A girl to be precise.
And I've observed quite a few things really. No offense to any ladies cause I understand...
Love makes a person go gaga. Not a radio, not gatsby, not this Takuya Kimura...
The Takako makes me gaga...
Anyways, 1 of this girls I know, she's quite persistent actually in her relationship. And also, quite desperate in showing her "love" to her boyfriend. Always messaging him, asking whether his home or not and stuff. This is case 1: The Gaga Girls.
Somehow, these types of girls, are quite easily cheated as I'll say. In that case 1 is too easily "obtained" by the guys. The way the girlfriend feels in how she should keep her boyfriend, is through the obessesive diarrhoea of love and concern she shows. And most often, that is the thing which makes a rather loyal boyfriend to be irritated to the extent he gives up.
Not saying this type of girls are bad, but the way they handle their boyfriend is bad. In fact, I pity for these girls, normally they are the ones who suffer the most in a breakup, because they are the one who vomit out the most love they can manage. And normally, they aren't the one who wants the break up.
Break up rate until death: 5~10
Most Suitable Boyfriends for her: Nerds with no experience in love and have no knowledge of how to play the game.
And then there is case number 2. The seduction.
Needless to say, i think the term is self-explanitory. Girls, with make up quite thick they can cover up as Pizzas, and skirts so short they might as well forgo wearing them. Guys are for the reason, to play with, to spurge on. When they are bored...
"Eh... Dear, where are you... I want to go shopping/play (etc)..."
or when they are not bored and doing something,
"Sorry hor Dear, I'm busy right now. Reply you later."
The stereotype of these girls are what people call the Chao Ah Lian, but it's more compulsed than that. Frankly, it's just cause of them that they give girls such a bad name. And I guarantee you guys, you never want to get such a girlfriend. Cause these girls know how it is to be in the game, but in a wrong way. They know how to get what they want through guys and most of the time the guys don't mind too much of it. However, in exchange these girls also give away their innocence and transform into the girls your mother won't want to have as a daughter in law.
Guys can't help but have a second look at them, normal girls can't help but scorn at them. They are almost the opposite of the Gaga girls. They are not Gaga, they make man go Gaga. Well, not all guys. Some guys looking for a more serious relationship on the other hand will be repulsed by their loose behaviour. Just think of them as a walking one night stand which you need to slowly develop out. An expensive one.
Break up? Not a problem. I have a whole queue in standby. Just give me some compensation fee. Oh, and also don't expect me to return you the stuff you bought for me. They are mine, ALL MINE!
And the world is not enough. And don't think they exist only as the teenagers angst with short skirt and stuff. But office politics, celebrity business and many more ways. The Seduction uses their looks for their own personal gain or maybe career. The personal clerk, for example. Or the voluptous female who rises in ranks as if gravity doesn't affect them. As long as they can get what they want, their body/looks/assets, anything which can let them have their wanted stuff is expendable.
Break Up rate until death: Infinity
Most Suitable Boyfriends for her: Rich man looking for sex
Some woman, in this world look in love as a secondary neccesity. They crave freedom, power and attention. These type of women, are the career based type: Miss Busy.
Normally powerful in their career and very much able to support themselves, these types of ladies normally have boyfriend only for 1 purpose. Their attention and their rule over them. Boyfriends to them, exist for the purpose of showing off and the many other small perks that comes along. Such as the occasion sex drive the female hormones produce and they need someone to solve it so that they can concentrate more on their work. Or the extra person to chauffeur them around when they need to.
They are not afraid of not having any boyfriends, but more of scared of time. This reason is simple. They need to grab hold a guy while they can still concentrate on their career, so their future at least will not look bleak.
Yes, the guy is an investment.
It's not to say that the female doesn't love the guy. She loves him for the correct and wrong purpose. Miss Busy loves his attention, loves his concern and thoughts. But just doesn't want to go too serious until she is like the president of Takahina.corp and oversees the year when Bill Gates is not the richest man in the world. Often the time that happens, she has aged, her boyfriend grabbing assets have degraded to pentium 1. So she needs to use something else, she has to design an asset. Loyalty.
So she sets up a loyalty plan which covers her marriage security.
She will never walk alone.
1 problem though, such loyalty plans is getting scarse. So loyalty plans keep changing and changing from Singtel to Starhubby. Why? Cause she's too busy that she can't keep note of her loyalty plans.
Break up rate: Depends on her Loyalty plans
Most Suitable Boyfriend for her: Money/Bill Gates
And also, there is the wise ones. Wise in love, always in the game and protected. She may not be the most gorgeous, she may not be the most fruitful wife you can get. But hey, she's good.
Helps you in your stuff, never too loose but knows when to be so to hook the guy back up. She is like a fishing rod, you need to let loose the line if not when it gets too tight it breaks, and also when to tighten the line if not the fish will make off with the bait. Her boyfriend seldom leaves her, cause he's somewhat satisfied, yet not fully. He is still curious about this mysterious lady and that is the game she has to play, to have the fog of war in place and not let the boyfriend use "Black Sheep Wall".
She can squeeze money out of him when she needs to, but not always like The Seduction. She can show love and concern for him, but not always like The Gaga girls. She has her own career and knows how to handle love and career, unlike Miss Busy. And really, if she's not pretty but knows the game, she will know of ways to make herself look pretty.
She can almost have any type of guys she wants, unless that guy is a player himself and is very good at it. She has her freedom, she has her power, and yet doesn't step all over the guys. That's why no one leaves her.
Just think of her as the lady with the attraction aura. Aura Enchantress.
When she needs to be sexy, she'll be even better than The Seduction. When she needs to invest in guys, she gets much higher returns than in Miss Busy. And never will she be The Gaga girls, only giving and no returns which is much like the Singapore POSB saving accounts.
Admit it guys, you can't win over her. Unless you are good in the game as well.
Break up rate: 1-5. If not none.
Most Suitable Boyfriends for her: Just someone she likes. Hell she has the power to choose.
I'm not saying I'm that much of a gamer (Hey, I'm just a 19 year old guy with not much experience in love), but really look at the world in another way and slowly analyse, people are very much labelled in their own category.
Who says TV is bad for your studies?
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