Lately, I have been having several discussions with Ben, Jae Sung and Benji with Benji of large percentage. We have been mostly discussing about few issues, such as why studying sucks, why we feel Singapore is fucked up, why are we still single and several other irrelevent issues such as Dota, how to rape a girl and how to get a girl.
But so, Benji has managed to unify a main term for the whole of this issue. That is, "Normal". Let me digress.
In Singapore, the more common way or should I say "normal" way of life for any kids is to study, degree/diploma, job, fuck, retire, die.
Or the more easier said, "SDJFRD". But do note, that is just the macroscopic view of the whole "life" and "normal" issue. There is still the microview. Sounds like Economics.
Anyway, so to say that SDJFRD is the more common lifestyle for most Singaporeans, Takahina included. However, within there is still the issue of life such as Puberty, Character, Love and many others.
Let me just state an example, for characteristic.
Normal Chinese Male Singaporean Teenagers aged 13-18:
- Mostly types in a childish way. Lately from BiG tO sMaLl has turned to ~[= I'm a fucker =]~ and they feel proud to be able to type in a manner most others find stupid.
- Mostly will just like Jay Chou, few will love him. Even fewer will find him a fucker.
- Mostly will have alot of cutey smilies, but in actual fact it only shows how much they like to lag their own computer.
- Download Anime, never buys. And they are very proud to be able to download. "LOOK, I'M THE FIRST TO DL FF:AC, U LOSER MUAHAHAHAHA..."
- Watch porn before, but totally refuses to talk about it.
Well, these are just some few points to describe. Other type of abnormal examples could be like in Puberty, you are a female but you have a small penis starting to grow around that area. For more details please watch the hentai "Bible Black". Girls don't scream, in reality there is indeed such medical cases, but most can't survive infantry stages.
Anyway, the few points we discussed on normality is on girls, exercising, traditional values and the favourite sexual occurrence that could happen.
Now, aren't they just one of the thing of wonders to any man? Everyone has different view and requirement for girls they like. Benji for example hates gentle, weak and unspeaking ladies and likes jumpy and siao siao girls like Selphie in Final Fantasy 8 and Rikku in Final Fantasy 10. On the other hand, I just want the girl to be of normal weight and i'm happy. Thus so, you can easily spot the difference.
However, the more generalised "normal" girl in Singapore is things such as...
- I Love Dogs ^^
- JaY cHoU rOx!! ^^
- Any music as long as not techno.
I tell you, you go friendster check, 7 out of 10 will write something similar to the 3rd point. If you see them write
- Any music as long as not Jay Chou.
That! is a very abnormal girl. Only 1 out of 10000 will write something similar to it.
Now now on a note, abnormality is not a bad thing. In fact it could even be good. For benji anyways.
However, if you check out on a... let's say an Indian girl in an Indian Friendster, what could be normal is...
- I laugh easily, once I see an Indian man with turban headbanging a table. Great stuff!
Well, for example nia lah. No offence meant.... heck i dun even know any Indian Friendster.
Well, so you see every country has different "normality" and then so how can this affect our viewpoints?
Well, if you have every girl in Singapore write in a "normal" manner. Then SG guys would be hoping for a totally different girl. That's when he will pursue other country girls.
Thus so, tts why i said abnormality is a possible virtue. But then, who will care anyway. Perhaps only Benji will care since he's the one who conducts "normality" test on Friendsters.
He watching you.
Conclusion: Normal Girls likes Jay Chou OR his songs as some girl I know emphasised, abnormal girls hate Jay Chou.
On some note, I want to applaude once again, Benji for making me realise this 1 great point behind the reasons of exercising. Normally, society wants us to exercise because of...
- Health problems
- You don't look good
- Because it's a good habit.
But then hor, please lah. In the end, why don't we fat people just stand up and say...
With health problems, we will be weak and our dicks could possible be unable to stand. Without looking good, girls won't let us fuck them. And lastly, fucking is a good habit if you want to reproduce.
Yup, all in all that is just my main reason. KNN. Stop acting innocent and just come out and say you wanna fuck someone. As simple as that.
The fact is that fat people are discriminated and you can't deny that. Thin people who die die also can't fat hor live in existence to scorn the existence of the fat people. And stop saying that you thin not good. RUBBISH!
You thin, girls won't be disgusted with you.
You fat, girls are turned off by your belly.
Frankly, the society can't differentiate too much between thin and normal weight. But overweight people they can easily and hurtfully discriminate. I have been subjected to that pain so many times that I'm used to it. Haha, to think of it... that is perhaps why fat people are known to be more tolerant. Because we suffered enough shit to train up our tolerance level.
Why don't we just say and act abnormal by saying we want to lose weight because we wanna fuck a girl. We don't care about our health and all those shit. But we just wanna get out of the unknowingly discrimination that the society subjects to us regardless it's on purpose or not.
Normal weight people, can you please be considerate to the abnormal weight people?
Conclusion: Normal fatties wanna lose weight due to health problem. Abnormal fatties wanna lose weight due to being unable to fuck a girl or get sued while fucking one.
Traditional Values:
Time as well, has an effect on the "normal" values that a society subjects to. Let's say in the past, girls protect their virgin like their lives. Because normally once virginity is taken by the wrong person, their lives are also most likely gone in suicide. I really have to give it to the people in the past, they have so much courage to suicide.
