Takahina is someone who likes to drum, likes japanese stuff and dance DDR with a great passion. He likes most stuff and doing most things which most people don't do, heck he even blogs differently from most of these people. He's more like a black sheep in otherwords, although he does know that they are black sheeps around as well. But gradually throughout, Takahina is feeling that, the society don't accept someone like him.
People like Takahina, people who have different ideals, people who do things differently, people who have their own principles and opinion. Such people are facing more and more restriction, especially in a place like Singapore.
There is those talk shows on youngsters issues, what "有话就说" or "Real talk", whatever shit. They should get Takahina up. But precisely it's because people like Takahina is ignored and regarded as strange or weird in this society, thats why we don't get our say. We don't get our wanted power. We can only use things like blogging and posting to say our true feelings.
Hence so, for 2 posts in The True Takahina, I shall bitch about all those shit which I want to complain about.
Lately, as Takahina mixed in with more of his friends and families. Somehow, he has heard of opinions in which we are desperately misunderstood and unappreciated. Unknown of whatever shit there may be, Takahina wants to address these causes.
My thoughts, my arguments, and my emotion.
This will be Takahinaism.
Throughout life, Takahina feels that he has developed to a stage whereby he has already developed and knows what he wants in life. Just let me ask many of you people and youngsters, have you obtained your dream in life? Do you have a clue of what you want to pursue? Don't tell me you just want to work under someone as an economist adviser or whatever shit earning shitty money and just to be a mainstream worker throughout your life?
Sam asked me one question one day, and that is if my biggest fear is to be a mainstream worker, which is to just get a degree and work like an idiot throughout life. Earning for promotions and megre shit but eventually, failing to achieve your dreams. After all, what is your dream?
Girls may wanna be Tai Tai and all, being a ripped off Paris Hilton, marry a fucking rich guy and bitch around him, leeching all his cash and spoiling the future brat. Whatever, that is your dream and Takahina will respect it reluctantly. No doubt a dumb dream, it is still a dream. But the thing is, how you achieve it.
Can you people just answer yourself, what I have asked previously. What is your dream. Earn big bucks? Live a normal life? Be a damn pro soccer player? Owning all those fucking cheebye ah bengs in Dota? Being someone faithfully devoted to Jesus? Fuck all girls in the world and create billions of offsprings, eventually creating world war 3 with your offsprings as a bunch of soldiers? Being a damn pro judge and scolding off all those noobs on Superband?
Next ask this question, are you working towards your dream? If you desire to live an ordinary life, then how ordinary do you want your life to be? Do you have enough finance and capability to live this ordinary life?
The fact about this is that, most people in life don't really get to do what they dream of. Unless your dream is to be an ordinary life lah. But if so then u can go fuck yourself cause that is damn dumb.
Its your dreams, and your chasing of this dreams which makes you unique.
Takahina has several dreams. But eventually Takahina decided that he wants to be a future pro drummer. Takahina wants to go professional in drumming and eventually play drum around the world, and especially for Matsu Takako :p
The drumset at 4tones, one of the better drumsets i have played with so far.
However, my drumming dream is filled with lack of support. My family doesn't seem to support leh. My mother once said she regretted letting me learn drum. My father wanted me to stop going for the lessons in saturday and study more.
But I have said no strongly. Then I replied "I'll get the degree, but i'll never give up my drums."
And that is precisely one of the biggest problem with society, in that it poses all type of trouble and obstacles to our dreams. But at the same time, it's these obstacles which make your chasing of your dreams worthwhile. So those mainstreamers telling me to stop drumming and all can shit off, cause I will never, never give up my drums.
For once I love Taufik for his song "I dream" to my great horror. But still that guy sucks. Slyvester Sim sucks as well, one day i meet you I'll use Xiang Long Shi Ba Zhang to kill you.
I admit i'm normal in same ways, I follow the damn bloody education system, I listen to mainstreams channels like 933 and disgust vehemently at the mainstream music they play but still listen to it. However, what i dislike are people who follow the system blindly.
To me, the system is "survival". You don't follow it, you will die in the future. And I do agree with it. Cause the whole society follows this system, if you don't, you will get fucked up. The main thing however is how you can escape from this system once you gained a foothold.
The NS system for Takahina will be just a money grabbing tool, and perhaps an opportunity for Takahina to get fucked in the ass.
The Education system for Takahina is just, to learn of words and ways to continuously insult PAP and their rigid outdated ways.
The Job system for Takahina, will also just be a money grabbing tool, so that Takahina can grow famous one day with drumming and shit the boss up by saying...
