From the late Feb till the mid Mar, Rurouni will always be a very busy and very broke group. Because during this time, it involves 3 birthdays, meaning a lot of...
Board Games...
Sexual Toys...
Being the undesired group of society for a period of time...
And naturally photos.
Takahina was the main CONDUCTING and therefore he decided to add in other elements to the usual birthday lesson plan that Rurouni used to conduct.
Shown below will be the part of the very secret documents perceived by Rurouni and being managed, written and totally controlled by Takahina himself.
"Rurouni Confidential Documents: Birthday Procedure"
1. Organizer must plan according to what the birthday personnel involved wants.
-a. If Birthday Personnel says whatever, then it'll be whatever. Organizer will plan according to what he wants and the best of his/her knowledge what the person likes.
2. Flow of conduct:
- Pre event mainly conduct initially. Optional to have.
- Dinner which is free for the birthday personnel, all others will be responsible for splitting the price accordingly. Special Guest will not be obliged to pay but he/she can according to her conscience and whether or not wants to provide a additional donation to the Rurouni Fund. Compulsory to have.
- Main event to kick off. As usual the bills will be paid accordingly as the dinner. Compulsory to have. If there is any birthday cake or additional presents to be given to your loved ones, now is the appropriate time.
- Any other follow up events is optional.
3. List of main events conducted by Rurouni:
- Lan
- K box
- Bowling a.k.a Balling
- Drinking
- Clubbing
- Movie
- Slacking at someone's house
- Chalet
- Boardgaming
- Performing viewing
4. Additional Elements
- Any additional elements to be added to the celebration itself is to be informed and told to all members in case of any displeasure portrayed by the personnel involved.
- If the additional elements is to be meant as a surprise, consult all other members but just the birthday personnel himself/herself.
Personally, I like Kbox as a birthday party. Because you can see guys flooding towards a monitor like idiots.
Anyways, as expected, Ben said the choice "K box", so the main event kicked off.
Stage 1
Ben's Birthday
Name as shown in IC: Ben Yeo Lock Wei 笨杨乐威
Date of Birth:22nd Feb 1988
Time of Birth: ?? (What has it gotta do with this?)
Likes: Hugging somebody?
Dislikes: His boss
Remarks: An Extremist with no whatsoever thinking in mind. Able to go all the way and is ruthlessly vulgar when needed. But also can be damn brother when needed. Also the most active in the group, his celebration will require utmost concentration to contain him. Never to contact his boss along for anything and if possible, get that somebody whom he likes to hug so as to let him be a little more controllable.
Pre-event: None
Dinner: Steamboat buffet
Main Event: K-box
Follow up Events: None
Predicted Time to end: Next Morning?
Additional Elements: That huggable somebody (Unsurprised)
Hokay, so we arranged to meet up at 8pm at the Tampines MRT. He did some own self reflection on how he looked before he went off...
Hokay, looks fine, mirror didn't crack. Let's go then. (^o^)
And irritatingly, the huggable someone was already there.
Introducing Miss Stella Ng Shu Yu. 死特拉黄输鱼。 She is known as Ben's doll because she always gets hug by him whenever Ben sees her. Quite scary. We have known her since Sec Sch. And the interesting fact is that she lives so nearby my house, she can Bio me everyday everynight. Quite scary. She just came back from China, so Takahina went to contact her after a long time of not talking to her. In fact the whole group of Rurouni hadn't been in contact with her for a long time.
All others arrived soon later and Ben, upon seeing her, went to hug her.
Hokay. Takahina scores again. Calling Stella in is a very correct choice. (^o-)
The rest eventually arrived and we introduced the additional element to everyone. The steamboad was at Bugis... one of those 天天来火锅. I remember I went to eat there once for my initiation with my S2/S3 department in my unit, i quite enjoyed the food there especially the 麻辣 soup. Oily and totally sinful it is. So I decide to let the whole Rurouni group become sinful as well.
The meal was alright with Takahina almost being the permenant servant. He took rice... asked for soup and all... took lots of stuff etc etc. But as long as all happy he's alright ba. After all, it's Ben's birthday mah.
The meal was alright la... cause both the 麻辣 and 不辣鱼汤 kinda integrated in the end. Too much Tong Fen is in. Prawns become Hei Bi. Abalones go missing in the soup. Mee Pok and Mee Kia floating around the soup. Was alright.
Luckily there wasn't any ice cream in my soup this time.
After that, we went to Paradiz center for Karaoke... but unfortunately it closed down. This setback, eventually made us go to Orchard Cineleisure for our K session.
We sang for a while...