Anyway, nowadays youngsters don't regard "virginity" as much. They observe and follow the rules of "不要天长地久, 只要曾经用过". For people who are weak in chinese, it means "Don't care sky long ground old, just care use before." People do not care too much into virginity anymore and even more hiong girls are willing to seperate with it with their love or what before marriage. Rong and Benji are 2 person whom I know don't look too much into if their girlfriend is a virgin or not, but surprise surprise, Takahina is a person who actually is quite concerned.
When I mean by concerned is that if... IF Takahina does get a chance to fuck a girl and only to realise she's not virgin. He will be thinking, "OMG, i'm not her first." while enjoying the process of the procedure. And then soon after call any type of assasins, regardless Phantom, Stealth or Nerubian, if not call up Silencer and then instruct for the death of any guys who fucked with her.
OK ok, kidding.
But still it will stir me a little lah. Regardlessly. Not that I will go break up with her after that, but i'll be like a little sad. Yea.... LITTLE.... Girls reading this. Move away from Takahina, he's very... dangerous...
Conclusion: Takahina is dangerous.
Sexual preferances (if we were to watch any porn)
Personally my favourite will be 2 on 1. Which is the 2, which is the 1. You think yourself.
Benji, don't blame me... i need to consider the viewership of this blog....
Ok done.
Conclusion: Takahina is a fucker.
Well, in the all... what is the fucking purpose of this post?
Hopefully people will refrain from being normal. SDJFRD is really a very sad life to live through.
Secondly, I write for fun one.
Takahina isn't in too good of a mood while writing this post.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
The scared Takahina
Why am I scared?
Cause I just watched a damned it show called "Ghost Hunters" on channel 18 on Starhub cable tv and now i'm imaginating that "I see dead people". The other bad thing is, my parents have gone to Genting once again and now I'm alone while brother is almost in non-existent in his room with his Guardian Force.
Anyway, I used to recall how I used to fear ghost... Now let me recall...
When I was around in primary school to secondary 3, I don't dare to watch any ghost shit at all, even though it does attract me. So I'm constantly fighting with myself...
"Don't watch it! Watch liao you can't sleep!"
Damn it, there are even times I'm scared of sound effects which emits from my radio. I still remember there is one very old sound effect or commercial from 98.7 which goes..
"Dell dell dell dell de dell dell dell dell..." loop that shit and you get a shit which can scare 10 year old boy boy.
Thus so, you people will know why I don't listen to English music le.
Then in sec 4 and now, I start to realise that watching the ghost show is ok, it's the sound effects which kills u. At least that's what i learn from "The Ring" and "Ju-on". Then at long as you anticipate when the ghost shit will appear, it won't be that scary. That's why everybody, always watch spoilers and trailers for ghost show. But then hor.
Boy boy like this...

Still looks bloody scary with that white face. So fuck him. But Ju-on 2 has a much much more scarier image than this.
Well, so what can we do to counter such ghostly shit? We close our eyes and shut our ears.
Like these monkeys.

But ignore the "say no evil" monkey. We need to say evil to scold the producers of the show.
Through my insufficient experience with ghost shows, I realised that the main pulling factor for it is due to possible 3 reasons.
1. They like to subject themselves to psychological shocks which can be conducted by ghost.
2. They love ghost and wish to fuck them?
3. They just got curious to the netherworld.
For the first reason, I can only say they like to torture themselves, not my business.
For the second reason, I can say that some people are just bent on seeing them. Like that show "Ghost Hunters" which I just watched, they want to prove their existence. They just wanna see them for the first time! And also you do know of shows whereby ghost can love human.
Third reasons are for people like me. I don't wanna get scared, but then the plot of knowing if there is any possible ghost lurking around behind you reading this sentence now, or is there anyway to solve and to have the ghost turn into buddha or god is simply, too interesting. I just want to know the plot, but i hate the screaming me part, so what i always do I to close my eyes and ears in the cinema, and pretend my eyes are wide open like nodding or so.
From this, we can deduce. Is there really ghost lurking around us?
Well, this is just my own opinion lah. I DO believe in floating spirits and all. Better to believe than never, right? However, do they harm you? My call on that is that you don't fuck with them, they won't fuck with you period.
So please people, don't dumb dumb go climb what old changi hospitaland those haunted places. If you youngsters wanna have sex but without the money to go motel, go choose like carpark stairs or what, don't ever try to perform free shows in front of the many ghosts, it's not worth it. If you want more exciting sex you can try the school canteen at night. At least there is still slight light for you to see where you aim.
So IMO, you can believe in them (NO, YOU DON'T PRAY TO THEM EXCEPT DURING THE HUNGRY GHOST FESTIVAL.) But, never offend them by keep on inflitrating their home. They dislike it.
Well, some tips for how to notice ghost presence. (Thanks to that show I watched just now)
1. Check for cold spots or areas. These are areas comparably cold compared to the surrounding.
2. Anything moving without anything touching it? Definitely a ghost.
3. See a damn it ghostly figure in that neoprint you took just now? Don't go to that shop anymore.
Well, done about ghost.
