To be frank, I was a skeptic once. When I first heard that Singapore is going to hold an "Olympic", my reaction was that of cynical and sarcasm.
My reactions, were not from that of Singapore being too small whatsoever. Olympic games can be held in small towns, as long as you have the proper venues whatsoever, it can be done. Whether or not the conditions of these venues can satisfy, that is another issue.
My skepticism comes from mainly one thing, Singaporeans. Singaporeans are somehow too "passive" for their own good and have these kind of hermit-like thinking that as long as you don't mess up with my way of life, I won't and I can't be bothered. After all I was such a person as well.
My immediate thinking was of empty venues, lack of support from the people, lack of volunteers and helpers. For any person to have such thoughts is inevitable; you look at the tents selling YOG related items and souvenirs from since last year, all you notice is some foreigners inside browsing and the occasional Singaporean, going in and getting amused but not buying anything definitely.
Next the news is that the volunteers not actually "volunteers", but kinda forced to enter from schools and having a change in their time-table. NTU couldn't start school until end of this month when my university, SIM RMIT's Sem is about to end soon!
My thought is that YOG is just a show made for the international stage, earn revenue... all of those economically and politically correct reasons. Socially it just seems totally wrong.
But my reaction started to change as I saw the opening of the YOG at Marina Floating Platform on TV. The scale no doubt incomparable to that of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, but still I can't deny I was impressed with the show put up and the "Phoenix" and "Spiral Torch Tower".
Then started the games and I watched matches that was shown on TV when I'm doing my usual channel switching. Slowly I was converted to the so-called "supporters of YOG" from being an "Anti YOG."
It dawned on me, this event is not about Singapore, it's not about Singaporeans, it's not about the Olympic games itself, it's about the Athletes.
Somehow I compared between the Beijing Olympic and this Singapore's YOG. With stark contrast is the whole professionalism in it, the scale of it, the enthusiastic nature of it, the grandness of it. Beijing's Olympic has the grandeur of a whole country and the people being prepped for it, mainly has got to do with the whole Patriotism that the Chinese have, everything seems so full of spirit and support. Everything was done was a sense of proper actions and the athletes themselves are mature. After all it's an "Adult" Olympic Games. I remembered watching a game of Weight Lifting in the YOG where one of the weightlifters could not fulfill her standard and cried right on the spot as she put down her weight. Few seconds later some of the kid volunteers were then summoned on to the stage to "cover" the athlete from the Camera and main audience. Such is the immaturity and childishness that you can never see in the real Olympics.
In the first place, to compare YOG to a real Olympic is wrong. Just think about the Winter Olympic Games, no one even knows when it's held, when was the last time it was held and what games were in it. It's also an Olympic Game in a sense but no one knows about it. So what if the YOG is not being reported extensively in international news?
The true essence of the YOG that I was enlightened with, after watching the various emotions from the athletes face, is the whole matter that these athletes are really competing and feeling the emotions that one would face in an Olympic itself. No normal person will be able to experience this emotions themselves and being able to witness it 1st hand with the athletes is heartwarming. Remember these athletes are only at most 18 and yet they have such sentiments, compared to the normative Singapore adults, they seem much more human than us. Although the achievements level between the 2 games are very much different, it won't go by too far. Treat this is a Preliminary Exam before your O or A levels, the whole tension and mood of it can be likened to that of the YOG.
Just those real emotions, are certainly enough reasons for the games to be held.
I'm in no position to criticize the "Anti YOG", cause after all I was almost one of them. Furthermore undoubtedly there is quite a bit of mismanagement in the YOG that was and will not be reflected in the international news, for example the food to volunteers, the ticketing issues, the amount of money spent on it and how the involuntary volunteers traded off their time on this. So "Anti YOG" people do have their points.
However, after watching this, I will never say this is a waste of time and money. I prefer to call this an investment in the future of sports for Singapore and possibly the world.
The YOG could be held in other countries and if that happens, it's almost a certainty that no one in Singapore would care. Due to our passive nature, we would not be bothered by it unless it's in the headlines, or maybe the New Paper. But by holding it in Singapore, it will promote the notion of Sports future in Singapore and encourage the culture of it. Singapore's Ping Pong is respectably good (and they are not foreign talents), archery is improving etc etc. Only by holding it in Singapore, will there be an incline to changing society's attitude towards sports and perhaps other aspects of talents, rather than just the paper chase route, because people will be more aware of it. The large amount of local media attention on it due to it being in Singapore itself aids in this purpose by a large extent.
If I were the PM of Singapore, be it that I know this event is a money-losing event, I will still want to hold it. Looking back, maybe this is Dr Balakrishnan's real purpose in pursuing for the games.
YOG was held, and should be held solely for the sake of these young athletes and for the future of the Sporting culture in Singapore and the world. To those asking the many questions on the success and purpose of YOG, in my very honest opinion this was a great success for the purpose of it and it being held here in Singapore, it's almost a once in a lifetime thing which I am willing to be part of.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Poor Takahina
The recent spate of Gong Tao (Stupiak Head) has left Takahina rather penniless. My personal accounting has gone haywire, and to be frank, it's quite a lifeless situation. If I had a financial planner or accountant with me, he/she would fucking quit once they found out how I went against the full law of financial planning, that is to never waste money on things that doesn't bring in a suitable amount of return KNOWINGLY.
Yes, I knew that money would be burned, AND YET I DID IT WILLINGLY.

So, now it's not the matter of how you complain bout why you spent the money whatsoever, because I already knew why I burned it, and I know well enough how I was willing to do so.
The matter at hand now, is how to survive, with that little bits of $$ you had left, a.k.a, The Aftermath of a Curse of the Gong Tao.

The curse of the Gong Tao, you will scream like him after you had it.
You spent your $, now you have to survive for a month with very limited $, in otherwords you'll become like the Singapore Government, always looking for budget to the extent they had to encourage police to find people for Jay-walking.

I don't walk, because it's illegal for Jay to walk. I drive. I Initial Drive.
So Takahina, is gonna teach you, some of my own methods to save $.
1: Meals
Everyone has gotta eat, so this will be your main priority to survive. Therefore, this will be tips to curve your meals.
You, don't ever anyhow eat. All your eating habits has gotta change to the very means of desperateness. Let's say you're a normal student or worker like Takahina, you depend on your parents.
Firstly, Breakfast should go together with lunch to become brunch, hence you save up on 1 meal in total. So, how do you manage to get pass the morning? Well, you just wake up late. Normally what I do is I sleep late, so I wake up late around just in time to prepare to go to school. Therefore most of the time I have already got passed the breakfast time and enter the stages of lunch. But wait, I haven't eat breakfast!! So how? Have a heavy lunch aka Brunch.
Secondly, you got to know the concepts of your house's kopitiam, or any other walkable distance kopitiam. If your house has no walkable kopitiam nearby, too bad you're screwed. Why kopitiam? Simple, it's the cheapest shit you can find out there in the streets of Singapore. You don't find $2.50 fishball noodles or chicken rice at eaterys anywhere near a MRT, EXCEPT KOPITIAM.
Den also, DON'T EVER GET CONNED into thinking the foodcourt named "Kopitiam" is a kopitiam, it's just a scheming foodcourt DISGUISING ITSELF to make you stupid things out there think...

