Bonus Stage: Stella's birthday
Name as shown in IC: Stella Huang Xiang Yi
Date of Birth:14th April 2008
Time of Birth: 0000
Spouse/Oath: Lee Seung Gi
Likes: Lee Seung Gi
Dislikes: -
Remarks: I don't dare to write anything here, if not later will be beaten up.
Pre-event: None
Dinner: Kublai Khan
Main Event: Drinking
Follow up Events: Peeing in the Singapore River
Predicted Time to end: None
Additional Elements: Tian Wei's friend? Also, Stella's 16 year old cousin hahahaha...
Hokay, how do I start...
Firstly, although Stella's not REALLY a Rurouni, but she went for like 3 of the birthday outings we have.
So naturally... her birthday we have to celebrate de ma, right?
Therefore, Takahina was once again tasked to plan the birthday... but I think Takahina screwed up big time ba.
Firstly, Takahina wanted to go for BBQ at the beach for her birthday. 1 reason was due to Priscilla's suggestion, the other is cause I thought maybe we should do something different rather than eat and drink like a pig.
But then, to Takahina's horror, he realised he kena a freaking duty on saturday. How fucked up can that be? So immediately, the plan of a BBQ was like flawed. Imagine if we go to the beach.
Takahina and gang can rent bikes and such, go around the freaking beach... making it a more outdoor stuff. Want beach games? No problem, Takahina can find equipments. Just slacking? Also can, find a good shade and you can slack all the way. Need food? No problem, someone can just go around buying food and that's the BBQ. If there's rain? PONCHO!! We SAF scared of what sia.
Do we have time?? NOOOOOOO.
Since saturday was eaten up, the only time good left was friday night since everyone has work. If I chose a sunday, the next morning everyone has work, the mood won't be there.
So how?
BBQ was off. Therefore Takahina chose a buffet dinner instead. And Takahina thought can't everytime eat those usual buffet... so he tried to go for a more unique one like Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan.
FREAKING WRONG CHOICE. I'll elaborate later.
Anyway, so the ending plan 1 was
- Dinner at Genghis Khan
- Drinking (planned by Rong)
It turned out Rong the directional idiot cannot be trusted to plan. Will elaborate later again.
Anyways, so it's arranged to be on friday, and I finished planning it on Monday. Things should go alright, just that the next day I have Company's Only Shit duty.
Then... something happened on thursday.
Hokay, this immediately changed things up. Saturday became free for Takahina and so, the BBQ can proceed on as usual.
And thus so, Takahina made a change of plans and informed everyone about it.
So things were going on quite well when Stella suddenly stunned me, making me gong gong for like 2 hours.
"Eh... i don't want BBQ."
Hokay!! Need to shift plans liao!! So we go with the buffet plan. Heng all the bbq stuff haven't buy yet if not I'll go kill myself.
Then now, the deal was still supposed to be on Saturday. Just that we'll be like pigs la.
"Eh, CHONG!! You have to come down for duty on Sat. Cause you're the company's only shit left." Whatever happened to my boss? Kena Mutiny ar???
Really, major, stun. Even more powerful than Stone Cold Stunner, I call it the Can Sign More? :) (CSM) Stunner.
And therefore, came the mad blast from my Xiao Mei Mei Stella.
For the first time, Takahina have never been such a failure in time management before. ARGH!!
So anyways, Takahina went to arrange stuff, like reserve place and ask Rong to find a Korean Bar.
An impossible task, but anyways it still proceeded on. However, came another shock.
"Hello, international family buffet."
"Hello, erm, is this Genghis Khan?"
"No Mister, this is International Family Buffet."
"Huh, but the number I called is Genghis Khan?"
"Yes sir, we were Genghis Khan but changed to International Family Buffet to make it HALAL."
Notice the word "Halal".
Freaking hell. So the plan of Mongo-lian shit is gone cause of Halal. Great. Allah don't you love me.
Like that how sia... Hokay nvm, still got
Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan. Har Har Har.
So after that would be the Token of Appreciation to be presented to Stella for being an honourary member of the Rurouni. So, Priscilla and me went to look for presents fitting of such a person.
Thought of buying bra, but then again... maybe not. Stella's size quite hard to predict, and it's not exactly Priscilla's size... so yeah. So, in the end got a nice looking watch for her, and some chocolates that came from a varied choice of ALL sorts.
Now it's just the meet up.
