Takahina is tired... Grrr. Did quite a number of things today so Takahina will not write anything intelluctual. So Takahina will write on various things which happened throughout the week. But so as to prevent anybody from knowing that Takahina is scolding them, Takahina shall write in form of codes. However... Takahina will give hints on who is who...
Firstly, Lulu, the reflexes trainer, returned Takahina's battle report on Monday. Takahina chose the battle of the rampaging young prostitude who is furiously jamming the internet lines recently and inflirtrating young minds. As Takahina has long wanted to battle this young prostitude ever since he heard about her and in concern for the young ones in this good world, Takahina decided on it. However, Lulu didn't seem apleased with my battle results. In the end, Lulu's comment is...
"How would this article help in your knowledge of critical issues? Please challenge yourself and select more approperiate articles that will enlighten you and increase your knowledge of global issues."
Damn it. Obviously Lulu finds this young prostitude too simple a battle for Takahina and Lulu wants me to go look for more worthy battles in the global world. Maybe Lulu's right... but Takahina dislike it. After all, what right does someone who wears a two piece to swim in Bedok Swimming Complex and polluting the minds of the young boys have? And stop bending down as well Lulu, I know you have a good body, but your face could use some improvements, not that it's bad... but it pales in comparison with the other batter trainer in the Garden, Huang Rong.
The other battle instructor, Sun Bu Er, she teaches mostly magic usage, just like Huang Rong. Takahina finds her to be seemingly always in PMS mode. Her way of doing battle is to using mana to be implied into people under her. Then soon after, she will reprimend anybody who defies her forced mana or break her concentration while she's summoning that mana. Bah.
Monday, is always a bad day for Takahina.
Hyde suddenly contacted Takahina, saying he wants me to join his battle team. Takahina was of course, surprised and anxious. But he's seriously worried that he can't handle with the battle that this team fights. They fight very bold and madly, and Takahina does not have enough level to fight with them. Takahina is worried that the team would instead have to keep on using phoenix down to revive Takahina. But still, if Takahina doesn't battle, he can't level up right? So well... it seems there's no choice but to join the entourage.
Also, Takahina bought the latest Timber Maniacs from one of the stores selling it. Had a great time reading it.
Tuesday is good, because the next day is Wednesday, whereby Sun Bu Er doesn't summon her mana. She can't draw any mana on Wednesday.
Takahina obtained part of his SeeD results today, which is the official results from one of the main battles which directs Takahina to continue his training in the Garden or to be officially graduated from the Garden and being a full fledged SeeD.
The result wasn't too bad. Just about almost to being an A grade SeeD but failed. Only Hu Tie Hua got the A grade, but it's not an impressive A.
Lulu was anxious though because she is worried for the previous batch of SeeD wannabes. They will get the official result for all of their SeeD test, not just GF capturing. GF capturing has been done long ago.
Hyde suddenly called Takahina to inform him that he will start battle in a few more days later. It kinda shocked Takahina. After all Takahina is still rather green in the field of status elements, and he wants Takahina to be in charge of inflicting status elements. Damn it. And he's not even giving Takahina any info of the creatures he's gonna battle with... in this way how is Takahina gonna use the correct status to inflict... worse still, can Takahina even have enough mana to use the status inflict enough times? Argh.
Also, Steiner's birthday is tomorrow, Rurouni has to plan for it... looks like Rurouni will have to spend more gil than usual this time... For that super expensive potion... bah. And after that we still have to start on competing with Chocobos, argh. Takahina is never good in Chocobos, in the past he is, but now most of the Rurouni can easily pawn and own Takahina's Chocobo and create super monster kills. Argh.
Nothing happened much in the Garden... just that Takahina spent quite some time slacking around for that practice SeeD reflexes test again. Even though Takahina is fat and rather casual daily, but still he can be fast when he needs to. However, some of the Firaga shot off during the test still hurt Takahina. Sephiroth seems perfectly happy with the test though, but he still needed some remedy from Takahina, but it worked out perfectly. However, he seemed to be in pain during the test though... and Takahina still thought that Sephiroth find Fire magic to be a breeze.
Soon after when to the chocobo farm. One thing that Takahina likes about that place is that it has a machine which teaches on status infliction. Very nice. Also, the audience and other people learning on status infliction are also rather nice, they have much experience in it such as using death as a status infliction... some even have 4x status inflict in their weapons! Takahina currently has only 2x status inflict in his weapon.
Then during the chocobo fight, Takahina chose his usual intelligent chocobo that has a special ultimate of demi according to HP lost! So quite useful. But then, Takahina's chocobo got constantly killed by the other chocobo with the power to heal herself very quickly and always being able to throw off spears able to inflict extra damage with further distance, damn. However, one of the chocobos on the enemy team who is able to use absorb on his teammate and being able to walk on winds is rather weak compared to other chocobos whom Takahina saw. Yahiko needs to improve on that chocobo, if not he can stick with using some other chocobos such as the one which can grow to be chubby chocobo.
After that, Rurouni wanted to go to Steiner's house for a swim the next day. Takahina declined, he has to save game and to earn more gil.
Soon after, Hyde contacted Takahina, saying the battle deal is off as one of the group members is stuck in the time compressed world. Whatever lah. Takahina isn't too ready for it. But then, Hyde soon send infos of the creatures. He said he wanted to challenge the creature Ultima Weapon. Takahina then said no. After that he said he wanted to slaughter more Dingos. Takahina is ok with that though. Poison is enough to slaughter dingos. Soon after Hyde gave another info of a creature he said he might wanna punish in the future. An Omega Weapon. Takahina said no again. Most weapons are tough. Status can't hurt them.
It started out dumbly when Yahiko all of a sudden called to say he is late, "Holla! I just woke up!" Takahina cursed him. It's a sunday, and Takahina is resting to get his HP back. Bah.
Soon after, Takahina woke up, prepared to save game and to earn his gil. He needs to auto-list all the items and magic in his list so that it's more tidy. Soon after, Zell called Takahina up to ask for early pure status elements battle. As Zell is somewhat weaker than Takahina, Takahina agreed to it. He even called along Tidus.
Soon after is history. Just whack and whack and whack. Tidus is extremely high today though. He likes status element battles. One thing that Takahina likes about this
Hmmm, after that Takahina came online, and Hyde just threw Takahina into the battle team of his. One thing though... THE TEAM IS ALL HIONG ONE!
The summoner is from another garden and can be considered one of the top SeeD in his garden. KNN.
One of them is 21, fully adult and seemed experienced in the field of limit breaks.
Another is a girl! AND SHE'S JAPANESE!! WTF! And she has the power to cast super magics such as The End and Mega Curaga.
Hyde practically is able to help people in junctioning.
And lastly, Takahina sucks in his status elements. All of the rest have actual field battles and won victoriously.... making Takahina very worried of his noobity.
Takahina is worried.
Now, all this nicks of people I loaded it into a list, called the "code of ninja". It's still being updated as I speak, and be worried that you may get blacklisted. If you get good names such as Sephiroth or Delacroix, be very happy, if you get names such as Nerubian Assasin and Dog. Be very sad.
eh nv talk abt our fav teacher..
i did ar.
u're talking bout Sun Bu Er right? The one who always kao pei kao bu.
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