I'm lethargic.
And it seriously kills. It unknowingly saps out your inner energy, physical energy, mentality, and time.
This isn't the first time it happened, neither do I think it's the last time it's gonna happen. Being burned out, being lethargic, happens under few consequences.
- When you're simply sapped of energy.
You have been pushing and rushing yourself suddenly to a lifestyle which you're striving for and committed too. But after a month or 2, you found your energy level to be too low to continue on and you start to slack off, eventually falling into a state of emptyness. Note that it's mentally low, you just don't find the energy to concentrate and focus anymore on that goal.
Burned out.
- When you have a change of mind.
You are working towards something, when suddenly, you felt like it's not right anymore, this isn't the route which you want to go for, you feel that you're meant for something else and this time you used to spend on can be substituted with other stuff, opportune cost is at it's highest.
Burned out.
- When you're out of motivation.
Not that you have a change of mind, it just happens when suddenly, that fire has gone out, puffed and blown. Not that anyone has influenced it in you, but it just happens, mainly due to your lifestyle being so affixed to it, the freshness of it dies off and it becomes a standard routine in life.
Burned out.
From what I've seen, this are the 3 main culprits of causing lethargic/burned out feelings. People wanting to quit school because they found the course boring/uninteresting anymore, people suddenly stopping and quitting a low of stuff and having a low commitance level due to the lack of energy... It happens. And it's dangerous.
Up to date, Takahina has experienced rather lot of times of burned out-ness, that's why Takahina doesn't like to chiong something too intently at 1 time, cause it saps away the ingenuity of it. I don't really repeat songs which I like all the time, unless I just wanna irritate someone. I don't really encourage an exercise regime too rigid like jogging everyday, cause it causes an easy burn out for less disciplined people like me. I always mix a whole bunch of stuff inside my daily life, so I don't grow out of it.
It could be due to this nature of mine, that I find it difficult to commit for a long long time. I'll fall into a state of lethargic-ness like now.
The fact that I know I'm lethargic now, shows enough that I am in quite deep shit. The blogpost which I've told myself to update weekly, has actually stooped down to like missing 2 post. My clothes are stacking up in my room and I have not really done much cleaning. Project work and learning new music for my band, I take a real long time to do it sadly.
I dare to say my current condition, is due to my work at TNT. Note that it's not that the work sucks, but simply, the work takes off tons of mental prowess from me. You spend tons and tons (TNT) of energy concentrating and transferring all the energy into your fingers in typing and eyesight to the brain to type, bi-concentration takes lots of energy.
Of course compared to workstuff which involves more moving around, more stress-level involved, it's a different scenario. Such work causes a fatigue nature, mine which is a stress-level low, and relatively easy job cause a lethargic nature instead.
An action/event/move/situation which requires concentration, yet simply and unchallenging in nature, is lethargic in nature.
My daily routine everyday on a normal school day.
1000 - 1045: wake up from my bed and prepare for school
Yo... Benji... wake up lor....
1045 - 1200: leave for school
Spot me, Des, Sam, and all of my jc classmates here...
1200 - 1500: lecture
if every econs teacher is as "interesting" as her, lectures will be fun.
1500 - 1615/1700: Go home/Project meeting
Most of the time will be going home, for a small nap. Note my room looks different now.
If there is project meeting, 30 mins will be spent looking for a place to sit and discuss. SIM needs to expand. Either that or kill more students and pretend they are accidents :X
1615 - 1745: Reach home/Project meeting
Shhhhh... napping Xiao Mei in progress....
Slack a bit, use computer a bit, and nap a bit, but not before leaving home with a cup of coffee...
1800 - 0000: Pure work time...
Some of my colleagues at work... No racist jokes please. :)
0015 - 0200: Slacking time
Dinner time for me... Of course they don't always look this good. >_>
Nonetheless, eating leftover rice for up to almost 4 months has made me like leftover rice. Cause it gives you the freedom to finish it all without caring about anything in the world.
0200 - 0345: Nodding off in front of the computer
Yes, and I grow fatter. At the same time my head will be nodding in conjuncture to sleep. Most of the time I'll nod off, till my head hits the table, I wake up and go for a bath. Then I sleep.
0345 and later - 1000: Sleep
I love my bed.
So this is my daily life. In fact blogging write now is eating into my sleeping time... So you get why I'm lethargic?
Seriously, lethargic can kill. Full-stop.
Song Recommendation:
Tokyo Jihen - Seasons Sayonara
From Tokyo Jihen's newest album Sports, they seem to move away from that slack form of cool and classiness they have now, and adding in some insanity and mad creativity in music. Sounds like that, yet doesn't sound like them. In a sense you can be sparked out with their sense of playing and composing music, yet in a sense you miss the classiness they had with their Adult album.
Seasons Sayonara is one of my favourite song in the album, cause it has a sense of epicness/emergency in it compared to the many songs they made. Very jammable too. Noudouteki Sanpunkan is nice too with a cool MV. The rest is well... not superbly interesting, but notable as usual for their uniqueness and the musician's magical touch with their instruments.
Compared to Variety, Sports imo, is a better album.
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