And the pic of me having a son kidnapped? That's him too.
You know how it happened? 1 day I just mentioned to my dear Shion while we're standing in Plaza Singapura near the GV entrance,
Takahina, "Eh, bang."
Shion, "Yeah?"
Takahina, "You see the poster over there?"
Shion, "Yeah."
Takahina, "Can you imagine my face there?"
Shion, "Yeah."
Takahina, "Are you able to photoshop my face there?"
Shion, "No need photoshop, use Windows Paint can le."
The next thing I know, by the time I next checked, without even passing any photos to him, I have became... the kidnapper.
Takahina, "Shion."
Shion, "Yeah?"
Takahina, "You go where find the picture de?"
Shion, "You forgot I'm the best Cybastalka in Singapore, and some say in Ipoh?"
Indeed. So those from Singapore and Ipoh, be careful.
Anyways, I changed the blog's banner for a few reasons.
First, I saw Shion having a change in his blog's banner as well. That sparked my first thought that, "hey I should have a change in my banner too!" It's not that I don't like Takako sama and Love Hina anymore, just that for now, my favouritism has been shifted more towards Perfume and Alan. So the banner was outdated.
So with a bit of research for nice pics, and some discussing with my Cybastalka, this banner came out. Nice right. :D
Second reason, because April is kinda the "anniversary" for my first blogging escapade.
Most of you people won't know, but Takahina first started blogging in secondary start, partly influenced by Benji the nub. Didn't write a lot at that time, neither did I really advertised the blog. Just wrote nonsense there and got more and more vulgar eventually. And I started it, in April. Exact day I forgot, but yeah I know it's april, cause it was after my birthday.
So the Takahina's blogging history is as below...
Secondary School:
- Virgin attempt at blogging. (1st blog)
- Got more and more vulgar
- Changed blog address to write even more vulgarly. I don't remember it's name though, but confirmed something to do with Takahina. (2nd blog)
- Had another blog to write about his reviews (3rd blog). But it wasn't continued regularly. The blog still exist, but not updated till date.
- Had a private blog using the Code of Ninjas (4th blog)
- The 2nd blog got flamed thanks to a Pikachu, Ben and some of those whom were with me in IJC for the first 3 months will know about it. Closed it, for the sake of my future. Fucked up pikachu.
- Created Crapper, to enhance the hatred in me towards the whole wide world. Also partly due to my angry nature. So as the name suggested, it's a hate blog towards the world. Crap. (5th blog)
- Crapper got flamed naturally. Closed down blog. What was I thinking anyways.
- Switched to The True Takahina (6th blog)
- TTT lasted quite well, and was my somewhat most "successful" blog. Mainly thanks to how I frequently suanned the hedgehog douchebag Audric. :p
- Close down the private blog cause it was discovered. Kinda dumb reason though.
- Got into livejournal through Kieku's introduction
- Switched blog and left TTT, but didn't delete it due to it's success and somehow "predicting" I'll get back. (7th blog)
- Motivation to write seriously dropped mainly due to left of education to keep my brain moving.
- Had an argument in LJ, thus dropped LJ and switched back to Blogger. Blogger is simpler anyways. Easier to control, although privacy control is much lesser than LJ's.
- Created another unpromoted blog, but with the intention for those who had the "heart" to go look, to find it. Since it could be found easily. And for those who asked, I got the add too from me. (8th blog)
- Returned to the most "advertised" blog The True Takahina, and made the unpromoted blog private to myself. Only to be disclosed when I die or something.
- Still writing here... as the boastful Takahina.
Thus so, this is the so-called history of my blogging life. To be frank TTT was shaped after Xiaxue when she was somewhat the craze. Eventually she became much rather a sell out due to her acting bimbo, so I didn't follow her.
So in total, out of 7 blogs, I deleted 5. Please remember this for in the future when I come out with another quiz like "How well do you know Takahina?" Such questions will be in.
The thing people should note in writing a blog, well for me anyways, is to know how you want the blog to go.
A few of the blogs I had didn't know how to progress and hence it broke down. Some of my "private" blogs weren't really private, making people able to access it, which is like a kick to my own ass, if I had wanted it private, I better make it private. And seriously, blogging requires commitment. If you want a weekly post, you better make sure you have a weekly post. Like a manga artist, they submit weekly to Shounen Jump and I have no idea how in the blue hell they can manage to keep up. You see, I made TTT to be a weekly post and I'm slacking in the moon already.
My review blog is going nowhere, and it's wasting internet space.
1 more thing, flame/hate blogs, go nowhere. Seriously, THEY GO NOWHERE. Just the mental strength you will spend in arguing with others can make you lose weight. Seriously. At least non serious and joke blogs, can attract attention and can go on indefinitely, but the constant need to come out with stupid stuff like Bui Kia Si Ang Moh requires tons of subtle inspiration. Hush Hush my honey...
If your blog is a shop. You better make it A SHOP, not a parliament. If not imagine customers going into the shop, with the shop owner scolding other people, you see liao you will think you're at Taiwan seriously.
Next question people may ask is why I put in Matsu Takako and Love Hina in the first place for my previous banner. Well, it's cause Takahina is made up TAKAko and love HINA.
Den I figured, it won't be fair if I only had those 2 in since I now like Alan and Perfume more... so I need to SPREAD DA LUV!!~~~
Anyways, Alan looks too imbar cute in this pic, while Love Hina looks like Hentai Hina.
Fushizen na Girl - Perfume
Since Perfume just got inducted into my banner, I figured it'll be nice to feature them and their new single.
I love this new single, brings back the feel of Perfume in their "Game" era, similar to their older songs like Twinkle Snow, Powdery Snow. And Nocchi is effing hot in the mv. Seriously.
For the live version... this check out this:
Fushizen na Girl MJ live
You gotta love some dragon action...
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