Ok, the plan was to meet at 7.00 at MRT and we'll reach the restaurant soon in like 8pm. Just nice as the reservation timing was at 8pm.
BUTT, Ben was delayed due to him reading the wrong sms. Bah. so the timing to meet change to 7.30pm.
So all the Tampinesians were told to gather at the MRT at 7.30pm while Chin Han and Junrong were told to accompany Stella first since she just came out from work. Cannot let the birthday girl walk alone aimlessly mah right. Even though she said no need, I know still need de.
Then, we all waited in the MRT until 8pm. Why??? Cause of Tian Wei. He wore until sibei BHP (Bui Hiow Pai), a shirt with some formal long pants and bling bling shoes. Completely formal de. Just that the buttons aren't really buttoned up. He dares to wear such low cut, Takahina don't dare, cause the fats in his belly will be exposed and his tits can be seen to all. Takahina shy shy...
We all were like... wah... PROM AR?
So, we continued on in the MRT with Ben poking me all over. And made Tian Wei explain the reason why we're late later on.
Stella's MSg came in, "Hehehe... dare to make birthday girl wait wor.."
Sibei Cham. Takahina panic.
But anyways, when we reach there... I see Kublai Khan buffet restaurant for the first time.
It was Kublai nnbCb quite lop po.
And, I'm afraid of Stella.
Totally different from what I expected. What I had expected is like there will be a frying tray on every table then there's all type of meat available for you to pick and choose, and bring to your table to do that mongolian fry personally.
But noooooooooooooooo..........
There's the standard buffet stuff. Drinks, Buffet etc etc etc... Tempura fry, Teppanyaki and stuff... yeah they all have. But it's like.... so ah-hem ar the restaurant. The restaurant just presented a very... sloppy feel actually, the only unique stuff is the great giant frying pan whereby the chef will only use a fraction of it for his cooking, and it's like just stir frying some shit and all. NNB limbei also know larr!!! I can freaking cook fried rice on that frying plate. Really really bad bad choice.
But nonetheless we still continued since we paid for it. And eat eat eat. I remember Sam spammed a lot of raw shit while I just practically went for everything available. And while I was waiting for the frying mongolian stuff to be done. The rest of the guys were waiting at the table, staring at me.
"Ursa warrior"
That does it Sam.
So Takahina looks like...
Whatever man.
After that... as usual to remember the restaurant as a blacklisted one. We took pics.
And then
This shows it. Sam is an idiot and the restaurant gets a C6 from Takahina.
Anyways, after that we went to Clarke Quay for the drinks. We arranged to meet Tian Wei's friend, (whom I don't know the name) to join us while in the meantime, the rest of us chiong to buy ke-ki for Stella. I also told Stella that I had intended to call her cousin Kerrlyn over by emailing her... on facebook :p
She went O_O. But I shall state clearly that I'm not after her cousin in ANYWAYS. I just thought they're freaking close cause her blog the tag always got her. And my recce for any surprises for her was damn difficult cause I don't really know her friends.
Yes Takahina has allowance of + - 11, but I don't just GO for any girls within that range like an idiot ok?
Eventually, with Tian Wei's friend's appearance... I began to understand why he wore like that.
Quite obvious la hor... for his face's sake I don't wanna spill it here.
Then anyways, Rong he wanted to bring us to some good place to drink. So we were quite anticipating and walked a long through the streets of Clarke Quay where a lot of stuff was going on and to the Singapore Benji Jump.
Hokay, it's not there. Let's continue on the route..
So we were like walking walking walking damn long.... got to the extent of pek chiek. This shows 1 thing, never follow Rong's lead. It'll get you nowhere man. So we were like re routing a whole fucking big way around Singapore River. Macham giving us a tour of Singapore River. Eventually we reached the place where Mr Raffles is standing outstandingly with his hands crossed. And beside him?
Ok rong, so the whole idea is Timbre, in which this time it's beside the Singapore River and not at SMU there.
Ok Rong. Ok. I forgive you Rong even though I can use just 15mins compared to the 1 hour you took to take us there. I forgive u hor...
So... we got shagged out when we reached there. The ladies are already not happy. This was added by the decision that opening 1 bottle would bankrupt us for the night. We procrastinated quite long, making the waiter there quite pissed, but heck care cause he's supposed to WAITer.
In the end, we still open 1 Chivas la... and Chin Han stole the clothing of the bottle... for what sia?
