In a sense, you have to prove your worth. As in, it's more than just marketing, more than just how you portray yourself, more than just hard-work. It's the desire you have and the attitude in the end that makes you eligible to enter the sacred ranks of the Takahina idols.
I'll be frank, I've been watching quite a bit of the more popular Korean MVs lately, I'll put a few which I feel, musically it's quite good; as in catchy, listen-ability, quality, flow, progression... etc etc. My standard of music is so high that normal people can't comprehend... heh heh heh heh heh...
I officially announce, this is my HATE POST about Korean wave. HAR HAR HAR HAR....
Don't tell me about the shitty "Sorry Sorry" from Super Junior, thanks but no thanks, that song is only useful for apologizing.
And stop that dance move, machiam you got Asthma like that, machiam you got mud in your shoes like that, and you're having spasms when you fold your hands. You Super Shit. Your saving grace is the fat guy that is in your band. I mean, YOU DON'T GET TO SEE A FAT GUY IN A BOYBAND ANYTIME RIGHT?!!
Take that all you thinny shitty guys. FAT PEOPLE RULES!!!!! <3
Also you think Wonder Girls are wonderful? Well thanks to just their "onederful" one song "oneder". NOBODY will remember any of them after like a year.
And I think the song at the first 30 secs is BETTER. HAR HAR HAR HAR... Screw that you wondershit.
So back to being normal, do I really hate Korean wave that much? Well maybe, cause in a sense, with just the power of marketing and the correct strategy of attacking everywhere in the world instead of sticking to your own country, the Korean Wave overtake the Japan wave like a Tsunami.
To the Korea's credit, they do have good stuff. I'm just looking a bit and below is a few which has a good feel to it.
SNSD - Genie
Seriously, who can resist SNSD's legs? One of Takahina's greatest weakness is legs, and SNSD has tons of it. Coupled with Genie which is quite a good song imo, I was quite attracted.
T-ara and Supernova - T.T.L (Time to Love)
The title is super corny for reasons obvious. Take out the rapping part, the chorus has a superb progression and feel. Hate the ending for being so abrupt though. Machiam the song is made for Audition or DDR.
Super Junior - It's you
Song has a catchy touch to it, and the mood of it grabs you. And also, all hail the fat guy for being so emo in it.
So, how did the Korean wave overtake the Japan wave? Nowadays, you don't see Japanese stuff much anymore for the mainstream, it's always the Koreans now. I mean, even Animax, a very Japanese Anime Channel is playing Korean music "Live Power Music" the show, instead of maybe "Music Station", one of the longest running music shows in all history. That's gotta say something about the marketability and profitability of Korean stuff now.
Somethings I wanna get out of my chest though, just because you're popular, doesn't mean you're better. So Korean fans out there listen up. Your idols are good, but it doesn't equate to them being better in maybe dancing or singing. Lets take singing for example, pardon my limited knowledge, but I doubt few can win Yuna Ito's voice, and on a serious note, the more well known Korean artist, I haven't heard or seen any who can be comparable.
Yuna Ito's newest cover: I don't wanna miss a thing.
Her voice is pure imbar-ness.
Admit-ably, even Alan has a run for voice power against Yuna Ito. Something which I have been finding it difficult to compare. Yuna Ito's voice is more deep and less airy, whereas Alan's voice is more on a floating platform, able to go higher and higher and higher.
But this is a challenge to you Korea fans, if you can find any current popular (meaning relatively well known in Korea right now) female singers who can reach this standard of singing, then... I will screw myself in the ass.
And let's say Dancing. Koreans dance real well I have no qualms about that. But Japan has comparable people, take this!
Perfume's new single Voice
Find a group that has a standard dance moves for ALL their songs available in their album? Not a lot I guess.
So why did the Japanese wave lost?
Sadly, it's not that Japan has lost it's touch. Look into the Japan market currently, and you see that there is still the standard girl band/boy band, girl singers, boy singers. If you wanna compare on musicality, I won't say Japanese are inferior, they are more creative, and tries out more weird stuff. Bands like Do As Infinity and Tokyo Jihen is still rocking on.
Then why?
Few factors.