Just now was Rong's birthday party we held, so we went to chomp chomp in Serangoon to eat. Frankly, I feel we can try other places like maybe Newton? Well, I'm not sure of the eating spots in Singapore lah. Rurouni gave him a pair of drumsticks, DAI LAST cd and a Naruto figurine.
Rong, if you're reading this, do note that there are 4 more of the figures. So you should continue buying till you get all 5.
Had fun over at chomp chomp and Jaesung was just like a clown. Also, I was nudged to step on SOMETHING. Lucky I was quick enough to notice and thus I did not tio full impact. Happy bday Rong.
Also, been going out with someone lately. Yes she is a female..
Well, damn that show... thus so I think I'll take an hour to sleep. Gd night everybody.
Cause I just watched a damned it show called "Ghost Hunters" on channel 18 on Starhub cable tv and now i'm imaginating that "I see dead people". The other bad thing is, my parents have gone to Genting once again and now I'm alone while brother is almost in non-existent in his room with his Guardian Force.
Anyway, I used to recall how I used to fear ghost... Now let me recall...
When I was around in primary school to secondary 3, I don't dare to watch any ghost shit at all, even though it does attract me. So I'm constantly fighting with myself...
"Don't watch it! Watch liao you can't sleep!"
Damn it, there are even times I'm scared of sound effects which emits from my radio. I still remember there is one very old sound effect or commercial from 98.7 which goes..
"Dell dell dell dell de dell dell dell dell..." loop that shit and you get a shit which can scare 10 year old boy boy.
Thus so, you people will know why I don't listen to English music le.
Then in sec 4 and now, I start to realise that watching the ghost show is ok, it's the sound effects which kills u. At least that's what i learn from "The Ring" and "Ju-on". Then at long as you anticipate when the ghost shit will appear, it won't be that scary. That's why everybody, always watch spoilers and trailers for ghost show. But then hor.
Boy boy like this...
Still looks bloody scary with that white face. So fuck him. But Ju-on 2 has a much much more scarier image than this.
Well, so what can we do to counter such ghostly shit? We close our eyes and shut our ears.
Like these monkeys.
But ignore the "say no evil" monkey. We need to say evil to scold the producers of the show.
Through my insufficient experience with ghost shows, I realised that the main pulling factor for it is due to possible 3 reasons.
1. They like to subject themselves to psychological shocks which can be conducted by ghost.
2. They love ghost and wish to fuck them?
3. They just got curious to the netherworld.
For the first reason, I can only say they like to torture themselves, not my business.
For the second reason, I can say that some people are just bent on seeing them. Like that show "Ghost Hunters" which I just watched, they want to prove their existence. They just wanna see them for the first time! And also you do know of shows whereby ghost can love human.
Third reasons are for people like me. I don't wanna get scared, but then the plot of knowing if there is any possible ghost lurking around behind you reading this sentence now, or is there anyway to solve and to have the ghost turn into buddha or god is simply, too interesting. I just want to know the plot, but i hate the screaming me part, so what i always do I to close my eyes and ears in the cinema, and pretend my eyes are wide open like nodding or so.
From this, we can deduce. Is there really ghost lurking around us?
Well, this is just my own opinion lah. I DO believe in floating spirits and all. Better to believe than never, right? However, do they harm you? My call on that is that you don't fuck with them, they won't fuck with you period.
So please people, don't dumb dumb go climb what old changi hospitaland those haunted places. If you youngsters wanna have sex but without the money to go motel, go choose like carpark stairs or what, don't ever try to perform free shows in front of the many ghosts, it's not worth it. If you want more exciting sex you can try the school canteen at night. At least there is still slight light for you to see where you aim.
So IMO, you can believe in them (NO, YOU DON'T PRAY TO THEM EXCEPT DURING THE HUNGRY GHOST FESTIVAL.) But, never offend them by keep on inflitrating their home. They dislike it.
Well, some tips for how to notice ghost presence. (Thanks to that show I watched just now)
1. Check for cold spots or areas. These are areas comparably cold compared to the surrounding.
2. Anything moving without anything touching it? Definitely a ghost.
3. See a damn it ghostly figure in that neoprint you took just now? Don't go to that shop anymore.
Well, done about ghost.
Just now was Rong's birthday party we held, so we went to chomp chomp in Serangoon to eat. Frankly, I feel we can try other places like maybe Newton? Well, I'm not sure of the eating spots in Singapore lah. Rurouni gave him a pair of drumsticks, DAI LAST cd and a Naruto figurine.
Rong, if you're reading this, do note that there are 4 more of the figures. So you should continue buying till you get all 5.
Had fun over at chomp chomp and Jaesung was just like a clown. Also, I was nudged to step on SOMETHING. Lucky I was quick enough to notice and thus I did not tio full impact. Happy bday Rong.
Also, been going out with someone lately. Yes she is a female..
Well, damn that show... thus so I think I'll take an hour to sleep. Gd night everybody.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
The Drumming and Working Takahina
Yo Yo Yo!! Sorry ar, supposed to blog at saturday one... but then... aiya long story. I'll describe each day for you all lah hor.
7-8 November 2005:
Nothing much worth talking about, but on 7th Nov I received the news I have to work from 9th nov to 13nov and the timing is a rather fucked up timing. Also obtained information that Tian Wei is welcomed to work as well.
Another thing is that we played dota in Kembangan. Not bad, price and computers are very good. Used Queen of Cards... no, queen of pain. Hated Benji and his Keeper of the Light for 1 hour. That's all.
