to it.
I don't have any idea how people write their resolutions, for me I have a sense of both tangible and non-tangible. Non-tangible ones not nice for me to write it down here, but tangible ones are like those that I have posted above. Very easy to define and test out, in otherwords "positive statements".
You can see somethings I wrote like, "Restart lesson with Jimmy". These are all very easy to be done and conducted. In fact within an hour time I can get it done, call Suntec and ask for a lesson time, work out my schedule and voila resolution done. But the thing is that reality doesn't always work in such a positive way. Why I didn't get it done, is cause I have no $. Simple as that.

Mr Jimmy Lee with only half a head of hair left!! You know how expensive your lessons are?!?!?!
But then you look at the essence of why I want to restart my drum lessons with Jimmy, it's to improve my own drum skills. So in a sense, would it have matter had I not done or not done this resolution to restart my drum lessons? Not really. It won't have matter a tiny bit at all. I should have wrote like "improve in drums", rather than "restart drum lessons".
Those in a sense, for those who even bother reading this, don't make any resolutions whatsoever cause you'll forget them in a month's time.
Rather, I prefer you install this though in your head. If you wanna do it, and really wanna do it and the situation is perfectly correct and right, just do it. Think too much also no use. If you wanna quit smoking, just install in your mind that you won't smoke anymore no matter what. See a stick, just say no. JUST SAY NO.
Same for me, I wanna improve my drums, so I'll keep on playing in a band and save $$ for Jimmy's lessons. Simple.
Regardless, Takahina still has resolutions for 2011 up, but it's more of a guideline this time. I mean what kinda resolution is "I wanna be qualified to sing the song 'I just had sex'"???
I have never seen Akon smiled so much in a MV.
But oh well, screw those I suppose, no one would be bothered to read about another person's resolutions won't it?
Then it got me thinking, what is the purpose behind a resolution?
Because every year, after finishing it I check back at my resolution and do a real proper check list of whether I have accomplished my resolutions, well at least for those that can be checked. Spiritual ones I can't do anything can I? :/
From the actual archives of Takahina's folders...
Things I want to achieve in 2010!
Achieving good/satisfactory results for uni.
Losing weight. At least get below 75kg.
At least complete 3 cycles of the game list under the principle of activity (Laws of Takahina)
Perform and gig at least twice
Restart my lessons with Jimmy
Restarting Neverlasting Time.
At least update The True Takahina regularly to upkeep my writing skills.
Saving at least up to $4000 in my saving acc.
Pass my driving test.
IPPT Silver at least.
So I look at it...
Things I want to achieve in 2010!
Achieving good/satisfactory results for uni.
- Did I get good results...? I guess so, having a few D, not failing any of the modules are good enough for me...
All she wants is just to pass her Econs :/ And she'll feel very satisfactory about it. :D
Losing weight. At least get below 75kg.
- I failed. I didn't lose a lot of weight actually, just 1 or 2 to be frank. And I'm still in the 80kg range. Deplorable me.
At least complete 3 cycles of the game list under the principle of activity (Laws of Takahina)
- In case you guys don't understand, 3 cycles of the game list would be literally like completing 3 Final Fantasy, watching 3 animes and completing all my Onimusha game. Nope, I didn't go even as close as completing 1 Final Fantasy. Deplorable me.
Perform and gig at least twice
- Did and done that. Sad to say those, the gigs are not those that I had expected to go.
Restart my lessons with Jimmy
- Nothing like that happened. I never even get to see Jimmy at all this year. :x
Restarting Neverlasting Time.
- I restarted it, but didn't continue to new plot down. I suck.
At least update The True Takahina regularly to upkeep my writing skills.
- Did I write regularly?? .... Hmmm.. .maybe?
Saving at least up to $4000 in my saving acc.
- Didn't happened. In fact I still owe a great ass of debt.
Pass my driving test.
- Did it. Happily and gloriously.
IPPT Silver at least.
- I passed... barely. >.<
In a sense, you look at this resolutions of mine, the outcome is fucking sad.
And I mean, FUCKING SAD.
I am Sad.
So if you create resolutions, give yourself a whole year to complete it, but nothing like it happens, then how?
You become emo and sad, like Takahina!
So the solution is? Don't create resolutions!
Hmmmm, well but of course it's a bit of like avoiding the main problem. But if we take resolutions that seriously, if becomes a chore instead. Its the same thing with smoking actually.
Charles told me something which I felt was quite insightful.
If you don't want to smoke, just say "no" to smoke. It's very interesting actually. In the end it's a matter of "mind over body".
There is this mis-conception of people that smoking is like drugs, it makes you want to smoke and you won't be able to quit smoking... well for some cases it is. But the thing is that for regular smokers to not smoke, it won't kill them, but well, let's just say it makes them irritable like not having able to sleep for a whole day like that.
But that's it, as compared to drugs which can kill, smoke is much easier to quit and at the same time a more passive way to die. :) Let's just say, if you really put your mind to it, you can quit smoking and masturbating in a day but for drugs that will make you as mad as Britney and the guys at Epicmealtime.
You gotta salute the Bacon Chalice seriously.
So you relate it to resolutions, how does it work out? Well, it doesn't really work out in the same way, but you get what I mean, the mind over body... yeah whatever.
Just look at it this way, whats the sense of resolutions, if you can't keep to it for a whole year and complete it in that year? Resolutions will make you have a very high hope and expectations for this year. Then not fulfilling them within this year may make you enter a state of depression in this year. If its gonna be this way, then resolutions makes no sense.
I should re-state my point, resolutions makes sense, it's NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS that don't make sense. Because if you ask me no one can keep on and remembering everything that they have promised themselves in a year from the 1st Jan till 31st Dec.
No one. At some stage or point of time, something or someone will make us forget and do something that leads you away from this resolutions. Because it's simply, too long. Make a short terms ones, like monthly resolutions, at least you will remember and have more idea of it clearly. That is, if you really have that discipline to keep to it.
I don't have any idea how people write their resolutions, for me I have a sense of both tangible and non-tangible. Non-tangible ones not nice for me to write it down here, but tangible ones are like those that I have posted above. Very easy to define and test out, in otherwords "positive statements".
You can see somethings I wrote like, "Restart lesson with Jimmy". These are all very easy to be done and conducted. In fact within an hour time I can get it done, call Suntec and ask for a lesson time, work out my schedule and voila resolution done. But the thing is that reality doesn't always work in such a positive way. Why I didn't get it done, is cause I have no $. Simple as that.
Mr Jimmy Lee with only half a head of hair left!! You know how expensive your lessons are?!?!?!
But then you look at the essence of why I want to restart my drum lessons with Jimmy, it's to improve my own drum skills. So in a sense, would it have matter had I not done or not done this resolution to restart my drum lessons? Not really. It won't have matter a tiny bit at all. I should have wrote like "improve in drums", rather than "restart drum lessons".
Those in a sense, for those who even bother reading this, don't make any resolutions whatsoever cause you'll forget them in a month's time.
Rather, I prefer you install this though in your head. If you wanna do it, and really wanna do it and the situation is perfectly correct and right, just do it. Think too much also no use. If you wanna quit smoking, just install in your mind that you won't smoke anymore no matter what. See a stick, just say no. JUST SAY NO.
Same for me, I wanna improve my drums, so I'll keep on playing in a band and save $$ for Jimmy's lessons. Simple.
Regardless, Takahina still has resolutions for 2011 up, but it's more of a guideline this time. I mean what kinda resolution is "I wanna be qualified to sing the song 'I just had sex'"???
I have never seen Akon smiled so much in a MV.
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