"Hi I'm a Kopitiam"
So what do you do even if you know the price of the food in the kopitiam? Well, you go for the one that gives the most value and can make you the fullest. Let's say there is a fishball noodles store at the kopitiam nearest to you and a breakfast kway teow/bee hoon store at another kopitiam in walkable distance:
Fishball Noodle is $2.80, plus noodles $3.30. Very delicious and you have eaten that for years. However, $2.80 isn't very fulling, so you always order $3.30.
Bee Hoon Mee + 1 Egg + 1 Fish Cake is $1.60. Plus more bee hoon is $1.80. Average taste and you only occasionally eat it. $1.60 is satisfyingly, while adding more bee hoon/mee is exorbitantly full.
Which do you order for brunch? Fishball Noodles $2.80 or $3.30? Bee Hoon Mee $1.60 or $1.80.
You order the EXORBITANTLY FULL Bee Hoon Mee. WHY??!?!?!
Fishball noodles, no doubt delicious, $2.80 is slightly too expensive for you now and not fulling. $3.30 is filling, but way over budget and our purpose.
Bee Hoon Mee at $1.60 although is already filling, BUTTTT, you have to survive through the whole afternoon and even a bit of night, so in otherwords, YOU GOTTA MAKE YOURSELF LOOK AT FOOD, AND HATE IT.

That is the freaking cruel mentality you have gotta get yourself into. Only with such hate, can you survive the whole noon till dinner time, the grabby paws of food to make you spend more $$. In fact, when your friends ask you wanna go have lunch, you'll VOMIT in front of them upon thinking of food.
So you understand the pricing of your kopitiams, to know which is the best choice to go for, extremely unhealthy, but no choice you're at a post war period where money is king.
Thirdly, regardless of what I wrote above, it's not everyday you can find something relatively cheap yet filling, so what do you do? You wash it down with tidbits you can find in your house, have those leftover tidbits that you bought, but didn't eat, well now it's time. Dig your fridge for anythings left and eat them. If not you wash down your stomach with TONS OF WATER. Just drink water like nothing. You will feel bloated, once the food particles in your stomach expand together with the water.
Fourth, you rely upon your parents for every meal available. Be like Takahina and pray that your parents/guardians will be kind-hearted and already packet brunch for you. If they already done that, forget about the above few tips. This 4th advice, is enough to overtake them, cause IT'S FREE!!
Breakfast, packet from parents.
Lunch, eat with parents and they pay for it.
Dinner, parents cooked it.
Huat, this is the optimum situation for your current objective.
Then lastly, if your parents didn't manage to packet anything for you and you're seriously sick of eating the same cheap shit everyday, the next best thing you do is to listen to Uncle Chong's advice.

Uncle Chong's Instant Mee. The next best thing in the world of food. ;)
2 packets of this = irritatingly full and it's free. Just ignore the whole MSG making your hair drop concept, eating this everyday for a month won't let that happen. Furthermore, there is alternatives if you're sick of Char Mee... there is still Mee Pok!

Uncle Chong's Mee Pok. The best just got better. ;)
Lastly for meals wise, water and anything else free to drink or treated to is your bestest best friend. If you're thirsty and wanna drink something, well go to the nearest water cooler or worst, public toilet's sink and DRINK FROM IT!!! You have no other choice...
2. Smoking
Well, if you're not a smoker, you can skip on to the next tip. Simple enough there's only 1 tip, don't buy cigarettes that you normally buy now like Malboro or Dunhill and use the HAND BRAND.
Hand Brand simply equals to everyone's else smoke but NOT YOURS.
Simple excuses to use are like,
"Eh, sorry I forgot to buy."
"Eh, paiseh I left it at home."
"Eh, paiseh I haven't buy yet."
In otherwords, just be an asshole in the smoking world. Better still, don't smoke until your next income comes in.
3. Entertainment
Simply put, your house is the most enjoyable thing in the world for you right now. Because it's fucking free.
Sit at home, watch tv and be a couch potato like what I was labeled lately by Sam, play games on the internet and try to conquer a free MMORPG. Normally when you're faced with a situation like this, being an Otaku is the best way to pass your life. If you're an anime otaku, download and watch anime the whole day! If you're a gaming otaku, GET ALL YOUR GAMES COMPLETED... if all already completed then COMPLETE THEM ONE MORE TIME! etc etc.
So if you're kinda the worse lot of Otakus, the porn/hentai type, watch hentai and porn whole day and wank off every day until your next income comes. You will define the word zombie.

This is what happens when you wank every hour everyday.
The outside world, is now a very dangerous and delicate world for you now since it's full of traps to make you spend $. The only time you should go out is to work, and to study, and do things you have already committed to. Easy as that. Any other events should be cut out, and i mean even those whereby they agree to treat. Why? Because traveling to the treat will be spending money on transport too.
So just be an Otaku.
Friends call you, "Yo dude WAZZZZAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP~~~~~~~!!"
Otaku, "Just porning... and wanking...."
Friends, "OMG you disgusting bastard."
4. Transport
Rule number 1, TAXI IS A DEFINITE NO NO. Unless you're like late for something damn important maybe like an exam or test. DON'T EVER TAKE THE FREAKING TAXI!! During this point of time, taxis are your worst nightmare.

I'm a Hyundai Sonata blue taxi... and I'm your worse nightmare.
Rule number 2, walk/cycle whenever you can. Bus, MRT, whatsoever at this point of time, are dangerous, cause they suck your blood out slowly and unknowingly. If you are not in a rush of time, you can walk from Bugis to Dhoby Ghout, City Hall to Orchard, Dover MRT to SIM :/ Screw SMRT and SBS, they're NOT gonna earn your money during this period of war.
Of course, no one is asking you to walk from Tampines to Malaysia, even though THAT can be done. Be logical man, logical.
One more dangerous thing you can try though, is tailgate. For MRT entrance, you just gotta follow closely enough to a friend and get pass the barrier together with him/her. Voila free ride for you. However you need to make sure you both drop together at the same stop. And also face the risk of getting executed for petty crimes in Singapore.
How about Bus? Well, you just look for the bus that gets the MOST CROWDED. And you MUST enter last. With the bus being as crowded as a can of sardines, you will be stuck at the entrance of the bus, without being able to get pass the "Beep" station, whereby you need to pay for the bus ride. Then if the bus stops getting that crowded, the crowd will start to move in, you just pretend to move with the crowd and beep, make sure you ezlink is not in your wallet. The bus captain will be too occupied to see who paid, who didn't. Viola free ride. Only works for crowded bus, so must be street smart. ;x
Rule number 3, if you can drive, make sure you don't get conned into topping up oil for the car. When you enter the car, make sure you see that it's at least more than 1/4 if you wanna travel from East to West and back again. Should be able to cover at least that much. You DIE DIE, cannot, ABSOLUTELY CANNOT top up fuel for your family car, cause that is suicide in war. It's like seeing a mine and stepping on it happily and purposefully.
Also you don't rift the car, that is to save fuel. Let the car GOUUUUUU as much as possible. Auto-cars have no engine break so they can gou better. Just don't hog the traffic can le.
5. Needed stuff like equipments
Let's say my drumsticks broke, and i FUCKING NEED IT, I HAVE JAMMING TOMORROW! How?
You fucking borrow, from every mother's son or father's daughter you can find. And make sure borrowing it doesn't require you to pay for it.
No more pen ink? Borrow.
No more printer ink? Borrow other people's printer.
No more paper for writing? Borrow other people's foolscap paper.
You just freaking borrow everything you can, and if you're lucky enough they'll say...
"Just take it."
During this period of time this 3 words will sound better than...
"I love you."
Another thing you should do is to keep that thing you borrowed, so that you can use it in the further for a 2nd, 3rd time until your income comes in. So you can return your friend with no bad feelings and no creditability lost.
However, if they do ask it back when your next income haven't come in, you act blur.
Remember, you must give the most APOLOGETIC and KIAM PA BLUR FACE you can garner. Like this...

