Cause I just watched a damned it show called "Ghost Hunters" on channel 18 on Starhub cable tv and now i'm imaginating that "I see dead people". The other bad thing is, my parents have gone to Genting once again and now I'm alone while brother is almost in non-existent in his room with his Guardian Force.
Anyway, I used to recall how I used to fear ghost... Now let me recall...
When I was around in primary school to secondary 3, I don't dare to watch any ghost shit at all, even though it does attract me. So I'm constantly fighting with myself...
"Don't watch it! Watch liao you can't sleep!"
Damn it, there are even times I'm scared of sound effects which emits from my radio. I still remember there is one very old sound effect or commercial from 98.7 which goes..
"Dell dell dell dell de dell dell dell dell..." loop that shit and you get a shit which can scare 10 year old boy boy.
Thus so, you people will know why I don't listen to English music le.
Then in sec 4 and now, I start to realise that watching the ghost show is ok, it's the sound effects which kills u. At least that's what i learn from "The Ring" and "Ju-on". Then at long as you anticipate when the ghost shit will appear, it won't be that scary. That's why everybody, always watch spoilers and trailers for ghost show. But then hor.
Boy boy like this...
Still looks bloody scary with that white face. So fuck him. But Ju-on 2 has a much much more scarier image than this.
Well, so what can we do to counter such ghostly shit? We close our eyes and shut our ears.
Like these monkeys.
But ignore the "say no evil" monkey. We need to say evil to scold the producers of the show.
Through my insufficient experience with ghost shows, I realised that the main pulling factor for it is due to possible 3 reasons.
1. They like to subject themselves to psychological shocks which can be conducted by ghost.
2. They love ghost and wish to fuck them?
3. They just got curious to the netherworld.
For the first reason, I can only say they like to torture themselves, not my business.
For the second reason, I can say that some people are just bent on seeing them. Like that show "Ghost Hunters" which I just watched, they want to prove their existence. They just wanna see them for the first time! And also you do know of shows whereby ghost can love human.
Third reasons are for people like me. I don't wanna get scared, but then the plot of knowing if there is any possible ghost lurking around behind you reading this sentence now, or is there anyway to solve and to have the ghost turn into buddha or god is simply, too interesting. I just want to know the plot, but i hate the screaming me part, so what i always do I to close my eyes and ears in the cinema, and pretend my eyes are wide open like nodding or so.
From this, we can deduce. Is there really ghost lurking around us?
Well, this is just my own opinion lah. I DO believe in floating spirits and all. Better to believe than never, right? However, do they harm you? My call on that is that you don't fuck with them, they won't fuck with you period.
So please people, don't dumb dumb go climb what old changi hospitaland those haunted places. If you youngsters wanna have sex but without the money to go motel, go choose like carpark stairs or what, don't ever try to perform free shows in front of the many ghosts, it's not worth it. If you want more exciting sex you can try the school canteen at night. At least there is still slight light for you to see where you aim.
So IMO, you can believe in them (NO, YOU DON'T PRAY TO THEM EXCEPT DURING THE HUNGRY GHOST FESTIVAL.) But, never offend them by keep on inflitrating their home. They dislike it.
Well, some tips for how to notice ghost presence. (Thanks to that show I watched just now)
1. Check for cold spots or areas. These are areas comparably cold compared to the surrounding.
2. Anything moving without anything touching it? Definitely a ghost.
3. See a damn it ghostly figure in that neoprint you took just now? Don't go to that shop anymore.
Well, done about ghost.
Just now was Rong's birthday party we held, so we went to chomp chomp in Serangoon to eat. Frankly, I feel we can try other places like maybe Newton? Well, I'm not sure of the eating spots in Singapore lah. Rurouni gave him a pair of drumsticks, DAI LAST cd and a Naruto figurine.
Rong, if you're reading this, do note that there are 4 more of the figures. So you should continue buying till you get all 5.
Had fun over at chomp chomp and Jaesung was just like a clown. Also, I was nudged to step on SOMETHING. Lucky I was quick enough to notice and thus I did not tio full impact. Happy bday Rong.
Also, been going out with someone lately. Yes she is a female..
Well, damn that show... thus so I think I'll take an hour to sleep. Gd night everybody.
That OCBC booth is gone right.. u nv say.. well anyway its gone since last Tuesday.. think their booth holding on the same date of urs... so same day end...
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