That's why i hate it when my computer goes beep, schedules will all go siao siao one, sibei sian... kannina..
Then why am I typing this now if my computer is down? Well, I just watched a feng shui show titled "Taiwan Miao Miao Miao" and it teaches me of a very importatn feng shui leh...
Feng shui tip: STUDENTS/WORKERS/WATEVER all alike! Don't ever have your studying chair's back facing the door! It will serve as a form of distraction to your work!!
Hah, no wonder I can't get my work done everytime... that's why I took the trouble to change it all! Now my computer isn't facing the window, it's facing to the inner side of the wall while my chair is now not facing the door's back and facing the bookshelves.
Another Feng shui tip: TRY TO HAVE YOUR CHAIR'S BACK FACING A BOOKSHELF! The knowledge from the bookshelf is said to be able to flow into your mind!!
There's a few more given, but it's for the financial help and all in your house... very chim stuff so I chose to ignore them.
Anyway, after I changed the whole set up of my room and attached the whole computer up again, it worked! Freaky shit but whatever.
Oh ya, another note, my parents went for holiday this weekend and for the 2 past day i was kao bei-ing in the house like it's nobody shit. Invited Tian Wei over for studying period only to end up singing karaoke with cds and his handphone.
Anyway, back to the topic. The last week is the week with teacher's day, so the school was mad and i'm mad. I'm actually taking photos.
Just went to schools to visit teachers and called Miss Lee (My past tuition teacher) for respect. Then there was this barbecue happening over in Mei Yi's (A classmate) house so I just popped over, making sure that my $10 was fully utilised. My plan was, "Cook everything then eat while I'm cooking, if not drink away all the soft drinks." It didn't work out as plan, but whatever lah hor, it was fun anyways.
Nothing much left to brag about, so i'll just put up pics.
Oops... wrong pic lah. But then hor, she looks good right... right??.. RIGHT!!?!?!
Desmond Chan (Classmate in TPJC) took a private pic of Econs Teacher Miss Magdalene Loh.
And soon after took one of the group...
And another... of almost everything same... notice the only changes which happened are among the right 3 students, the left 3 students are standing like no tomorrow.
Soon after, I went to East View to meet up teachers... and thanks to Yiren, I fulfilled one year long dream...
Taking a photo with the two geography teachers!!! The two most beautiful Miss Tans in EVSS!! But then hor, why they laugh until like that I frankly dunno. Anything is... remind me, the next time i smile, don't let me show my teeth.
Soon after I attended the barbecue as mentioned. Took group photos in the end.
Notice 1 thing in all 3 pics. Desmond Ong (another classmate) who is situated on the most left side of the picture and bending down a little in front of 2 girls.
In the first pic, he blocked Yoke Yee's (Another classmate) face.
In the second pic, he blocked Shi Min's (Another Classmate) face.
Then in the third pic, he once again blocked Yoke Yee's face albeit slightly.
Notice 1 more thing in the pics. The guys on the right, Samuel, Audric, Qing Heng and me; we have our positions in constant post for the first 2 pics. But notice the last pic, only Audric remainded the same.
This concludes one thing.
He's a statue.
Another person to check out is Samuel (a guy who likes to be on the right side of the pic for all 5 pics), he has the same dead expression for first 4 pics cept for the last when he chose to make fun of the suave and distracted Takahina.
Next thing, notice Desmond Chan (The one squating in front of Miss Loh in pic 1 then immediately siam to stand besider her in pic 2.) He has the SAME TEETHY SMILE for the first 4 pics. 5th one cannot count cause during that pic there was this stupid earthquake which happened in Singapore for the first time. Heard it was caused due to 100 fatties commiting suicide by jumping off a 50 storey high building at the same time. Horrifying. So never underestimate the power of fatties. Once ALL FATTIES in the world unite, hohoho... hydrogen bomb will be inferior!!!
Ok. Post done. Short I know.
All the pix.... like so pixelised... wha... square square... can even count it...
Well, indeed u got more readers now..... way to go!!!
hey mushroom head!! you are damn funny can.. especially the part about audric.. just burst out laughing la.. haha go0d observation.. and des ong sucks rite.. block me!!
eh how my chair is back facing a bookshelf and a door. hahaha suay. nvm lah. ~~ lol. post comment shuang de. lol.
des ong sucks too cos he blocked me. lol!!
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