On this month of March, among the 3 birthday happenings. Takahina's one was perhaps the more usual type of office workers birthday celebration ba...
With this I present
Stage 3
Woon Han's Birthday
Name as shown in IC: Chong Woon Han 胀瘟寒
Date of Birth:16 Mar 1988
Time of Birth: Check My Birth Cert.
Spouse/Oath: Matsu Takako.
Likes: Matsu Takako?
Dislikes: Matsu Takako haters.
Remarks: He's Fat. He's Short. He's Ugly. He's Poor. People mistakes his name to Choon Han by merging Chong and Woon together. He sucks at a lot of stuff. In order words, his pure existence in this world is unknown and it's an even bigger mystery why he can live till 20. He constantly has a group of intelligence group surveiling the privacy of his HP. This is mainly to ensure he doesn't do anything evil to the world. And because of it, he had often become the laughing stock of the world.
Pre-event: None
Dinner: Waraku, Japanese Restaurant
Main Event: Timbre Pub Drinking
Follow up Events: Slacking around Singapore Museum
Predicted Time to end: Next Morning?
Additional Elements: A Police Woman (Major Surprise) and a very tall lady (Surprise) and a very tired lady (Not too surprising)
Ok... it's a very difficult... situation to describe I suppose, but I'll start chronically.
Firstly, I will need to elaborate about this certain person whom I had known for 80 days and how I got to know her. But it'll be done in a different and a very much more detailed post :p
Let's just say, I know this person yet don't know this person ba, her codename will be Police Woman.
My brother Ben, from don't what kinda hands he had, actually obtained the number of Police Woman from my HP. He knew I wanted to meet her, so he secretly contacted her to come meet me up on my birthday main event at Timbre.
But little did he know, something happened to his plan.
The usual gang arranged to meet at Tampines MRT at around 8 when we'll then head over to Somerset's Waraku for dinner. The guys know I like Japanese Dinner so naturally, the dinner will be something Japanese.
Then I was there first. They had the audacity to make the birthday boy wait, but never mind. When I was there, Police Woman called me.
She kinda like told me... the big gist of what is happening, and that she can't make it for the surprise. And so, to explain she can't make it for the surprise, she has to explain to me the surprise. So it's no longer a surprise. (Too bad Ben.) But frankly, I'm amazed that Ben can actually do a sneak attack like this and try to flank me with a surprise. If Police Woman does make it, it'll really be a damn big surprise to the extent I won't know how to react and die off.
Haha... but really, thanks Ben and thanks Xuanie, even though you can't make it in the end.
(It seems a bit rude to keep on calling her Police Woman.. haha..)
Nonetheless, the characters all arrived. Cept for Sam who was in Thailand fucking Ba Poks and seducing Ah Quas under the orders of the SAF and for Honour and Glory but without Pride, Stella due to her Grandmother's wake and Tian Wei for his promise to his friend to go high in St James. (Haiz Tian Wei... disappointed ar...)
Went to Waraku. A very classy looking Japanese restaurant. Even the interior looks pretty exquisite. We went in and there is this Japanese style table by the window. I thought we had to like kneeled down to eat, which some of us tried. Then stupidly we realised there is like a gap to put our legs in lar.
Dumb us.
We ordered some food... and...
KMNB!!! (Kami Nabei!) Ben ordered it.
Some cold tofu, Tempura and Cold Soba. Rong said he wanted to eat something light but ended up ordering lots of food which is quite heavy imo. Who says thin people can't eat.
And also the Curry Peng (Curry Katsu Don) for Benji. It seems that those uncle uncle type Singaporeans just like to order such stuff like Curry Rice or Ramen de. Don't know how to eat unique stuff.
I ordered some... weird stuff actually. I think it's soba with some roe and egg miso soup. The portion was actually damn big. DAMN BIG. It's like a set with rice and unagi with this Egg Miso Soba. DAMN FULL LARR!! For the first time Takahina couldn't finish a Japanese meal he ordered. But it's damnnnnn nice...
And we like tried each others stuff. Damn good... I just love Japanese food laa.... :x
And soon after, the time passed by very slowly. For some reasons Ben was like leading us to strange places 1 after another. Buy Kopi la, buy smoke la, smoke la, he gave me some puffs la... All and all and all la. We finally decided on a place to sit down; outside the pavement of The Cathay. So we became like the deliquents of society and sat down like some hippies with afro hairdo. Smoke and Kopi but no bling bling. Mainly to wait for a person... or maybe 2 persons.
Priscilla and her friend Audrey.
Haha... well done ar Ben... You managed to get a very tricky person to come over under a rather tricky situation... Nice ar...
Anyways, I've said before Priscilla in my blog, so go check the past records to know more about her. Audrey on the other hand is simply, a friend whom Priscilla knew through her Yoga lessons and introduced to me. So in a way I'm her friend as well hahaha...
So we met up at Cathay and started walking towards Timbre. It's a small live band pub with good music and drinks. Although no aircon and the walk there was.... quite humid. I don't really mind. Hahahaha... The best thing is I like the music genre there. Standard Pop stuff... but the bands are quite good. Quite a cool place actually.