And I can tell everyone, we all are not meant to sing, we have other talents available.
But nevertheless, the cake, will be coming out.
Why did Benji look so serious?? Eyeing the cake right?.. We did the usual routine... Sing birthday song out loud on the kbox machine la... Have ben doing some wishing la... make him cut the cake la... He then wanted something extra from our additional element. A kiss.
But still, the birthday boy will get his wish.
Alot of kisses.
Mainly performed by the 2 most hiong person in the group to another hiong person in the group, Tian Wei and Rong.
Rong seeing such a case happening, decide to call in the alcohol, the biggest money burner.
Nope Takahina didn't kiss him, but he got somewhat mad like Chin Han and started taking siao pics after the money burner effect.
Chin Han is haunted by 2 背后灵
Similarly, Ben got overly shagged from the kisses by everyone. And fainted...
Lucky our Additional Element was there for him.
And with that, people get seriously drunk. Rong made Ben had some highing liquid and made him toast with all of us.
Ok, maybe not all get seriously drunk. But Benji, Samuel, Tian Wei was already sleeping in the room le. Ben was just like a chinese zombie...
Whenever a good song is played, the talisman on Ben's head will like suddenly get taken off and he'll jump around the kbox room and screaming into oblivion. And he also went to bite everyone, trying to leave a Ben Ben Love Bite.
Takahina got it as well, but it healed soon after.
Anyways, it all ended well, alcohol all gone, all drinks all gone. Everyone still conscious cept for Ben who was quite wasted. Lucky he didn't vomit if not I'll freaking band anymore alcohol intake for any Rurouni outing.
But we got badly burned.
Our pockets that is.
But still, Rong paid it off with his credit card. Always good to have someone who lives on the high mode along on any party and such, if not it'll be too tamed.
Well, we got out of the kbox. And saw L.
So, we tried something else.
L (Retarded Version)
L (Just Do It Version)
While the rest of the guys, went to act Cool.
The dudes there include Samuel on the left, Takahina on the center, and Tian Wei on the extreme right talking to a ghost.
In the end, we went home...
But Ben went to my house to get laid... on the bed. It's said that he's too shagged to go home, so he can come to my home where I can take care of him. Yes, I've become "Bencare Center". In fact my house is like the daycare center of people who can't go home. Like Chin Han likes to stay over at my house every friday for unknown purposes, Ben's like to stayover when they feel shag. Rong staying over... when he wants to. And Stella bios into my house ever so often. Giving me no privacy sia.. But I like.
Did I mention Benjamin was wearing Pink and had Bling Bling Glasses on him? And Samuel was almost like MIA throughout the whole trip?
Stage 1. Clear
So, soon after in like 2 weeks time. The second mission came in.
(In case you're wondering, this was taken in Kieku's house)
Benjamin's birthday
Name as shown in IC: Benjamin Seet Chong En a.k.a Pinky 笨加民薛崇恩 外号小粉红
Date of Birth:5th March 1988
Time of Birth: ?? (What has it gotta do with this?)
Spouse/Oath:A female Giraffe
Likes: Bling Bling Guitars
Dislikes: 伍佰 Dancing
Remarks: Can be extremely emotional at one time and yet be surprisingly calm at another. He has this thing for Giraffe which seriously freaks his friends out. Also finds a lot of things Gay for no reason. Even if obviously the song is very manly, it can become Gay while real Gay shit doesn't become Gay shit. A highly experienced person and also... strongly responsive at alcohol effect.
Pre-event: Lan
Dinner: Hawker Center Feast
Main Event: Lan
Follow up Events: Board Gaming.
Predicted Time to end: Next Morning?
Additional Elements: None. Intended to get Huimin and Kieku and Nika in... but gave up in the end.
Hokay, so it started off very hastily cause it wasn't organized by Takahina but instead someone else. For your info, anyone who has went to any Rurouni meeting more than twice will be considered part of Rurouni, so Stella became a Rurouni.
So we tried to see what Benji would like to do. He said Lan.
Alright, Lan it is. But for Lan, it is unappropriate for Stella to go cause she's totally ignorant towards such stuff unlike the guys. And on that day itself, there is a jamming session. So the whole planned up needed a lot of contingency plan.
Firstly we met up for Lan first. Cause Benjamin wanted to Lan ma so we Lan. Quite a boring event cause the place kinda sucks, the games are the same old dota and the same few players. Sam was already gone cause he went to Thailand to look for Ah Qua by the order of NS Commando Honour and Glory but no Pride.
Such events need Sam la... if not not fun.