9th November 2005:
First time working, so was a little nervous. But still, Takahina took the time to gel his hair and with permission from mom and NOT brother's, used brother's shoes to work.
Frankly hor, perhaps the shoes was a grave mistake because it hurt... alot. Dunno why, but Takahina think the shoe is too small for him ar. Then, Takahina was there in the shop wondering what to do. Suddenly, the boss tell him.
"Go vacuum the whole blue carpet downstairs for the showroom."
"Blue carpet?" Takahina thought. "Shouldn't be too much of a job then."
Takahina was WRONG. The whole area was around.... think 8 living rooms attached together. Plus, the public embarassment was bad for Takahina. To think, a young guy vacuuming the whole bloody floor of suntec. Then while you vacuum, those idiot KIDS go RUN RUN RUN around the damn it carpet. WA LAO, you can never finish vacuuming one.
BUT BUT~~ Luckily Takahina receives vacuuming training every Saturday, so vacuuming to him, is relatively easy. So... heng ar.
But still, those kids are true fuckers.
Soon after, went to bought leather shoes. But came to regret it soon after.
10 Nov 2005:
Takahina has oral presentation on that day, so he didn't go for work in the early timing. Only went for it around 1pm. His Oral presentation wasn't too bad, but like he expected, Desmond Ong was not to standard. What can he do?
Don't care lor.
Anyway, Takahina after the thing went to work. Tian Wei was on shift on that day so he went early. Abruptly, upon reaching Takahina realised that the blue carpet he vacuumed was now covered with a damn it small stage and lots of guitars and chairs.
"Whatever" was the feeling he felt.
Soon after, the drum ensemble boys went for their rehearsal once again. For Takahina, perhaps that practice is one of the best ones. BUT, they were interupted by the boss as she said.
"The studio tio booked liao. GET OUT."
Ok, Takahina's exaggerating. But that was somewhat the feeling he got. So we got out 30mins earlier... and thus so he went to have lunch with Tian Wei. Takahina slightly got the feeling that he wasn't too pleased with the co-workers and boss. Got a little worried.
Rest of the day was giving away fliers while encountering sibei dao Singaporeans and also getting prices of the guitars down, acting like a guitar pro while you're actually a total idiot at it and getting scorned at while the customers asked where are the guitars from and you say...
Customers immediately turn face. Come on... what's wrong with China? Don't forget...
CHINA WILL GROW LARGER. And it's a nice place to build.
The keeping of the whole showroom was also, a pain in the ass. It takes around 1 hour to finish keeping all shit and Takahina dropped one double string acoustic guitar while bringing it up. Great.
During the whole process of the day, Takahina's feets possibly due to the damn it leather shoes, his legs were like screaming "NABEI CHEEBYE!!!!" for the whole day.
Very pain.
However, the best console for that day will be after work whereby he talked with one of the OCBC FEMALE members. Around 20+, short hair with a demure look. Quite nice person Takahina must add, not the most pretty girls Takahina see around in suntec, but definitely one of the more amiable ones.
11 Nov 2005:
Came for the early shift with Tian Wei. Was Samuel's birthday as well, but was unable to attend it. Thus Takahina felt a little guilty, but still heck care.
Today was the official selling day, so Takahina was like selling shit for the whole day. WHAT CAN A TOTAL GUITAR IDIOT TALK TO A GUITAR PRO ABOUT GUITAR?! NABEI! Takahina was really going like...
Bah. Anyway, soon after Takahina waited for the show of Micheal Shuack, a pro drummer who works for Roland and demostrating on the use of the Electric Drums. Good stuff Takahina must say, really good. Perhaps he's on par with Jimmy as well? However, electric drums are still too expensive to be bought with.
The worse thing is, Takahina has to act as a bodyguard for the guitars! BAH!
Let me tell you, Takahina is starting to hate guitar from that point onwards.
Soon after, Tian Wei announced his news of quitting. Not really pleasant to Takahina's ears as he felt at that time, Tian Wei's a little too hot-tempered. Maybe not spoilt, but hot-tempered for sure. Whatever reasons, he's gone.
Of course, Takahina won't forget, that OCBC lady again. Haha, once again talked with her for sometime and was real happy to meet such a nice lady. She was gradually turning into the greatest light of my job.
12 Nov 2005:
Ah, this day was the GREAT day whereby the DRUMMING starts. Takahina was excited and was anticipating this moment more than over. However before that happens...
And so.. Takahina went to polish it... nice and clean. Took around 1 hour for him to finish as Takahina slacked along the way. He didn't want to serve the DAO Singaporeans. After that, Takahina just went around and sell things, do shitty stuff and get nagged by the boss whenever she felt the need to be stressed. Fliers included.
Anyway, the classical piece of the concert started first so Takahina and the few others were called to now change our act from salesman to coolies. Actually, Takahina prefered to be coolie, cause it's much more simpler that way. And the recognition you get from being a coolie is actually more than salesman! This proves of how deplorable being a salesman can be. You do crap load of work, but your hard work will always be ignored. Bah.
Anyway, the rock and pop part of the concert started after round 2hrs and Takahina excitedly went up on stage. Their nervousness was not that obvious. Why? Thanks to the previous group of drum ensemble which actually was quite... average. So, they went on to perform.