"Huh, I thought I return you already? Remember 2 days ago? I say I put at your table there?"

"Huh?? Lost ar?? Wah can't be... never mind I find with you."
This is called, fucking kiam pa.
And there you have it, the guide to surviving in the depths of poorness. Takahina-style. Follow it well.
Yes, I knew that money would be burned, AND YET I DID IT WILLINGLY.
So, now it's not the matter of how you complain bout why you spent the money whatsoever, because I already knew why I burned it, and I know well enough how I was willing to do so.
The matter at hand now, is how to survive, with that little bits of $$ you had left, a.k.a, The Aftermath of a Curse of the Gong Tao.
The curse of the Gong Tao, you will scream like him after you had it.
You spent your $, now you have to survive for a month with very limited $, in otherwords you'll become like the Singapore Government, always looking for budget to the extent they had to encourage police to find people for Jay-walking.
I don't walk, because it's illegal for Jay to walk. I drive. I Initial Drive.
So Takahina, is gonna teach you, some of my own methods to save $.
1: Meals
Everyone has gotta eat, so this will be your main priority to survive. Therefore, this will be tips to curve your meals.
You, don't ever anyhow eat. All your eating habits has gotta change to the very means of desperateness. Let's say you're a normal student or worker like Takahina, you depend on your parents.
Firstly, Breakfast should go together with lunch to become brunch, hence you save up on 1 meal in total. So, how do you manage to get pass the morning? Well, you just wake up late. Normally what I do is I sleep late, so I wake up late around just in time to prepare to go to school. Therefore most of the time I have already got passed the breakfast time and enter the stages of lunch. But wait, I haven't eat breakfast!! So how? Have a heavy lunch aka Brunch.
Secondly, you got to know the concepts of your house's kopitiam, or any other walkable distance kopitiam. If your house has no walkable kopitiam nearby, too bad you're screwed. Why kopitiam? Simple, it's the cheapest shit you can find out there in the streets of Singapore. You don't find $2.50 fishball noodles or chicken rice at eaterys anywhere near a MRT, EXCEPT KOPITIAM.
Den also, DON'T EVER GET CONNED into thinking the foodcourt named "Kopitiam" is a kopitiam, it's just a scheming foodcourt DISGUISING ITSELF to make you stupid things out there think...
"Hi I'm a Kopitiam"
So what do you do even if you know the price of the food in the kopitiam? Well, you go for the one that gives the most value and can make you the fullest. Let's say there is a fishball noodles store at the kopitiam nearest to you and a breakfast kway teow/bee hoon store at another kopitiam in walkable distance:
Fishball Noodle is $2.80, plus noodles $3.30. Very delicious and you have eaten that for years. However, $2.80 isn't very fulling, so you always order $3.30.
Bee Hoon Mee + 1 Egg + 1 Fish Cake is $1.60. Plus more bee hoon is $1.80. Average taste and you only occasionally eat it. $1.60 is satisfyingly, while adding more bee hoon/mee is exorbitantly full.
Which do you order for brunch? Fishball Noodles $2.80 or $3.30? Bee Hoon Mee $1.60 or $1.80.
You order the EXORBITANTLY FULL Bee Hoon Mee. WHY??!?!?!
Fishball noodles, no doubt delicious, $2.80 is slightly too expensive for you now and not fulling. $3.30 is filling, but way over budget and our purpose.
Bee Hoon Mee at $1.60 although is already filling, BUTTTT, you have to survive through the whole afternoon and even a bit of night, so in otherwords, YOU GOTTA MAKE YOURSELF LOOK AT FOOD, AND HATE IT.
That is the freaking cruel mentality you have gotta get yourself into. Only with such hate, can you survive the whole noon till dinner time, the grabby paws of food to make you spend more $$. In fact, when your friends ask you wanna go have lunch, you'll VOMIT in front of them upon thinking of food.
So you understand the pricing of your kopitiams, to know which is the best choice to go for, extremely unhealthy, but no choice you're at a post war period where money is king.
Thirdly, regardless of what I wrote above, it's not everyday you can find something relatively cheap yet filling, so what do you do? You wash it down with tidbits you can find in your house, have those leftover tidbits that you bought, but didn't eat, well now it's time. Dig your fridge for anythings left and eat them. If not you wash down your stomach with TONS OF WATER. Just drink water like nothing. You will feel bloated, once the food particles in your stomach expand together with the water.
Fourth, you rely upon your parents for every meal available. Be like Takahina and pray that your parents/guardians will be kind-hearted and already packet brunch for you. If they already done that, forget about the above few tips. This 4th advice, is enough to overtake them, cause IT'S FREE!!
Breakfast, packet from parents.
Lunch, eat with parents and they pay for it.
Dinner, parents cooked it.
Huat, this is the optimum situation for your current objective.
Then lastly, if your parents didn't manage to packet anything for you and you're seriously sick of eating the same cheap shit everyday, the next best thing you do is to listen to Uncle Chong's advice.
Uncle Chong's Instant Mee. The next best thing in the world of food. ;)
2 packets of this = irritatingly full and it's free. Just ignore the whole MSG making your hair drop concept, eating this everyday for a month won't let that happen. Furthermore, there is alternatives if you're sick of Char Mee... there is still Mee Pok!
Uncle Chong's Mee Pok. The best just got better. ;)
Lastly for meals wise, water and anything else free to drink or treated to is your bestest best friend. If you're thirsty and wanna drink something, well go to the nearest water cooler or worst, public toilet's sink and DRINK FROM IT!!! You have no other choice...
2. Smoking
Well, if you're not a smoker, you can skip on to the next tip. Simple enough there's only 1 tip, don't buy cigarettes that you normally buy now like Malboro or Dunhill and use the HAND BRAND.
Hand Brand simply equals to everyone's else smoke but NOT YOURS.
Simple excuses to use are like,
"Eh, sorry I forgot to buy."
"Eh, paiseh I left it at home."
"Eh, paiseh I haven't buy yet."
In otherwords, just be an asshole in the smoking world. Better still, don't smoke until your next income comes in.
3. Entertainment
Simply put, your house is the most enjoyable thing in the world for you right now. Because it's fucking free.
Sit at home, watch tv and be a couch potato like what I was labeled lately by Sam, play games on the internet and try to conquer a free MMORPG. Normally when you're faced with a situation like this, being an Otaku is the best way to pass your life. If you're an anime otaku, download and watch anime the whole day! If you're a gaming otaku, GET ALL YOUR GAMES COMPLETED... if all already completed then COMPLETE THEM ONE MORE TIME! etc etc.
So if you're kinda the worse lot of Otakus, the porn/hentai type, watch hentai and porn whole day and wank off every day until your next income comes. You will define the word zombie.
This is what happens when you wank every hour everyday.
The outside world, is now a very dangerous and delicate world for you now since it's full of traps to make you spend $. The only time you should go out is to work, and to study, and do things you have already committed to. Easy as that. Any other events should be cut out, and i mean even those whereby they agree to treat. Why? Because traveling to the treat will be spending money on transport too.
So just be an Otaku.
Friends call you, "Yo dude WAZZZZAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP~~~~~~~!!"
Otaku, "Just porning... and wanking...."
Friends, "OMG you disgusting bastard."
4. Transport
Rule number 1, TAXI IS A DEFINITE NO NO. Unless you're like late for something damn important maybe like an exam or test. DON'T EVER TAKE THE FREAKING TAXI!! During this point of time, taxis are your worst nightmare.
I'm a Hyundai Sonata blue taxi... and I'm your worse nightmare.
Rule number 2, walk/cycle whenever you can. Bus, MRT, whatsoever at this point of time, are dangerous, cause they suck your blood out slowly and unknowingly. If you are not in a rush of time, you can walk from Bugis to Dhoby Ghout, City Hall to Orchard, Dover MRT to SIM :/ Screw SMRT and SBS, they're NOT gonna earn your money during this period of war.
Of course, no one is asking you to walk from Tampines to Malaysia, even though THAT can be done. Be logical man, logical.
One more dangerous thing you can try though, is tailgate. For MRT entrance, you just gotta follow closely enough to a friend and get pass the barrier together with him/her. Voila free ride for you. However you need to make sure you both drop together at the same stop. And also face the risk of getting executed for petty crimes in Singapore.
How about Bus? Well, you just look for the bus that gets the MOST CROWDED. And you MUST enter last. With the bus being as crowded as a can of sardines, you will be stuck at the entrance of the bus, without being able to get pass the "Beep" station, whereby you need to pay for the bus ride. Then if the bus stops getting that crowded, the crowd will start to move in, you just pretend to move with the crowd and beep, make sure you ezlink is not in your wallet. The bus captain will be too occupied to see who paid, who didn't. Viola free ride. Only works for crowded bus, so must be street smart. ;x
Rule number 3, if you can drive, make sure you don't get conned into topping up oil for the car. When you enter the car, make sure you see that it's at least more than 1/4 if you wanna travel from East to West and back again. Should be able to cover at least that much. You DIE DIE, cannot, ABSOLUTELY CANNOT top up fuel for your family car, cause that is suicide in war. It's like seeing a mine and stepping on it happily and purposefully.
Also you don't rift the car, that is to save fuel. Let the car GOUUUUUU as much as possible. Auto-cars have no engine break so they can gou better. Just don't hog the traffic can le.
5. Needed stuff like equipments
Let's say my drumsticks broke, and i FUCKING NEED IT, I HAVE JAMMING TOMORROW! How?
You fucking borrow, from every mother's son or father's daughter you can find. And make sure borrowing it doesn't require you to pay for it.
No more pen ink? Borrow.
No more printer ink? Borrow other people's printer.
No more paper for writing? Borrow other people's foolscap paper.
You just freaking borrow everything you can, and if you're lucky enough they'll say...
"Just take it."
During this period of time this 3 words will sound better than...
"I love you."
Another thing you should do is to keep that thing you borrowed, so that you can use it in the further for a 2nd, 3rd time until your income comes in. So you can return your friend with no bad feelings and no creditability lost.
However, if they do ask it back when your next income haven't come in, you act blur.
Remember, you must give the most APOLOGETIC and KIAM PA BLUR FACE you can garner. Like this...
"Huh, I thought I return you already? Remember 2 days ago? I say I put at your table there?"
"Huh?? Lost ar?? Wah can't be... never mind I find with you."
This is called, fucking kiam pa.
And there you have it, the guide to surviving in the depths of poorness. Takahina-style. Follow it well.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The Korean Waving Takahina
Don't get mistaken, I'm still not a Korean fanboy just yet. And I doubt I ever will be. Because simply, for Takahina when it comes to music, I'm very skeptical and scrutinizing. And to have any artist go up into my "artist" ranking, it isn't that easy.
In a sense, you have to prove your worth. As in, it's more than just marketing, more than just how you portray yourself, more than just hard-work. It's the desire you have and the attitude in the end that makes you eligible to enter the sacred ranks of the Takahina idols.
I'll be frank, I've been watching quite a bit of the more popular Korean MVs lately, I'll put a few which I feel, musically it's quite good; as in catchy, listen-ability, quality, flow, progression... etc etc. My standard of music is so high that normal people can't comprehend... heh heh heh heh heh...
I officially announce, this is my HATE POST about Korean wave. HAR HAR HAR HAR....
Don't tell me about the shitty "Sorry Sorry" from Super Junior, thanks but no thanks, that song is only useful for apologizing.
And stop that dance move, machiam you got Asthma like that, machiam you got mud in your shoes like that, and you're having spasms when you fold your hands. You Super Shit. Your saving grace is the fat guy that is in your band. I mean, YOU DON'T GET TO SEE A FAT GUY IN A BOYBAND ANYTIME RIGHT?!!