On the way there, just keep on talking about the old stuff. Priscilla hadn't seem the Rurouni gang for quite sometime. The only person she had contact with frequently was me, so we all kinda reminiscent about the old stuff la...
PP, "Eh, Benji is so slim now!"
WH, "Is it? But he's an emo giraffe now. So it kinda evens out."
PP, "Eh, Ben looks spastic."
WH, "He has always been. That's why he's called 笨."
It kinda brought back fond memories ba. And a little painful ones also. But nonetheless it was nice. Haha and it was nice talking to Audrey after quite some time.
Priscilla den said she had no presents for me cause the taxi fare taken to reach there would be my present.
Thanks hor. Hahahaa...
On the way, we saw a haunted mansion.
The name is called Singapore National Museum.
It had a giant red man dick inside... will show soon enough.
Anyways, when we reached there, it's the standard procedure of finding a spot. We're lucky enough to get 1 actually, cause normally Friday that place is booked de. And our strength is quite big. A section worth.
I still remembered I ordered Erdinger... which is also my Brother's internet nick. So I guess that's where he got his nick. And I think it's also cause of this I like to drink Erdinger (somewhat). The rest kinda ordered some random stuff, Pris didn't ordered any alcoholic while Audrey remained drinkless. The rest got stuff like Erdinger.... no wait I think we all ordered Erdinger. Not bad ar Erdinger, Takahina is endorsing for you.
But if there was Suntory there I'll order it... cause it's endorsed by Matsu Takako :)
See, I didn't bluff you.
Soon after... the cake started to flow in le.
Rong said he bought the cake from New York New York or some place which I can't really remember. And he passed me a knife, wanting me to show some of my Battou Jitsu.
Naturally, barrages of pictures appears...
Yay!! Ok, I didn't kiss anyone like Ben lah, neither did they come over to try to kiss me...
However, they did repel back with chocolate ambush from the cake...
I'm raped by chocolate... ZOMG... Just look at my shagged smile. It shows a sign of having your dignity lowered to the level of chocolates.
Then, the special thing is that they all didn't have to sing birthday song to me. They had the live band to sing the song... SUGOI!!!!!! I didn't thought that a birthday song could be sang in another way other than the usual one. I guess I'm noob. Also, there were a few other songs we dedicated to the band. The list are as follows:
No Doubt - Don't Speak
Green Day - Wake me up when September ends
Ayumi Hamasaki - Carols
Matsu Takako - ANY SONGS!
Simple Plan - Simpler Plan
Vitas - Opera no.3
Kana - Hebe Ichigo
Buddha - Amitabha
Jesus - Praise
In the end, none was played.
But still, I have to cut that cake.
And in the process of cutting that cake. There came many hands which were trying to do something.
It's like everyone is gathering their powers.... LeT oUr PoWeRs CoMbInE~~~ I aM gAy.. Pris seems to be looking with great intense though.
Soon enough, Rong got a dozen of shots... trying his best to best Takahina out... But he forgot.
Takahina is good at getting red. Which means Takahina is like Juggernaut which is red. No ar, it simply means Takahina don't get drink easily cause his liver is damn good at expelling it through the extent of sacrificing his blood to vaporise through his skin. In otherwords, I don't get drunk easily la.
I do get tipsy though.
Stella soon after appeared out of nowhere in the dark and joined the entourage. Freaky. Hahaha... but yeah thanks to her for making the effort for Takahina... he's touched believe me.
After the Timbre, we walked walked around the whole freaking area.. then we were like deciding where to go while walking around and spotted... the giant red dick.
It's like hanging about Rong's head intimidatingly. Careful Rong. The one on the right is Audrey whom I mentioned about.
So we were like hanging around throughout the whole museum which was strangely still open to bad youngsters like us. The toilet in there was pitch dark. Almost similar to like those in silent hill. You go in dark dark, pee finish you come out the world is different.
It's like we can play in that place. O_O
Then we went around taking photos... Stella Benji and Chin Han began doing something.
Sitting down.
And then they looked so similiar to...
Tokyo Jihen
Maybe this trio is pirated.
Look at my cheeky smile.
Check out my face, it's still slightly lobster red.
The cheeky smile was with a reason, cause soon after... I'm going to try something...
EH SORRY SORRY, NG NG!! Ehhhhhhh wwwhhhhyyyyyysssss mmmmmmyyyyy hhhhhaannnnnnddd ttttthhhheeeerrrre~~~~~~~
Ok... BUT I STILL LOOK FUCKED UP. My face is like... zombified. It's like I'm trying to open up my features but I can't.
Haiz... wasted.
But did Priscilla know what I was trying to do in the end?? Hahaha... at least better than Ben. He got a kiss.
Rong somehow knew something was going on and he tried to prove I'm shit.
Cause he openly did it. Stella was like trying to get his hands off... imagine what they are thinking..
Stella while still smiling, "Get your hands off Rong."
Rong trying his best to rest his hands there against Stella's prowess, "Just let me rest there can?? You won't die."