However, let's not forget for the few people whom went to support Takahina! There are 3 groups!
1st group to arrive: Priscilla and her friend whom I have no knowledge of her name. ^^
2nd group to arrive: Samuel ^^
3rd group to arrive: Rurouni - Chin Han, Ben, Benji, Jun Rong and Jae Sung. ^^
Hehe... many thanks to these people for coming even though it's just a miserable 3mins of drum performance. Really arigatou ^^. Also, very sorry for not being able to serve or talk to you people more ah... I have work lah... really sorry...
Anyway, let's return back to the story.
During the performance, the host now gave their group another name... Panadol. Also good lah, not bad.
PIB: Why Panadol?
Tian Wei said, "Any band name lor." Notice the words in red.
He was situated on the left side, while the one answering is on the right, so the right could not hear properly and said.
Melvin, "Pa (Band) Na (Name) Dol (Lor)"
Ok, let me digress back to the story again. During the performance, Takahina realised something thanks to the constant persistent of Rurouni saying Takahina was showing off. Takahina has a habit of spinning drumsticks. He was like, in perhaps after every crash or 4 bar, spinned his stick once. And when they ended, Takahina spinned it again...
Whatever you say lah hor. Maybe Takahina is really showing off??? YOu won't know...
Anyway, after the thing, Takahina was glad and happy cause that's their current best piece. Better than any rehearsal had. Even Jimmy was smiling. Really, unexpected. Soon after, most of the performance was just crap lah, but then the teacher's piece was real good especially when Jimmy was invited up stage to perform his drums. Brilliant.
BUT, the joy ended with the boss forcing Takahina to go work again. Bah. Lucky she provided free food catered if not Takahina will express all his hokkien vocabulary.
However, the joy once again came thanks to the OCBC LADY! Talked to her again and waved! SO HAPPY...
But Takahina's feet still hurt.
13 Nov 2005:
Mood felt strange cause it's the last day but then it seems as if it's like a dream for the job to end so fast. Even my results were good, Takahina remembers that he sold...
1 Guitar pick
1 pair of drum sticks
1 $550 double string acoustic guitar (Yes, the one which Takahina dropped)
1 $375 Electric Guitar
For a total noob like Takahina is, to be able to pull that off is quite impressive le ok?? But still lah, the market there was for Casio Keyboards. There was like on average 5 sold everyday. Amazing. Must be those auntie mothers.
Then there was the concert once again, but then Takahina did not give too much of a notice to it lah. He was more interested in shifting all the drums and grand pianos up. Many thanks to Melvin for helping out FREE. Really nice. But do think twice if you wanna work there next year. Teachers performed again and for once, Takahina was acting like someone whom he hates.
Super enthu personnel - loud and uncontributing.
Anyway, the boss said that the wages will be given next week sat, so there was no panic. And also she offered to treat us supper at Newton. Was quite attracted ar, but then Takahina didn't felt too close to them and also was a little wary of the timing. But still the main reason is..
Takahina was looking forward to meeting her again, cause it's my last day... Takahina wanna like get her number or something. BUT!!!! TAKAHINA WAS RELEASED TOO LATE TO MEET HER...
Will Takahina get to see her another time and so?... Haiz... only buddha knows....
Sope, that's the main procedure that Takahina had during the 5 days. Then for the remaining of the day he was just slacking around, playing games and creating excuses for playing it and not doing homework.
Also, Takahina has done another review. It's on F.I.R this time, so feel free to read. It's located on the left side... under the "My Links" collumn.
Well... done... my life will be returning back to normal now.
7-8 November 2005:
Nothing much worth talking about, but on 7th Nov I received the news I have to work from 9th nov to 13nov and the timing is a rather fucked up timing. Also obtained information that Tian Wei is welcomed to work as well.
Another thing is that we played dota in Kembangan. Not bad, price and computers are very good. Used Queen of Cards... no, queen of pain. Hated Benji and his Keeper of the Light for 1 hour. That's all.
9th November 2005:
First time working, so was a little nervous. But still, Takahina took the time to gel his hair and with permission from mom and NOT brother's, used brother's shoes to work.
Frankly hor, perhaps the shoes was a grave mistake because it hurt... alot. Dunno why, but Takahina think the shoe is too small for him ar. Then, Takahina was there in the shop wondering what to do. Suddenly, the boss tell him.
"Go vacuum the whole blue carpet downstairs for the showroom."
"Blue carpet?" Takahina thought. "Shouldn't be too much of a job then."
Takahina was WRONG. The whole area was around.... think 8 living rooms attached together. Plus, the public embarassment was bad for Takahina. To think, a young guy vacuuming the whole bloody floor of suntec. Then while you vacuum, those idiot KIDS go RUN RUN RUN around the damn it carpet. WA LAO, you can never finish vacuuming one.
BUT BUT~~ Luckily Takahina receives vacuuming training every Saturday, so vacuuming to him, is relatively easy. So... heng ar.
But still, those kids are true fuckers.
Soon after, went to bought leather shoes. But came to regret it soon after.
10 Nov 2005:
Takahina has oral presentation on that day, so he didn't go for work in the early timing. Only went for it around 1pm. His Oral presentation wasn't too bad, but like he expected, Desmond Ong was not to standard. What can he do?