"Yo fucker, you think you are still superior to me? Do you know how many people marvel at Takahina's drums rather than your freacking work ethics? Don't think I don't know you seduce your secretaries ar..."
This life is too boring to just follow the system. The system is like something which controls your freedom and don't allow you to do shit you like. I mean, even my current school has lots of complains towards student intiating a CCA which they actually like and that my school even cut off a CCA which Takahina likes! Damn fuck you know. If the CCA i was in was not cut off, Takahina could have been a pro singer you know?! And to think TPJC produced Shermaine whereby the school system don't actually seem to be supportive of such ideals at all. Damn ironic.
I went to IJC the first 3 months and the CCA and culture freedom for pursuing of interests there has already attracted Takahina. If not for some PikaCHU, Takahina may never have left the school in the first place. And to think, if I stayed on in IJC, Ben would have been in the fucking same class as me la!! EVEN THEIR NOTES ARE MORE ELABORATE AND BETTER!! DAMN CB!
And the next best thing is, they seem to have alot of rich Paris Hiltons there to leech on.... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........
I think hor, maybe schools should impart a system like this...
Won't schools be more fun and interesting that way? They will be forced to study in fear of the pain as well. Damn effective I tell you.
Life is too boring. And it's cause of these systems and mediocre people who don't understand and try to comprehend the rigidity of these systems that make life so boring.
So what should we do? Pursue our dreams and make life more interesting, and hopefully your dream is not those mainstream shit like "I wanna get married", I will blackmail you to marry a chicken literally if that's your dream. If not, you can try to be like my disciple here...
He's making life for the Rurouni damn interesting. Look at that face, it speaks of a thousand words on his mentality and that is damn cool.
Cant blame parents for disapproving stuffs quite 'unaccepted' by SG.. only few ppl in SG can choose Music and Design as their tertiary education whereby they wont die of starvation in the future if they dun make it out well.. well those ppl are those rich kids...
So WH... cant blame.. i'd be in SP music course or fashion design course if there isnt such factor... one thing that that i come from a normal income home.. i believe we too u know.. thats why.. cant blame.. which is why i choose something else... but then still got interest.. else i believe i wont be able to move on..
I believe drums is ur passion.. and therefore i do support u.. but then u really cant blame Chong-papa and Chong-mama not giving u support u see...
OniShinobi-mama dun approve his son to learn singing too.. well anyway i know i wont get any financial support de.. i only wanna know their response and reaction only.. thats why i only choose to pursue it later in my life... coz i wont wanna make them worry...
So.. cant blame parents u see...
But i know u'll balance them well.. i have trust in u..
Ur disciple is a example of someone who have the passion in music.. look at his eyes... look at his gestures.. all shows that he's very into music...
The only reason I can fuck around in school, play DOTA/SRO as and when I like, do whatever I like is because of supportive parents. Maybe you might think "fuck! he's fucking up his life!"
but what i believe is 'Do whatever you like, Do it well, Dont regret, Think twice' Ok the 1st 3 Ds are the fun part but the last T is the one that controls the 1st 3 Ds.
Since young when I wanted to drink Coke, eat junk food, play mud or choose not to shower before bed, my mum will just let me be. This rule also applies on music. I am borned in a family with no rules to restrict your future you, but there are rules to guide you to the future-you wanna-be.
Although chong-mama/chong-baba is a little conservertive, you should try to listen to yourself. I believe your currenct policy is correct. Be like a mainstreamer now to survive and then step out of this fucked up life when you are able to.
When i practice endless rain, i tell mum "this is so damm hard" she says, "not at all.. you practice 1-2 bars everyday and you surelly can do it. I off the tv let you concentrate. sure can one..." I believe that the support from the friends around you are as good as Chen-mama's. We as friends will see you through your drumming carrer. Gambattene!!
Joke aside...your okasan and otosan only want the best future career prospects for you, which is why they are constantly haranguing you to pull up your socks and study. It is a harsh world out there, and venturing out into the world without a degree in this day and age is a very daunting prospect.
And a degree means everything in the Singaporean job market. I think it would be best if you earn a degree as a form of insurance before you go out into the world to pursue your dreams.
Then again, don't give up on your dreams though. I wouldn't want to see you end up as an unhappy guy with a 9-5 job...sporting the perpetually constipated face that most Singaporeans wear 24/7.
Sore jaa, Gambatte Kudasai Yo! =D
yea, tts why i said i won't give up my degree...
but why did u delete your own comment?
Ahh...it didn't sound appropriate and looked completely out of place besides onishinobi's and ryan's comment...so I deleted it and put a comment along the lines of their comments! =D
Saluts! ;-)
Very nice site! » »
That's a great story. Waiting for more. » » »
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