Take that all you thinny shitty guys. FAT PEOPLE RULES!!!!! <3
Also you think Wonder Girls are wonderful? Well thanks to just their "onederful" one song "oneder". NOBODY will remember any of them after like a year.
And I think the song at the first 30 secs is BETTER. HAR HAR HAR HAR... Screw that you wondershit.
So back to being normal, do I really hate Korean wave that much? Well maybe, cause in a sense, with just the power of marketing and the correct strategy of attacking everywhere in the world instead of sticking to your own country, the Korean Wave overtake the Japan wave like a Tsunami.
To the Korea's credit, they do have good stuff. I'm just looking a bit and below is a few which has a good feel to it.
SNSD - Genie
Seriously, who can resist SNSD's legs? One of Takahina's greatest weakness is legs, and SNSD has tons of it. Coupled with Genie which is quite a good song imo, I was quite attracted.
T-ara and Supernova - T.T.L (Time to Love)
The title is super corny for reasons obvious. Take out the rapping part, the chorus has a superb progression and feel. Hate the ending for being so abrupt though. Machiam the song is made for Audition or DDR.
Super Junior - It's you
Song has a catchy touch to it, and the mood of it grabs you. And also, all hail the fat guy for being so emo in it.
So, how did the Korean wave overtake the Japan wave? Nowadays, you don't see Japanese stuff much anymore for the mainstream, it's always the Koreans now. I mean, even Animax, a very Japanese Anime Channel is playing Korean music "Live Power Music" the show, instead of maybe "Music Station", one of the longest running music shows in all history. That's gotta say something about the marketability and profitability of Korean stuff now.
Somethings I wanna get out of my chest though, just because you're popular, doesn't mean you're better. So Korean fans out there listen up. Your idols are good, but it doesn't equate to them being better in maybe dancing or singing. Lets take singing for example, pardon my limited knowledge, but I doubt few can win Yuna Ito's voice, and on a serious note, the more well known Korean artist, I haven't heard or seen any who can be comparable.
Yuna Ito's newest cover: I don't wanna miss a thing.
Her voice is pure imbar-ness.
Admit-ably, even Alan has a run for voice power against Yuna Ito. Something which I have been finding it difficult to compare. Yuna Ito's voice is more deep and less airy, whereas Alan's voice is more on a floating platform, able to go higher and higher and higher.
But this is a challenge to you Korea fans, if you can find any current popular (meaning relatively well known in Korea right now) female singers who can reach this standard of singing, then... I will screw myself in the ass.
And let's say Dancing. Koreans dance real well I have no qualms about that. But Japan has comparable people, take this!
Perfume's new single Voice
Find a group that has a standard dance moves for ALL their songs available in their album? Not a lot I guess.
So why did the Japanese wave lost?
Sadly, it's not that Japan has lost it's touch. Look into the Japan market currently, and you see that there is still the standard girl band/boy band, girl singers, boy singers. If you wanna compare on musicality, I won't say Japanese are inferior, they are more creative, and tries out more weird stuff. Bands like Do As Infinity and Tokyo Jihen is still rocking on.
Then why?
Few factors.
1. Marketing Style
Japanese people, are too damn freaking selfish in a sense they do not want their stuff to be rapidly spread overseas. And in a sense I don't understand why the fuck they want this to happen. Koreans are doing it, marketing it overseas to the extent that OneDer Girls can get shipped to US for a gig. Look in the years of 2000 to 2003. Jpop was so widespread here; when more popular songs like "Yesterday and Today" started playing, everyone knew how to sing...