1. Marketing Style
Japanese people, are too damn freaking selfish in a sense they do not want their stuff to be rapidly spread overseas. And in a sense I don't understand why the fuck they want this to happen. Koreans are doing it, marketing it overseas to the extent that OneDer Girls can get shipped to US for a gig. Look in the years of 2000 to 2003. Jpop was so widespread here; when more popular songs like "Yesterday and Today" started playing, everyone knew how to sing...
Van Tomiko FTW
"Dear Friend... So Long..."
But for some reasons, Jpop didn't carry that marketing scheme on, and it became...
"Nobody Nobody Fuck you" by Oneder Girls
And I can tell you, even mainstream crowds are hating that song right now for being for fugly irritating.
Take out the hardcore Japan fans like me, and the hardcore Korean fans like so many of you, and this is all people will know about. Soon after, Korean companies know what to strike on:
Girls Group with killer legs and eyes. Must know how to dance. Singing is secondary since it's a choir together.
Boys Group with killer bods and looks. Must know how to dance. Singing is secondary since it's a choir together.
Except Super Junior... cause they have Shindong, who is turning to become my favourite Korean Artist just cause he's discriminated in the world of boy bands.
Love me... if you dare...
2. Looks
Don't mean to be racist, but I seriously think the Korean groupies looks the same. Either they went for the same job, or the same plastic surgeon, I have no idea. Ask me to differentiate them, I have no idea.
I can't differentiate which girls is which girl between the 2 pics. O_O
So in a sense, ALL members of the bands look good. Give you Supernova or Super Junior or whoever, you would have thought they just changed band name or jump bands. Looking good is already a big PLUS situation. Adding to good fashion sense provided by their management and fashion department, you can get a freaking good looking boy band.
But as usual, I salute Shindong for being the odd one out.
You know you love me. ;)
3. Music Technology
Last time, Michael Jackson has to rely on live bands and musicians to produce music. If he had the technology that we have right now in altering and sound engineering, his music would be so good it'll kill us like a sacred brown note (The brown note is an urban legend that says when you hear/feel the note you have involuntary bowell motility. . )
Technology has the power to auto-tune, refine, alter your voice to make it sound good. Of course the artist themselves need that good sense of singing and music, but out of a possible number of 10 group members, maybe only 3 really knows how to sing well, 2 knows how to rap, 1 knows how to scream, and 4 is just there pai sui nia... like a flower vase.
And when I mean sing well, I don't mean Yuna Ito's standard, that is too high for them.
4. Catchy
Being catchy is a MUST to capture mainstream numbskulls.
How did Nobody become such a one hit wonder? It's catchy. The phrase "Nobody Nobody but you" should have won a Guinness world record for being the start of a mind-hypnotizing period. Most korean songs have this capability of being catchy. By being catchy, you can be absorbed and remembered easily by the masses.
To the Korean's credit, producing a catchy tone and tune is not easy. So kuddos to you man.
In the end, it doesn't matter whether you like them or not, but liking them blindly and commiting them to being the BEST, is a big big mistake that will easily piss off tons of musicians out there. Sadly, the simpler a music is, the easier it'll be popular, hence Wonderwall, the classic Oasis song, is such a wonder song. It's so damn easy that my future kid whom is still swimming in my nutsacks will know how to play it. Give a normal person a Dream Theater Song, they will be wondering what the hell are they playing and whether it's still music or not... which is damn sad considering Dream Theater is one of the most technical progressive bands out there.
Ask a normal mainstream person like Serene whether she knows who is Dream Theater or not...
"Huh?? What Dream?? I know I day dream everyday, and I don't watch Theaters de."
For your info how does she fit into the standard mainstream crowd of music listeners? She downloads latest songs into her lappy, but never listens to them. But you ask her about korean, she will "Nobody Nobody Butt Chu" to you.
Lastly, to end this hatepost lol... There IS a korean band that I REALLY like. Clazziquai is a band which I had recommended once. I love them for their musicality, but sadly they aren't that popular.. why? Cause they don't follow the roads to marketability.
Anyways, here is one song of theirs:
Clazziquai - Dance
Will be awaiting for hateful replies... or best if i don't get any... har har har har...
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