But it didnt' matter much, cause half way through the game, Benji and me have to rush down to 4tones for jamming with EvE. YAY!!
Had real fun with original. I got so hot with it I kept boasting it.
Shouldn't have though, now I feel so stupid about it.
Anyways, during the jam, where did the rest of the guys went? They went for some R & R in Chinatown. And Stella joined up with the gang by then. The guys went for some R & R, and also some hanky panky for Benji later on la.
We joined everyone, only to realised the all of us were wearing white except for Benji. So to commemarate the event, we did a check in with the MRT Lady.
Rong with the sad looking pic. (T.T)
Takahina with the dumb dumb dumb looking pic. OMG why did I look so dumb. (X.X)
Tian Wei with the faking shyness looking pic. (>.<)
Chin Han with the confused looking pic. (?.?)
Ben and Stella... with the erm... "wtf" expression pic. (wtf.ftw) ??
Ok, all here cept for Sam. We'll continue on. He can enjoy Tom Yom Soup in Thailand.
Went over to Chinatown hawker center for dinner... Frankly quite a bad dinner la imo. The food is quite ex and not exactly very delicious. Also the variety is quite limited. CHOM CHOM was so so so much better if you ask me. But too bad, the closest place to our next destination was Chinatown le... so bo pian but to go there lor. Tourist please don't get fooled. Chinatown is not the best place to get local stuff man...
It rips you off. I mean, wtf a simple bowl of Fei Fei Wanton Mee... pirated somemore, cost you $4.50.
So we just carried on with our stuff, ate and produced many more originals originating from the musicically talented us. Stella got extremely pissed, but she had no choice but to listen.
After that was the Board Games time. Idea from Ben.
Mind Cafe at Boat Quay. It's really quite a place I would recommend. I went there once with 7 flowers at the branch in Dhoby and had lots of fun playing train board game till the extent I'm the king of the trains.
So hopefully Takahina would score again.
At this place, which is a healthy family place, we initially started some very very lamed out games. Some card game involving King, Assasin, Thief, Architect, Merchant, Bishop, Warlord. Lame shit really. So we got a little bored eventually, therefore Takahina went to get some classics out.
Behold low and beyond...
Jenga. Look at the direction the finger is pointing to. Jenga.
And the Jenga had this version of Truth and Dare... the truth and dare was dumb. But the stacking itself was enjoyable.
Rong, "Benji, why are you looking at my John?"
Benji, "Ok ok, I'm not looking, I'm just giving you the ghostly hand."
Benji, "But just look at this Jenga, it's like I can see enlightment from it. ZOMG."
And when enlightment comes, Takahina will be the punished.
How many times do you see Takahina doing pumping in CV... not much man. So cherish this pic. Don't try to right click, save as. No use one.
After that, we switched to playing Risk. Why no more Jenga. Cause they see Takahina kena pump they happy liao. So they change.
Takahina didn't play Risk before, Stella didn't really wanna play Risk, so the whole process just went on slowly. Takahina did participate, but cause he's first time so he played but noobly. But he had lady luck Stella by his side, so whatever dice rolled would be to Takahina's advantage.
Damn good.
Just imagine, Benji is the CO, Chin Han is the S3 while Rong is the S2. All doing planning while Benji just drinks his water waiting for solution. Cannot like this right... but bo pian la, he birthday boy.
And cause he's birthday day, he received a present during a hanky panky picking while Benji and me are jamming...
I'll keep it small... so no prize for guessing what it is. But I feel every hot blooded single man should have 1 themselves.
I think Benji will kill me if he sees it. HAHAHAHAHAHA.....
After the birthday gift, Ben just went on to hug again. He's becoming like Edison man OMG...
And Stella seeing that she has no gifts for Benji, decides to be his maid and beerlady for a day. Carrying his guitar for him...
And endorsing Tiger Beer.
While looking damn happy at the same time. Poor thing.
And soon enough, we finished it off after a bit of beer talk about society and future..,, you know those emo things I talk on this blog.
And killed it off with a pic.
Just noticed Stella wasn't there though... well the maid has to take the pictures.
Stage 2 Clear!
Stage 3 and Epilogue will be up next!
ohhh.... a long long post..
with lots of me in it... haha...
and i dun bio u can.. must be u bio me according to chin han.. haha
cause alot of your pics... so i must write alot of things about u.
too much of your pics le.
too much.
haha... gd ma...
very seldom will have my pictures in ur blog lor..
guess the part 3 will have very very few of my pics.. haha
hmmm u may not know wor...
but one thing is part 3 will have alot of my pic...
alot. Why i dunno...
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