True, I'm a fanboy, I play games, I surf net, I youtube everyday.
But still I have outside life.
BUT, Today was different.
Lately everytime I reach home, and I have nothing to do. I do 1 thing. That is to survey on youtube on PERFUME...
Frankly, I'm a little obessed. Hmmm no I think I'm VERY obessed with them. In fact I dare to say that they have overtaken Takako's position in my heart. And that is very serious matter for Takahina. You see if Takako's position is overtaken... then Takahina will not be called Takahina... but maybe
And you won't see Takako's pic with Naru's pic but Perfume's Pic with Naru's pic as my border for The True Pafumhina.
That is very serious matter.
A Pic from their latest single Love the world.
Ever since I've started accidentally found Shuchishin on youtube, which then led me to find Perfume. I've grown addicted to their Polyrhythm. Then I start to search for their live performance, which I feel is better than their mv cause it shows one of their strong points, their dance.
The dancing is quite different from the usual boyband girlband stuff you see, 1 point is that it's very synchronized. You can tell their years of training in dancing. Their dancesteps aren't very difficult. But it's like the synchro between them which is amazing. And the chemistry formed by the 3 girls is extraordinary. I don't really see this in other bands like Morning Musume and Smap. It's more like... you feel the relationship between the girls and the hardship they have grown through to get it.
True their singing aren't that impressive, at least can pass average standards la hor. But since the genre they're doing is "Near Future Techno Pop", or just call it technopop la. Their singing can be compensated by the techno element. If really wanna compare, Takako or any of the more professional singers can beat them hands down.
Next is their music... I never thought I'll like techno. But theirs sound different. It actually sounds...
nice. I don't know how to really explain much about their music. But it's refreshing and quite addictive actually.
Here's the introduction video which made me know more about them. And kinda the final thing to make me solidly like them.
The last part when A~chan cried after their first big successful concert, was a very touching moment for me, and I guess for anyone who is trying to make it big but not having any success. It kinda gave me the feel that...
"Yeah, this is the type of feel... the type of happiness which can touch you. The type of experience of obtaining the final success that you can only get through after years of hardship. The moment when it's not shameful to cry in front of a big crowd, cause it's your biggest moment."
This type of happiness and touching moments, I feel is different from like success in business or wealth or getting together with someone you like. It's something which I think can only be achieved with your fans, hardship and many many years of effort that you put into. Music I believe is the only way you can get it.
Acting, getting an award and crying for it. Is different. Almost the same but different.
Music, you need not get award or some platinum records. But all you need is fans, and people who like your music, people who call out your name when you perform in front of them. People who feel touched with you when you cry on the stage. It's only possible I believe, through music.
And that is what I believe has made Perfume climbed over Takako's position. Their years of hardship which led to success. Something which I hope I can achieve as well.
And of course.
Perfume is cute. :p
Nocchi is beautiful and cool. With that aura.
A~chan is simply cute... too cute. And her entics in variety shows are too funny.
Kashiyuka has that icy beauty and yet another form of cuteness.
Keep on a lookout for the blog's picture above...
It could be changed anytime soon........
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