Don't care lor.
Anyway, Takahina after the thing went to work. Tian Wei was on shift on that day so he went early. Abruptly, upon reaching Takahina realised that the blue carpet he vacuumed was now covered with a damn it small stage and lots of guitars and chairs.
"Whatever" was the feeling he felt.
Soon after, the drum ensemble boys went for their rehearsal once again. For Takahina, perhaps that practice is one of the best ones. BUT, they were interupted by the boss as she said.
"The studio tio booked liao. GET OUT."
Ok, Takahina's exaggerating. But that was somewhat the feeling he got. So we got out 30mins earlier... and thus so he went to have lunch with Tian Wei. Takahina slightly got the feeling that he wasn't too pleased with the co-workers and boss. Got a little worried.
Rest of the day was giving away fliers while encountering sibei dao Singaporeans and also getting prices of the guitars down, acting like a guitar pro while you're actually a total idiot at it and getting scorned at while the customers asked where are the guitars from and you say...
Customers immediately turn face. Come on... what's wrong with China? Don't forget...
CHINA WILL GROW LARGER. And it's a nice place to build.
The keeping of the whole showroom was also, a pain in the ass. It takes around 1 hour to finish keeping all shit and Takahina dropped one double string acoustic guitar while bringing it up. Great.
During the whole process of the day, Takahina's feets possibly due to the damn it leather shoes, his legs were like screaming "NABEI CHEEBYE!!!!" for the whole day.
Very pain.
However, the best console for that day will be after work whereby he talked with one of the OCBC FEMALE members. Around 20+, short hair with a demure look. Quite nice person Takahina must add, not the most pretty girls Takahina see around in suntec, but definitely one of the more amiable ones.
11 Nov 2005:
Came for the early shift with Tian Wei. Was Samuel's birthday as well, but was unable to attend it. Thus Takahina felt a little guilty, but still heck care.
Today was the official selling day, so Takahina was like selling shit for the whole day. WHAT CAN A TOTAL GUITAR IDIOT TALK TO A GUITAR PRO ABOUT GUITAR?! NABEI! Takahina was really going like...
Bah. Anyway, soon after Takahina waited for the show of Micheal Shuack, a pro drummer who works for Roland and demostrating on the use of the Electric Drums. Good stuff Takahina must say, really good. Perhaps he's on par with Jimmy as well? However, electric drums are still too expensive to be bought with.
The worse thing is, Takahina has to act as a bodyguard for the guitars! BAH!
Let me tell you, Takahina is starting to hate guitar from that point onwards.
Soon after, Tian Wei announced his news of quitting. Not really pleasant to Takahina's ears as he felt at that time, Tian Wei's a little too hot-tempered. Maybe not spoilt, but hot-tempered for sure. Whatever reasons, he's gone.
Of course, Takahina won't forget, that OCBC lady again. Haha, once again talked with her for sometime and was real happy to meet such a nice lady. She was gradually turning into the greatest light of my job.
12 Nov 2005:
Ah, this day was the GREAT day whereby the DRUMMING starts. Takahina was excited and was anticipating this moment more than over. However before that happens...
And so.. Takahina went to polish it... nice and clean. Took around 1 hour for him to finish as Takahina slacked along the way. He didn't want to serve the DAO Singaporeans. After that, Takahina just went around and sell things, do shitty stuff and get nagged by the boss whenever she felt the need to be stressed. Fliers included.
Anyway, the classical piece of the concert started first so Takahina and the few others were called to now change our act from salesman to coolies. Actually, Takahina prefered to be coolie, cause it's much more simpler that way. And the recognition you get from being a coolie is actually more than salesman! This proves of how deplorable being a salesman can be. You do crap load of work, but your hard work will always be ignored. Bah.
Anyway, the rock and pop part of the concert started after round 2hrs and Takahina excitedly went up on stage. Their nervousness was not that obvious. Why? Thanks to the previous group of drum ensemble which actually was quite... average. So, they went on to perform.
However, let's not forget for the few people whom went to support Takahina! There are 3 groups!
1st group to arrive: Priscilla and her friend whom I have no knowledge of her name. ^^
2nd group to arrive: Samuel ^^
3rd group to arrive: Rurouni - Chin Han, Ben, Benji, Jun Rong and Jae Sung. ^^
Hehe... many thanks to these people for coming even though it's just a miserable 3mins of drum performance. Really arigatou ^^. Also, very sorry for not being able to serve or talk to you people more ah... I have work lah... really sorry...
Anyway, let's return back to the story.
During the performance, the host now gave their group another name... Panadol. Also good lah, not bad.
PIB: Why Panadol?
Tian Wei said, "Any band name lor." Notice the words in red.
He was situated on the left side, while the one answering is on the right, so the right could not hear properly and said.
Melvin, "Pa (Band) Na (Name) Dol (Lor)"
Ok, let me digress back to the story again. During the performance, Takahina realised something thanks to the constant persistent of Rurouni saying Takahina was showing off. Takahina has a habit of spinning drumsticks. He was like, in perhaps after every crash or 4 bar, spinned his stick once. And when they ended, Takahina spinned it again...
Whatever you say lah hor. Maybe Takahina is really showing off??? YOu won't know...