Benji's aim was to just attack the free flow soft drinks.
Rong's aim was to be play KTV pub games with us.
Chin Han's aim was to try a little here, a little there.
Ben's aim was to smoke??
Samuel's aim was to talk on the phone.
Stella's aim was to wait for someone to talk to her.
Takahina's aim was to get the ball started.
Tian Wei's aim was to take the girl he invited over home.
The girl's aim was to do nothing.
Really, the initial part was quite boring at the pub with the procrastinating process.... However, once Takahina got an Erdinger in. It started to get the ball rolling...
In search of a cheaper place, Tian Wei and his friend went to look for a better drinking place where her friend works at. So the rest of us were like sitting down zuo bo. Samuel's phone called.
Ok, he's off to talk. For like damn fucking long. I predict he's complaining bout how dumb the whole thing is.
Then Ben, went smoking with Rong. Don't know for how long too.
Then Rong seems preoccupied with stuff, so I'm left with Benji, Chin Han, Stella.
Hokay, so, I shall talk to Stella. She seems emo. Then we actually began talking this certain guy whom she knows in East View... won't say who... but then I don't really know this guy even though he was in the same primary school as me.
However, we began talking more and more and yeah... can see her mood is slowly picking up.
Then people are starting to flow back in. As the whole group are back, we began the holy ceremony of vicing ourselves with alcohol and also to get the Ke-Ki out.
Frankly I think she has the wrong hair cut, seriously. It's almost comparable to my Mushroom head.
And do notice the cake is already cut. Damn sui right. We bought half a strawberry cheesecake and the other half is Costa Rica's Coffee Cake. Sui man.
And so we continue staying there, for guilty pleasures of playing 0, 5, 10, 15. Rong's aim was achieved. And I noticed how dumb Takahina can be in playing the game. But never mind... next time you die Rong.
Soon after, Tian Wei's friend got bored and attempted to leave with Tian Wei naturally... who knows what they did afterwards, but once again...
Haiz... Disappointed ar Tian Wei... disappointed.
Then Benji was emo-ing at a side, listening to his mp3 while the gay Live Band is playing. He said something:
"The greatest insult to a band, is to listen to mp3 while they are playing live."
I can't agree more man.
Chin Han was kinda stoning around. Don't really know what's he doing. Trying a bit here and there. I think he's worried someone spotted him keeping the cloth.
Sam... was once again acting stupid. I don't know how though. He was like playing the 0, 5, 10, 15 game with me. And I being the Mouse Shit, always make him drink. He was going WTF with me. Mai Siao Siao, this is revenge for calling me Ursa Warrior man. Of course I drink with him.. but Takahina being the Red Lobster he can be, will be difficult to defeat in drinking... har har har.
Anyways, later Rong changed his target to Stella. And once again began his quest for defeat. Stella got defeated naturally.
Eventually, the drinks are finished, Benji is done with his free flow of coke, everyone is done stoning, so the bill is paid and we go off to the nearby stone benches to just... slack.
This is where it got fun.
Ben's friend the EOD guy and his friend came along with a sentence...
"Eh eh, I remember you, you're that armor guy right??"
But yeah, I am the armor guy so fuck it. And instantly we all began spamming smoke and piss into the Singapore River. Yes, Piss into the Singapore River with Sir Stamford Raffles as the witness. Total there was 3 people who did it if I didn't remember wrongly.
Ben, EOD, and Rong.
There were people around too.
So it was interesting in a sense people are going gaga. Stella and Rong went to a side to sit down talk talk about don't know what. Benji, me and Ben were talking bout the sacred topic of love and relationships we were having which eventually changed to talking to NS stuff and the complain that I got the Company's Only Sucker last minute. Samuel and Ben got damn emo btw. Almost sounds like they are ready to go fuck up my Cock Sucking Monkey. Then Rong got emo with a call involving Ultraman and some salted egg super man. But it's cool cause at the time got Armor guy, Commando guy, CQ guy, Technician, Mdm Ng and Programmer Chin Han there. All types of access route and attacking forces are well prepared.
But in the end, never ever happened anyway.
But the whole heart to heart talks lasted quite long and quite enjoyable for Takahina. Cause it showed of the close ties between us.
For once hor, Takahina felt like he was part of something man. Really.
Anyways, for a side note. Tomorrow Takahina will be flying to India for NS training for 2 weeks plus. Will be back by 7th May.
Miss me guys... Miss the Takahina.