Van Tomiko FTW
"Dear Friend... So Long..."
But for some reasons, Jpop didn't carry that marketing scheme on, and it became...
"Nobody Nobody Fuck you" by Oneder Girls
And I can tell you, even mainstream crowds are hating that song right now for being for fugly irritating.
Take out the hardcore Japan fans like me, and the hardcore Korean fans like so many of you, and this is all people will know about. Soon after, Korean companies know what to strike on:
Girls Group with killer legs and eyes. Must know how to dance. Singing is secondary since it's a choir together.
Boys Group with killer bods and looks. Must know how to dance. Singing is secondary since it's a choir together.
Except Super Junior... cause they have Shindong, who is turning to become my favourite Korean Artist just cause he's discriminated in the world of boy bands.

Love me... if you dare...
2. Looks
Don't mean to be racist, but I seriously think the Korean groupies looks the same. Either they went for the same job, or the same plastic surgeon, I have no idea. Ask me to differentiate them, I have no idea.

I can't differentiate which girls is which girl between the 2 pics. O_O

So in a sense, ALL members of the bands look good. Give you Supernova or Super Junior or whoever, you would have thought they just changed band name or jump bands. Looking good is already a big PLUS situation. Adding to good fashion sense provided by their management and fashion department, you can get a freaking good looking boy band.
But as usual, I salute Shindong for being the odd one out.

You know you love me. ;)
3. Music Technology
Last time, Michael Jackson has to rely on live bands and musicians to produce music. If he had the technology that we have right now in altering and sound engineering, his music would be so good it'll kill us like a sacred brown note (The brown note is an urban legend that says when you hear/feel the note you have involuntary bowell motility. . )
Technology has the power to auto-tune, refine, alter your voice to make it sound good. Of course the artist themselves need that good sense of singing and music, but out of a possible number of 10 group members, maybe only 3 really knows how to sing well, 2 knows how to rap, 1 knows how to scream, and 4 is just there pai sui nia... like a flower vase.
And when I mean sing well, I don't mean Yuna Ito's standard, that is too high for them.
4. Catchy
Being catchy is a MUST to capture mainstream numbskulls.
How did Nobody become such a one hit wonder? It's catchy. The phrase "Nobody Nobody but you" should have won a Guinness world record for being the start of a mind-hypnotizing period. Most korean songs have this capability of being catchy. By being catchy, you can be absorbed and remembered easily by the masses.
To the Korean's credit, producing a catchy tone and tune is not easy. So kuddos to you man.
In the end, it doesn't matter whether you like them or not, but liking them blindly and commiting them to being the BEST, is a big big mistake that will easily piss off tons of musicians out there. Sadly, the simpler a music is, the easier it'll be popular, hence Wonderwall, the classic Oasis song, is such a wonder song. It's so damn easy that my future kid whom is still swimming in my nutsacks will know how to play it. Give a normal person a Dream Theater Song, they will be wondering what the hell are they playing and whether it's still music or not... which is damn sad considering Dream Theater is one of the most technical progressive bands out there.
Ask a normal mainstream person like Serene whether she knows who is Dream Theater or not...