Anyway, after the thing, Takahina was glad and happy cause that's their current best piece. Better than any rehearsal had. Even Jimmy was smiling. Really, unexpected. Soon after, most of the performance was just crap lah, but then the teacher's piece was real good especially when Jimmy was invited up stage to perform his drums. Brilliant.
BUT, the joy ended with the boss forcing Takahina to go work again. Bah. Lucky she provided free food catered if not Takahina will express all his hokkien vocabulary.
However, the joy once again came thanks to the OCBC LADY! Talked to her again and waved! SO HAPPY...
But Takahina's feet still hurt.
13 Nov 2005:
Mood felt strange cause it's the last day but then it seems as if it's like a dream for the job to end so fast. Even my results were good, Takahina remembers that he sold...
1 Guitar pick
1 pair of drum sticks
1 $550 double string acoustic guitar (Yes, the one which Takahina dropped)
1 $375 Electric Guitar
For a total noob like Takahina is, to be able to pull that off is quite impressive le ok?? But still lah, the market there was for Casio Keyboards. There was like on average 5 sold everyday. Amazing. Must be those auntie mothers.
Then there was the concert once again, but then Takahina did not give too much of a notice to it lah. He was more interested in shifting all the drums and grand pianos up. Many thanks to Melvin for helping out FREE. Really nice. But do think twice if you wanna work there next year. Teachers performed again and for once, Takahina was acting like someone whom he hates.
Super enthu personnel - loud and uncontributing.
Anyway, the boss said that the wages will be given next week sat, so there was no panic. And also she offered to treat us supper at Newton. Was quite attracted ar, but then Takahina didn't felt too close to them and also was a little wary of the timing. But still the main reason is..
Takahina was looking forward to meeting her again, cause it's my last day... Takahina wanna like get her number or something. BUT!!!! TAKAHINA WAS RELEASED TOO LATE TO MEET HER...
Will Takahina get to see her another time and so?... Haiz... only buddha knows....
Sope, that's the main procedure that Takahina had during the 5 days. Then for the remaining of the day he was just slacking around, playing games and creating excuses for playing it and not doing homework.
Also, Takahina has done another review. It's on F.I.R this time, so feel free to read. It's located on the left side... under the "My Links" collumn.
Well... done... my life will be returning back to normal now.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
The Drumming Takahina
I'm slightly pissed off today.
By what?
2 issues... actually, mainly 1 issue pissed me. But whatever.
Let me get to something which i found out first lah. Takahina has realised on how VAIN he could be. Let me just elaborate.
Firstly, you guys know I have the recent drum performance that has both dry run rehearsal outside the sch which actually could be counted as a mini performance and also the main performance period right?
Well, I think I've been rather... enthusiatic about it, and thus so the enthusiatic me began advertising on it... for at least round 3 weeks before hand. My purpose? Naturally to let people come and see my drum lah. I'm the drumming Takahina leh! However, Takahina also know that the performance is just a short little 2.41mins + shit which doesn't deserve some ppls time to come and watch! They can just stay at home do shit, i don't care. So, i said...
"Come if you all want to lah... I don't care."
But then hor, I care... ALOT.
This proves of how vain I am.. So how? Only can "hope" in my heart they actually come lah. Alas, none of them turned up. So how? Can only silently bui song. But still, this feeling hor, is a very bad one. So how? Reflect on my vainness.
Well, "The Drum Ensemble Guys", thats the name which the host of the concert gave, includes of Tian Wei, Fredrick, Melvin and of course Takahina with Takahina being the main leader.
Takahina: I shuang leh! How?
Anyway, the mini-performance dry run rehearsal was conducted today at suntec 3.30pm.... was supposed to be at 3.30pm but due to some disorganisation, it was delayed to 4.15pm. With performed our drum ensemble and it was ok... I guess. Jimmy wasn't too happy though, our timing grew faster as the drumming went on. People who knows how to hear and play instruments will naturally notice of it, but then for those who don't, it didn't sound too bad. Still, jimmy somewhat coerced us to return back to the studio and RETRAIN the whole damn song. What to do?
Anyway, we reentered the studio, and began again. But our training only gets worse lah... Our timing was off and the solo was somewhat horrible. But then, it was somewhat too late to think of any better ways to savage it, hence we jus continued with our crap.
Soon after, Jimmy once again coerced us to go perform a second time again! So, bo pian lor... went for it.
It got worse.
Those unknowing crowds don't know lah, but then hor, to us and also to those jammers, our mistakes were obvious. Tian Wei's, Melvin's and my solo went out of the timing and once again our tempo were on the increase. And lastly, the cresendo was not sharp plus not tight. Thus it was like hearing an asshole pumping down shit like it's a machine gun.
pliack pliack pliack.
Not too happy. But whatever lah, get it over with.
Ok, performance thingy aside. The holidays are here and since i'm short of money, I thought of like work to get some dough. Luckily, due to the performance of my music sch, it needs part timers to help out with selling and arrangement of the instruments. I opted for it, partly with the help of my mother since she is the colleague of the sister of the principal of the school.
And, easily, i got the job. The pay is reasonable and I like the timing, plus it can help me like gain knowledge of the instruments I'm going to sell, very nice and ideal for me.
PIB: How about your arcade drums?
Hah, not too good as well. Frankly, arcade drums hor at times good at times suck. But those in the end are just FAKE drums. FAKE.