Stella, "NO WAY~~"
All the while it happened when they're smiling.
Eventually the red giant guy chased us out and the door to the museum closed. Then so we began playing balance with a giant capsule outside and did a little SOC with the walls near the entrance. In the night we tried our best to atrieve some enjoyment from a silly little capsule. It's amazing how simple things can be more fun than Final Fantasy at desperate times. Obviously we're bored and waiting for the police to come get us... With our last few remaining strength, we took a photo.
Ben is Zero cause he's unrated.
Chin Han got A1.
Stella's V
Benji's trying to do an E.T 3
Priscilla had this rare and very unlike her smile's 4.
Rong act cute bo cute 5.
Takahina's "Vote for me!" 6.
And lastly, Audrey's invisible 7.
Somehow I feel that Audrey is finding us all too immature, and that Rong doesn't like Benji cause you can't see his face in the picture. And Ben looks like he wants to kick me in the balls. How evil.
Anyways after that it's still not time to go back yet, He had supper at the nearby 24hrs Kopitiam. But you can see some are obviously not in the mood le...
Like her. Concussed le.
And also...
Like him.
Taking a pic while sleeping. How nice of you Benji. With the great Takahina somemore.
Hahaha... anyways food court food sucks nevertheless. A lot of people, or no people. Food Court food just sucks. I ordered a He Ye Fan (Lotus Leaf Rice) and it just sucks. I've never ate a He Ye Fan which just taste like rice not yet unfrozen and not yet heated. It's like a layer of oil over a bunch of rice. YUCKS. WASTED MY FREAKING $2!!~~
The day then ended soon after. With taxi.
But for Takahina, his birthday celebration just began...
Cause 16th, which was a sunday, is his official birthdate.
So there's still saturday and sunday.
Nothing much actually happened on saturday. He actually pre-arranged to meet up with Police Woman but she couldn't make it last minute. He wanted to watch the movie Koi Sora with her, but since she can't Takahina just went on ahead to watch Koi Sora with Benji after jamming. Got my brother Tian Wei to accompany me along to. Took quite a bit of persuasion.
By the time I went to purchase the tickets... there wasn't much seats left. Only left those single seats all around. So the 3 of us sat in seperated seats. My hp was also fully flat by then. So I figured I can fully concentrate on watching the movie. But then I felt very disturbed. Cause couples are all around... ARGH.
But then watching movie alone... is quite a surreal feeling. Especially watching such romantic and tear jerking movies which I like. However, if I could watch it with someone then it'll be even better.
Anyways, was watching half way when Benji passed his hp to me from his seats which is around 3 rows away. It's Xuanie. It seemed she had been looking for me after her work... but due to my lousy handphone and being in a show, it's quite difficult to communicate with her straight.
Afterwards, there was a lot of arrangement done by both of us... but in the end we still couldn't meet. I felt quite dejected, seems like something didn't allow/want us to meet ba.
Anyways, Benji became emo cause he missed his last mrt.
Don't be deceived by his smile. He's really emo.
Then Tian Wei followed on to get a glimpse of the birthday boy. (By that time it's after 12 le)
And after that, of course it's Taxi again.
Sunday, nothing much happened actually. But my family arranged a dinner for me, that' the main event.
However, before that there was a jamming in the day time. So Takahina set off for his jamming, hoping someone in the band would remember it's his birthday on that day.
But it was a somewhat.... hopeless situation. Takahina learnt the songs and was prepared. BUTT, the vox Michi didn't turned up last min cause she felt sick, and the other guitarist Huimin was superiorly late.
In the end, Nika, Benji and me was like freaking each other out in that 1 hour before we decide to go starbucking instead.
1 thing about Starbucks though, they make above average coffee. BUTT, the price is kinda steep. I don't care bout the coffee beans farmer by the way, cause since Kopitiam can sell it so cheap, I believe Starbucks can too.
No wonder they're called Star$$$$$. They want your money mah.
In the end, the band forgot totally about my birthday until some hints I gave. DAMN.
I rushed back home after a few rounds of DDR, then had a good standard chinese dinner with my family, quite nice actually. Bedok actually had quite a good restaurant which you guys can try. The pomfret fish was damn fresh lar...
But portions wise is rather tamed. Also no Kang Kong. ARGH. Grandma was there also.
Grandma, "Today what is the occasion??"
Mother shouted at her cause Nei Nei has bad hearing, "AH HAN'S BIRTHDAY!!"
Grandma nodded her head. Seemingly she knew what happened.
After a few minutes...
Grandma asked, "Today what is the occasion??"
This time it's my father, "AH HAN'S BIRTHDAY LAR"
She nodded her head again.
When the birthday cake was took out... she then realised.
Yes, it's Ah Han's birthday.
Well, it's over about 23 days le. I'm 20 years and 23 days old.
It's amazing though, i'm living my 3 decade and i haven't achieve anything.... haiz...
Thanks to all who wish my happy birthday... and to Ben and gang for organizing the events for me... ^^
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tag tag tag... i tagged le.. haha")
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