"Huh?? What Dream?? I know I day dream everyday, and I don't watch Theaters de."
For your info how does she fit into the standard mainstream crowd of music listeners? She downloads latest songs into her lappy, but never listens to them. But you ask her about korean, she will "Nobody Nobody Butt Chu" to you.
Lastly, to end this hatepost lol... There IS a korean band that I REALLY like. Clazziquai is a band which I had recommended once. I love them for their musicality, but sadly they aren't that popular.. why? Cause they don't follow the roads to marketability.
Anyways, here is one song of theirs:
Clazziquai - Dance
Will be awaiting for hateful replies... or best if i don't get any... har har har har...
In a sense, you have to prove your worth. As in, it's more than just marketing, more than just how you portray yourself, more than just hard-work. It's the desire you have and the attitude in the end that makes you eligible to enter the sacred ranks of the Takahina idols.
I'll be frank, I've been watching quite a bit of the more popular Korean MVs lately, I'll put a few which I feel, musically it's quite good; as in catchy, listen-ability, quality, flow, progression... etc etc. My standard of music is so high that normal people can't comprehend... heh heh heh heh heh...
I officially announce, this is my HATE POST about Korean wave. HAR HAR HAR HAR....
Don't tell me about the shitty "Sorry Sorry" from Super Junior, thanks but no thanks, that song is only useful for apologizing.
And stop that dance move, machiam you got Asthma like that, machiam you got mud in your shoes like that, and you're having spasms when you fold your hands. You Super Shit. Your saving grace is the fat guy that is in your band. I mean, YOU DON'T GET TO SEE A FAT GUY IN A BOYBAND ANYTIME RIGHT?!!
Take that all you thinny shitty guys. FAT PEOPLE RULES!!!!! <3
Also you think Wonder Girls are wonderful? Well thanks to just their "onederful" one song "oneder". NOBODY will remember any of them after like a year.
And I think the song at the first 30 secs is BETTER. HAR HAR HAR HAR... Screw that you wondershit.
So back to being normal, do I really hate Korean wave that much? Well maybe, cause in a sense, with just the power of marketing and the correct strategy of attacking everywhere in the world instead of sticking to your own country, the Korean Wave overtake the Japan wave like a Tsunami.
To the Korea's credit, they do have good stuff. I'm just looking a bit and below is a few which has a good feel to it.
SNSD - Genie
Seriously, who can resist SNSD's legs? One of Takahina's greatest weakness is legs, and SNSD has tons of it. Coupled with Genie which is quite a good song imo, I was quite attracted.
T-ara and Supernova - T.T.L (Time to Love)
The title is super corny for reasons obvious. Take out the rapping part, the chorus has a superb progression and feel. Hate the ending for being so abrupt though. Machiam the song is made for Audition or DDR.
Super Junior - It's you
Song has a catchy touch to it, and the mood of it grabs you. And also, all hail the fat guy for being so emo in it.
So, how did the Korean wave overtake the Japan wave? Nowadays, you don't see Japanese stuff much anymore for the mainstream, it's always the Koreans now. I mean, even Animax, a very Japanese Anime Channel is playing Korean music "Live Power Music" the show, instead of maybe "Music Station", one of the longest running music shows in all history. That's gotta say something about the marketability and profitability of Korean stuff now.
Somethings I wanna get out of my chest though, just because you're popular, doesn't mean you're better. So Korean fans out there listen up. Your idols are good, but it doesn't equate to them being better in maybe dancing or singing. Lets take singing for example, pardon my limited knowledge, but I doubt few can win Yuna Ito's voice, and on a serious note, the more well known Korean artist, I haven't heard or seen any who can be comparable.
Yuna Ito's newest cover: I don't wanna miss a thing.
Her voice is pure imbar-ness.
Admit-ably, even Alan has a run for voice power against Yuna Ito. Something which I have been finding it difficult to compare. Yuna Ito's voice is more deep and less airy, whereas Alan's voice is more on a floating platform, able to go higher and higher and higher.
But this is a challenge to you Korea fans, if you can find any current popular (meaning relatively well known in Korea right now) female singers who can reach this standard of singing, then... I will screw myself in the ass.
And let's say Dancing. Koreans dance real well I have no qualms about that. But Japan has comparable people, take this!
Perfume's new single Voice
Find a group that has a standard dance moves for ALL their songs available in their album? Not a lot I guess.
So why did the Japanese wave lost?
Sadly, it's not that Japan has lost it's touch. Look into the Japan market currently, and you see that there is still the standard girl band/boy band, girl singers, boy singers. If you wanna compare on musicality, I won't say Japanese are inferior, they are more creative, and tries out more weird stuff. Bands like Do As Infinity and Tokyo Jihen is still rocking on.
Then why?
Few factors.
1. Marketing Style
Japanese people, are too damn freaking selfish in a sense they do not want their stuff to be rapidly spread overseas. And in a sense I don't understand why the fuck they want this to happen. Koreans are doing it, marketing it overseas to the extent that OneDer Girls can get shipped to US for a gig. Look in the years of 2000 to 2003. Jpop was so widespread here; when more popular songs like "Yesterday and Today" started playing, everyone knew how to sing...
Van Tomiko FTW
"Dear Friend... So Long..."
But for some reasons, Jpop didn't carry that marketing scheme on, and it became...
"Nobody Nobody Fuck you" by Oneder Girls
And I can tell you, even mainstream crowds are hating that song right now for being for fugly irritating.
Take out the hardcore Japan fans like me, and the hardcore Korean fans like so many of you, and this is all people will know about. Soon after, Korean companies know what to strike on:
Girls Group with killer legs and eyes. Must know how to dance. Singing is secondary since it's a choir together.
Boys Group with killer bods and looks. Must know how to dance. Singing is secondary since it's a choir together.
Except Super Junior... cause they have Shindong, who is turning to become my favourite Korean Artist just cause he's discriminated in the world of boy bands.
Love me... if you dare...
2. Looks
Don't mean to be racist, but I seriously think the Korean groupies looks the same. Either they went for the same job, or the same plastic surgeon, I have no idea. Ask me to differentiate them, I have no idea.
I can't differentiate which girls is which girl between the 2 pics. O_O
So in a sense, ALL members of the bands look good. Give you Supernova or Super Junior or whoever, you would have thought they just changed band name or jump bands. Looking good is already a big PLUS situation. Adding to good fashion sense provided by their management and fashion department, you can get a freaking good looking boy band.
But as usual, I salute Shindong for being the odd one out.
You know you love me. ;)
3. Music Technology
Last time, Michael Jackson has to rely on live bands and musicians to produce music. If he had the technology that we have right now in altering and sound engineering, his music would be so good it'll kill us like a sacred brown note (The brown note is an urban legend that says when you hear/feel the note you have involuntary bowell motility. . )
Technology has the power to auto-tune, refine, alter your voice to make it sound good. Of course the artist themselves need that good sense of singing and music, but out of a possible number of 10 group members, maybe only 3 really knows how to sing well, 2 knows how to rap, 1 knows how to scream, and 4 is just there pai sui nia... like a flower vase.
And when I mean sing well, I don't mean Yuna Ito's standard, that is too high for them.
4. Catchy
Being catchy is a MUST to capture mainstream numbskulls.
How did Nobody become such a one hit wonder? It's catchy. The phrase "Nobody Nobody but you" should have won a Guinness world record for being the start of a mind-hypnotizing period. Most korean songs have this capability of being catchy. By being catchy, you can be absorbed and remembered easily by the masses.
To the Korean's credit, producing a catchy tone and tune is not easy. So kuddos to you man.
In the end, it doesn't matter whether you like them or not, but liking them blindly and commiting them to being the BEST, is a big big mistake that will easily piss off tons of musicians out there. Sadly, the simpler a music is, the easier it'll be popular, hence Wonderwall, the classic Oasis song, is such a wonder song. It's so damn easy that my future kid whom is still swimming in my nutsacks will know how to play it. Give a normal person a Dream Theater Song, they will be wondering what the hell are they playing and whether it's still music or not... which is damn sad considering Dream Theater is one of the most technical progressive bands out there.
Ask a normal mainstream person like Serene whether she knows who is Dream Theater or not...
"Huh?? What Dream?? I know I day dream everyday, and I don't watch Theaters de."
For your info how does she fit into the standard mainstream crowd of music listeners? She downloads latest songs into her lappy, but never listens to them. But you ask her about korean, she will "Nobody Nobody Butt Chu" to you.
Lastly, to end this hatepost lol... There IS a korean band that I REALLY like. Clazziquai is a band which I had recommended once. I love them for their musicality, but sadly they aren't that popular.. why? Cause they don't follow the roads to marketability.
Anyways, here is one song of theirs:
Clazziquai - Dance
Will be awaiting for hateful replies... or best if i don't get any... har har har har...
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
The Racisting Takahina
Have you ever been to a Western country, and got ridiculed by them? You're just minding your own business, walking down the streets with your friends and family when suddenly this bunch of western punksters just suddenly drove down the road, hurling tons of vulgar at you. You stood there bewildered, wondering what had you done or even what has your country done that has got them angry.
None, racism happens for no reason.
For those who LOVE western countries so much without knowing about this or experiencing about this, you shouldn't like them just yet. Or perhaps put it more strongly, you don't deserve to love the western people yet.
Any countries and any race suffer from racism. Just ask any Chinese citizen what they feel about Japanese, and 99% will say they dislike Japanese. Same for Japanese, they don't like Chinese citizen. (From chinese citizens I mean, China citizens) The only thing China citizens have for approval about the Japanese is their anime/manga, essentially the pop culture. But that's all. One of my China colleagues calls Japan, 小日本。 Because Japan used to call itself 大日本帝国, but they are now like crap politically and financially.
And how about the "Negro"? US people still have a certain level of racism towards them. A joke I heard from Russell Peters, is that the new phrase for calling negro, are now "Monday". Why? Because no one likes Monday.