Hmmm... well, i'll repost the timing of the actual performance again. And ONCE AGAIN, I'll stress that it's not neccesary for you to come, i'll just be a little sore that's all. After round a day or 2 i'll be fine le.
Venue: Suntec Lvl1, just below Toy' Rus.
Time: 2pm is the start of the whole thing. I perform at round 3.30.
Duration: Whole thing will be 3 hours. But my performance should be only 2.41mins.
Next time then I'll start complaining. Now, I'll just keep on sulking on my lack of supporters.
By what?
2 issues... actually, mainly 1 issue pissed me. But whatever.
Let me get to something which i found out first lah. Takahina has realised on how VAIN he could be. Let me just elaborate.
Firstly, you guys know I have the recent drum performance that has both dry run rehearsal outside the sch which actually could be counted as a mini performance and also the main performance period right?
Well, I think I've been rather... enthusiatic about it, and thus so the enthusiatic me began advertising on it... for at least round 3 weeks before hand. My purpose? Naturally to let people come and see my drum lah. I'm the drumming Takahina leh! However, Takahina also know that the performance is just a short little 2.41mins + shit which doesn't deserve some ppls time to come and watch! They can just stay at home do shit, i don't care. So, i said...
"Come if you all want to lah... I don't care."
But then hor, I care... ALOT.
This proves of how vain I am.. So how? Only can "hope" in my heart they actually come lah. Alas, none of them turned up. So how? Can only silently bui song. But still, this feeling hor, is a very bad one. So how? Reflect on my vainness.
Well, "The Drum Ensemble Guys", thats the name which the host of the concert gave, includes of Tian Wei, Fredrick, Melvin and of course Takahina with Takahina being the main leader.
Takahina: I shuang leh! How?
Anyway, the mini-performance dry run rehearsal was conducted today at suntec 3.30pm.... was supposed to be at 3.30pm but due to some disorganisation, it was delayed to 4.15pm. With performed our drum ensemble and it was ok... I guess. Jimmy wasn't too happy though, our timing grew faster as the drumming went on. People who knows how to hear and play instruments will naturally notice of it, but then for those who don't, it didn't sound too bad. Still, jimmy somewhat coerced us to return back to the studio and RETRAIN the whole damn song. What to do?
Anyway, we reentered the studio, and began again. But our training only gets worse lah... Our timing was off and the solo was somewhat horrible. But then, it was somewhat too late to think of any better ways to savage it, hence we jus continued with our crap.
Soon after, Jimmy once again coerced us to go perform a second time again! So, bo pian lor... went for it.
It got worse.
Those unknowing crowds don't know lah, but then hor, to us and also to those jammers, our mistakes were obvious. Tian Wei's, Melvin's and my solo went out of the timing and once again our tempo were on the increase. And lastly, the cresendo was not sharp plus not tight. Thus it was like hearing an asshole pumping down shit like it's a machine gun.
pliack pliack pliack.
Not too happy. But whatever lah, get it over with.
Ok, performance thingy aside. The holidays are here and since i'm short of money, I thought of like work to get some dough. Luckily, due to the performance of my music sch, it needs part timers to help out with selling and arrangement of the instruments. I opted for it, partly with the help of my mother since she is the colleague of the sister of the principal of the school.
And, easily, i got the job. The pay is reasonable and I like the timing, plus it can help me like gain knowledge of the instruments I'm going to sell, very nice and ideal for me.
PIB: How about your arcade drums?
Hah, not too good as well. Frankly, arcade drums hor at times good at times suck. But those in the end are just FAKE drums. FAKE.
Hmmm... well, i'll repost the timing of the actual performance again. And ONCE AGAIN, I'll stress that it's not neccesary for you to come, i'll just be a little sore that's all. After round a day or 2 i'll be fine le.
Venue: Suntec Lvl1, just below Toy' Rus.
Time: 2pm is the start of the whole thing. I perform at round 3.30.
Duration: Whole thing will be 3 hours. But my performance should be only 2.41mins.
Next time then I'll start complaining. Now, I'll just keep on sulking on my lack of supporters.
Friday, November 04, 2005
The sian ji bua Takahina
By right shouldn't blog now.
I am damned bored now.
Waiting in sch library with one of my PW members watching me writing shit now. How????
Takahina: Give idea leh... what to write?
Ain: Don't know
Oh ya, tomorrow which is 5.11.05, i have a drum rehearsal open air outside my school which is 3rd floor suntect.. i mentioned it b4 in the previous message. The timing is 3.30pm, not 4pm. And it'll be only round 2min... sad.
if u want to lah.
Takahina: Ain, say something leh./
Ain: I'll be comiing
Takahina: You sure.
Ain: Don't know.
I am damned bored now.
Waiting in sch library with one of my PW members watching me writing shit now. How????
Takahina: Give idea leh... what to write?
Ain: Don't know
Oh ya, tomorrow which is 5.11.05, i have a drum rehearsal open air outside my school which is 3rd floor suntect.. i mentioned it b4 in the previous message. The timing is 3.30pm, not 4pm. And it'll be only round 2min... sad.
if u want to lah.
Takahina: Ain, say something leh./
Ain: I'll be comiing
Takahina: You sure.
Ain: Don't know.
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