Yes I camwhored with my bike... YOU GOT A PROBLEM!?!?!?!?!?!?!
You may ask why did I suddenly buy a bicycle? Well the answer is simple, work.
I thought to myself 1 day as I was working through my financial accounting for this month and I come to realise that I'm allocating like 1/4 of my monthly pay to transport and LTA, mainly thanks to the fact my school is like in Clementi while I live in Tampines. Presumably I travel everyday to school, to and fro, via MRT. Den I go to work, in bus, to and fro.
My transport fees, and possibly most other university students who aren't Wu Lui Kia and dun have a car and don't have a driving license, hits to $120.
I allocate $120 to my transport in a month. Thinking of it, it's quite normal.
LTA belongs to PAP which means Pay And Pay, so I can kinda see the trend. So LTA, which stands for Leeching Travelers' Assets, will do comparatively the same thing. When I was in Primary school, travelling to Paya Lebar to my Grandpa's house is like $1.20. Now it's $1.40 + that $1 for the card thingy.
But then, you guys may not know, that card thingy, is a trick.
You see the foreigners/people who don't sit transport regularly/APNN (Ah Pu Ne Ne), it's meant to leech their $1 for them not knowing that you can get that $1 back. Why for all you know some foreigners here on holiday may take the card and keep it like it's some freaking present.
So you can see, all those things asking you to pay $1 for the card and blah blah blah, like a lot of arcades/food courts are doing now, is a scheme. For all you know 1 day one of Singapore's souvenirs to tourists, are SMART-cards.
My Econs teacher said that Singapore has never experienced a deflation before, so to many Singaporeans, there's no such thing as deflation at all. Even if property prices fall, or COEs prices fall, people won't view that as deflation, but rather...
"Oh it's a speculative Drop in prices, better buy now for it'll INFLATE in the future."
Oil prices up-ed in prices during the oil crisis, so public transport prices up.
Leeching Traveller's Asses said, "Bo pian, we have to up price. People, you wanna continue sitting MRT, imma let you know you gotta pay more. If not, the only people you'll see taking over our MRTs are the APNN on Sundays, China students who can't get used to our comparatively MUCH MUCH MORE polite driving in Singapore and politicians that wanna show support to US!
So, make your choice. Either you rich dudes and tai tais can take your Toyota Corolla and risk getting into an accident due to Toyota's breaking down in the middle of the road, or you NS people try to hitch-hike a rover and risk getting confined, or take my transport hell yeah."
What to do, LLST. We still need to pay LTA for passing through like the center of Singapore due to Every Road Pay...
So to say if I wanna go to Orchard for some shopping, I've gotta pay like $2. Hokay...
Then for god's sake, please stop building all the nice nice and very advertised stuff in that area. I tell you it's all a conspiracy. Huatness.
But now oil prices dropped quite a bit compared to that time, transport fees, no doubt dropped, but somehow the effect to us people seemed very minor.
LTA, "We decreased 2cents off your daily bus road trips thanks to the drop in oil prices. Halleluya."
Yes, and the increase in prices is like almost 10cents... well almost.
And now I heard they may wanna take away long bus routes.
Why? Frankly I'll be very sad if they take away buses like 168 and 27. Imagine now traveling via MRT from Tampines to City Hall, then changing to Red line to Woodlands. I can flow down PIE from east to west in a taxi or Tian Wei's car when he's serious TWICE!
Look at me. I'm Serious.
I'm looking forward to the circle line frankly speaking. Opens more faster routes for me, since I can change at Paya Lebar. But I can't help but think of the possibilities, den I saw a possible outcome of the future MRT.
Behold, MRT in Singapore 2050.
Kudos to you Jason Chua, this is a piece of art. Value Added by Takahina...
Since we're on the topic of travelling... here is a brilliant song you can listening while traveling.
Utada Hikaru - Traveling
It's live. And well, let's just hope she isn't as big sized now as before :/
PS: I know I have no rights to say others... but seriously, I'm Takahina, I don't give a damn.