I'll give you the best racism jokes there is. :)
Since the age when people are borned and different race are created, I think there's an innate hate in all of us. You look different, you are black/white/yellow/pink/brown/shit colour, you suck and I'll discriminate against you. Just like how dogs and cats have different breed, imagine humans in the same way and yeah, you get racism. So for all you know Chihuahua could be the French and Golden Retriever could be the USAmericans. So Chinese people should be like the strays since we're like everywhere? And yeah, Koreans can be the bulldog since they never look good/cute unless they go for a surgery.

I seriously need a plastic surgery for my face before I can meet anyone...
Seriously, it's not difficult to imagine. Every race has their own "default" character. Indians and their nature to walk across roads ignoring cars from all kind of directions, Chinese and their cheapness, Europeans with their high class feel and USA with their superiority. You can almost see a different set of character from their skin colour.
Consequently just like how any dogs do, they breed with each other, a.k.a cross breed. Humans do that too, we cross breeds that's why Singapore gets Eurasians, tons of unknown colour appearing... and soon enough we're all gonna appear in a shit tone kinda colour. You imagine mixing every colour in the world in a pot of paint (except for black cause for real, there's no BLACK human) and you see the colour that comes out. It's hella not gonna be pretty I tell you.

Try mixing us together and you're gonna get hell.
So now you see, colour won't matter at all in the future. But then again, that's not the main point of what I wanna say.
The thing is that, racism is very true. I don't know why Takahina suddenly got into saint mode for advocating the realism of racism itself, but simply I just don't get why it happens.
So you "Ang Mohs" who scolded me for nothing walking down along your street, not throwing any trash and being a very responsible citizen, tell me why have you scolded me?
Answers anyone?
I don't see how.
This is not a case of like post war effect like that of China with Japan or German with Europe, but more rather, it's from unfounded hate maybe? If there is racism, it should be Chinese who's angry with the Westerners for invading China in late imperial times and doing all the weird labeling of China. What about the colonial period when Europeans go all over the world acting as if they're playing a game of "Civilisation", taking over and colonising every country they see? No doubt it has its positive effects but won't it be equivalent to "invading"? So should Singaporens hate westerners? Nope we don't, we even love them to the extend some people go straight for them for a good f***. Yeah yeah them and their BWD. Go to Le Noir in Clarke Quay and you'll get me.
Do refresh me if possible but seriously from my limited bank of history, I don't remember China doing anything remotely offensive to the westerners... except for maybe kicking their ass with Kung Fu?
![[Movie] IP Man 2: Legend of Grandmaster | Diệp Vấn 2 (2010) Pictures, Images and Photos](
Believe me, I kicked their BWA (Big white asses)
And that's why Westerners only have the impression that all chinese people know Kung-Fu. Yeah, I only know how to Hadouken.

Most Epik Pic Ever - Thanks Sam for the epikness.
But you may come saying, they don't feel that kind of racism when they're studying overseas. Well simple, first either you're a girl studying overseas, or it's because you're studying in a university.
Education does wonders, it dispels away racism and any weird form of discrimination. That is one of the reasons why I'm such a supporter for education. Anyways, education means knowledge, which means more understanding of the world which equals to globalization and that means respect for other cultures/races.
But you know deep down, you may know it... Still you curse and swear at that Ah-Ne who blocks your way when you're driving down the road in Little India, still you curse at that irritating Malays who frequents your flat's void deck hanky pankying because they have no money for a proper hotel or because their houses are too small for any hanky pankying.
Singapore's situation, is a very safe one. Largely the government to thank for, their policy in racial harmony has been one of the most successful and prominent throughout the whole world.
Ever been to Malaysia? Sources tell me that the Chinese there always gets bullied for the stupidest of reasons. Sources tell me that racism is still at an all time high there.
Ever been to Japan? If you look and sound like a total China person, the fiercer ones can screw you upside down there.
Ever been to Indonesia? Ever been to India? Ever been to other countries and really get involved in the heat of their racism? Doubt so.
Asia countries are pretty safe. We're somehow very tolerant to other races in some sort of ways, but western countries aren't that nice. People can go to France, and get thrown at by drunkards with glass bottles, telling Asians to scram back. While at most what we Singaporeans do, is just call the westerners "Si Ang Moh", and do nothing but smile back at them in the end.
So Singapore is nice enough. But sadly that disguises and covers up the true extend of racism which happens all around the world. Singaporeans, like you and me, have not understood the true extent of racism and discrimination. Although it's very much subdued, the potential dangers are still there.
Naturally enough, Singapore has their own brand of racism. Other than just the Si Ang Mohs, we have the Xiao Long Nu as well. The usual Indians and Malays, are too widespread, to the extent the racism Chinese have towards them fell because it's getting boring. I mean, we Chinese have learned to accept the goodness of relaxing in one korner as well.
But Xiao Long Nu...

They don't all look this good...
In other words, China people in Singapore. Or more specifically, girls from China.
Most aunties view them as prostitutes or 陪酒妹. Which suits the term "小龙女“。 This is very degrading all by itself and I'm willing to argue out with any mother son or daughter who still holds such mediocre thinking. There are professional Chinese professionals out there in Singapore who can do better, speak better english and earn more in a year than what you can earn in a lifetime.
However, foreign students are under the fire.
Do we hate them? Well I know people who does. If I dare to say, it even happens in our own lecture group where no one seems to be willing to accept 1 Chinese International in their group until higher authority power was bestowed upon her to include her in an unfortunate group.
I'll just explain an outcome from our student groups example (I don't mean just my course, but essentially for all university courses including those of NUS/NTU...), except for those chinese international who have developed friendship with local students, most will just click among themselves without interacting much with other people. Mainly for the simple idea, Chinese Students can't work. They can't do projects due to their lack in language, they can't help because they don't click. This thinking itself, isn't it belittling of their abilities in a sense?
We curse and swear them for taking our space in local universities, but hasn't it occurred to you that, it's because of your own incapability instead of them coming here to steal your university slot, that caused you that NUS or NTU slot that you wanted to much?
I'm not gonna talk good about the foreign students. I'm only gonna say they're unlucky that their government hasn't yet been able to account for all students in giving them a lot in their own university. If I'm a university dean, and I'm able to earn money from these foreign students without needing to provide a "subsidy", or if I'm the government, able to save on subsidy by allowing more foreign students in, why won't I do it?
In the end, it's just a matter of competition for a demanded place among locals and foreigns, and thus racism occurs.
Racism occurs in all sorts of reasons, and at times for no reason at all. I don't see a need to condone them, neither do I think it'll be gone. It happens for no reasons, just as dogs have different breeds, humans are similar.
But then, before you learn to love something or someone of another race (esp for all you Ang Moh Lovers out there like Barbarella and most Sarong Party Girls), do note of the existing discrimination they already have against you.
None, racism happens for no reason.
For those who LOVE western countries so much without knowing about this or experiencing about this, you shouldn't like them just yet. Or perhaps put it more strongly, you don't deserve to love the western people yet.
Any countries and any race suffer from racism. Just ask any Chinese citizen what they feel about Japanese, and 99% will say they dislike Japanese. Same for Japanese, they don't like Chinese citizen. (From chinese citizens I mean, China citizens) The only thing China citizens have for approval about the Japanese is their anime/manga, essentially the pop culture. But that's all. One of my China colleagues calls Japan, 小日本。 Because Japan used to call itself 大日本帝国, but they are now like crap politically and financially.
And how about the "Negro"? US people still have a certain level of racism towards them. A joke I heard from Russell Peters, is that the new phrase for calling negro, are now "Monday". Why? Because no one likes Monday.
I'll give you the best racism jokes there is. :)
Since the age when people are borned and different race are created, I think there's an innate hate in all of us. You look different, you are black/white/yellow/pink/brown/shit colour, you suck and I'll discriminate against you. Just like how dogs and cats have different breed, imagine humans in the same way and yeah, you get racism. So for all you know Chihuahua could be the French and Golden Retriever could be the USAmericans. So Chinese people should be like the strays since we're like everywhere? And yeah, Koreans can be the bulldog since they never look good/cute unless they go for a surgery.
I seriously need a plastic surgery for my face before I can meet anyone...
Seriously, it's not difficult to imagine. Every race has their own "default" character. Indians and their nature to walk across roads ignoring cars from all kind of directions, Chinese and their cheapness, Europeans with their high class feel and USA with their superiority. You can almost see a different set of character from their skin colour.
Consequently just like how any dogs do, they breed with each other, a.k.a cross breed. Humans do that too, we cross breeds that's why Singapore gets Eurasians, tons of unknown colour appearing... and soon enough we're all gonna appear in a shit tone kinda colour. You imagine mixing every colour in the world in a pot of paint (except for black cause for real, there's no BLACK human) and you see the colour that comes out. It's hella not gonna be pretty I tell you.
Try mixing us together and you're gonna get hell.
So now you see, colour won't matter at all in the future. But then again, that's not the main point of what I wanna say.
The thing is that, racism is very true. I don't know why Takahina suddenly got into saint mode for advocating the realism of racism itself, but simply I just don't get why it happens.
So you "Ang Mohs" who scolded me for nothing walking down along your street, not throwing any trash and being a very responsible citizen, tell me why have you scolded me?
Answers anyone?
I don't see how.
This is not a case of like post war effect like that of China with Japan or German with Europe, but more rather, it's from unfounded hate maybe? If there is racism, it should be Chinese who's angry with the Westerners for invading China in late imperial times and doing all the weird labeling of China. What about the colonial period when Europeans go all over the world acting as if they're playing a game of "Civilisation", taking over and colonising every country they see? No doubt it has its positive effects but won't it be equivalent to "invading"? So should Singaporens hate westerners? Nope we don't, we even love them to the extend some people go straight for them for a good f***. Yeah yeah them and their BWD. Go to Le Noir in Clarke Quay and you'll get me.
Do refresh me if possible but seriously from my limited bank of history, I don't remember China doing anything remotely offensive to the westerners... except for maybe kicking their ass with Kung Fu?
Believe me, I kicked their BWA (Big white asses)
And that's why Westerners only have the impression that all chinese people know Kung-Fu. Yeah, I only know how to Hadouken.
Most Epik Pic Ever - Thanks Sam for the epikness.
But you may come saying, they don't feel that kind of racism when they're studying overseas. Well simple, first either you're a girl studying overseas, or it's because you're studying in a university.
Education does wonders, it dispels away racism and any weird form of discrimination. That is one of the reasons why I'm such a supporter for education. Anyways, education means knowledge, which means more understanding of the world which equals to globalization and that means respect for other cultures/races.
But you know deep down, you may know it... Still you curse and swear at that Ah-Ne who blocks your way when you're driving down the road in Little India, still you curse at that irritating Malays who frequents your flat's void deck hanky pankying because they have no money for a proper hotel or because their houses are too small for any hanky pankying.
Singapore's situation, is a very safe one. Largely the government to thank for, their policy in racial harmony has been one of the most successful and prominent throughout the whole world.
Ever been to Malaysia? Sources tell me that the Chinese there always gets bullied for the stupidest of reasons. Sources tell me that racism is still at an all time high there.
Ever been to Japan? If you look and sound like a total China person, the fiercer ones can screw you upside down there.
Ever been to Indonesia? Ever been to India? Ever been to other countries and really get involved in the heat of their racism? Doubt so.
Asia countries are pretty safe. We're somehow very tolerant to other races in some sort of ways, but western countries aren't that nice. People can go to France, and get thrown at by drunkards with glass bottles, telling Asians to scram back. While at most what we Singaporeans do, is just call the westerners "Si Ang Moh", and do nothing but smile back at them in the end.
So Singapore is nice enough. But sadly that disguises and covers up the true extend of racism which happens all around the world. Singaporeans, like you and me, have not understood the true extent of racism and discrimination. Although it's very much subdued, the potential dangers are still there.
Naturally enough, Singapore has their own brand of racism. Other than just the Si Ang Mohs, we have the Xiao Long Nu as well. The usual Indians and Malays, are too widespread, to the extent the racism Chinese have towards them fell because it's getting boring. I mean, we Chinese have learned to accept the goodness of relaxing in one korner as well.
But Xiao Long Nu...
They don't all look this good...
In other words, China people in Singapore. Or more specifically, girls from China.
Most aunties view them as prostitutes or 陪酒妹. Which suits the term "小龙女“。 This is very degrading all by itself and I'm willing to argue out with any mother son or daughter who still holds such mediocre thinking. There are professional Chinese professionals out there in Singapore who can do better, speak better english and earn more in a year than what you can earn in a lifetime.
However, foreign students are under the fire.
Do we hate them? Well I know people who does. If I dare to say, it even happens in our own lecture group where no one seems to be willing to accept 1 Chinese International in their group until higher authority power was bestowed upon her to include her in an unfortunate group.
I'll just explain an outcome from our student groups example (I don't mean just my course, but essentially for all university courses including those of NUS/NTU...), except for those chinese international who have developed friendship with local students, most will just click among themselves without interacting much with other people. Mainly for the simple idea, Chinese Students can't work. They can't do projects due to their lack in language, they can't help because they don't click. This thinking itself, isn't it belittling of their abilities in a sense?
We curse and swear them for taking our space in local universities, but hasn't it occurred to you that, it's because of your own incapability instead of them coming here to steal your university slot, that caused you that NUS or NTU slot that you wanted to much?
I'm not gonna talk good about the foreign students. I'm only gonna say they're unlucky that their government hasn't yet been able to account for all students in giving them a lot in their own university. If I'm a university dean, and I'm able to earn money from these foreign students without needing to provide a "subsidy", or if I'm the government, able to save on subsidy by allowing more foreign students in, why won't I do it?
In the end, it's just a matter of competition for a demanded place among locals and foreigns, and thus racism occurs.
Racism occurs in all sorts of reasons, and at times for no reason at all. I don't see a need to condone them, neither do I think it'll be gone. It happens for no reasons, just as dogs have different breeds, humans are similar.
But then, before you learn to love something or someone of another race (esp for all you Ang Moh Lovers out there like Barbarella and most Sarong Party Girls), do note of the existing discrimination they already have against you.
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