Takahina can search out all types of pictures when he wants to!!! YOU CAN'T STOP ME!
Could this be when it started??? O_O;;
Please look at me....~~
And Serene in her full montage! Very 大胆 ah Serene. Didn't see that in you...
So as usual, with the effects of demand and supply, you demand this, i supply you with it.
In either way, both of us win. You get what you want, I get what I want which is viewership from what I supplied to you.
But really, things don't always get in just the simple win win, you demand I give you type of things. This world is unfair, and thus, there will always be losers. Demand and supply don't ever work the way of win-win situation. When someone wins, someone else will lose.
Maybe Priscilla will want pictures of her up and if I do that I can get her viewership. But thanks to Serene and Desmond who can give me a higher amount of viewership, I rather give them the slot for the pic.
But what the fact I'll just put up Pris's pic for free even though she won't want it up here, and unlikely she'll read my blog... :P
Don't smile if you ever wanna pose EMo.
Sorry Serene and Desmond, only you guys get the ugly pics. :D
However, you all get the picture.
Economics have this one theory about something diminishing something de. I say to hell with it. It's just the theory of win win lose lose. Trust me, in this world you never want to be on the losing end of stuff.
In the past, losing didn't mean much. Because there's the all time big winner the government to help us. Take ancient China for example, you're a poor shit, there'll be either an official or some damn rich trader (they always seem to be Traders for some reason) to support you, give you some porridge when you're in your crisis state and then you appreciate them for all your life, willing to work like bull and dog for them.
I certainly can't see how this dog leads a life of hardship. LOOK IT HAS MORE FREAKING PRESENTS THAN ME ON MY BDAY WTFOMGKNNBBQLOLLLLLLL
Now in the current "free" society, if you're in the losing side you need to cross don't know how many threads and threads and yardsticks of red threads to get any form of support. Might as well don't get and continue paying the society. Charity don't go anywhere but into horsekeeper's or contractor's pocket for either installing some gold plated tap or helping some rich monk breed their horse. Shiok sia.
This is losing. This is the free society whereby the society won't give a damn for those who loses. People may lose, why? Due to lack of luck? Due to lack of information? Due to lack of proper EQ? It happens. In any ways, it just kinda mean, "sorry dude, try again next life!"
Look at Mdm Tan and you know she's leading a damn sad life now.
This don't only just refers to life, let's just say one topic. LOVE.
If you lack the looks, lack the skills, lack the potential, lack the confidence, lack anything at all, or maybe just lack some luck. You're freaking gone. You lose and it's game over for you.
Yeah you know you're screwed like some little twerp who waited 8 years in vain for a girl who ended up as a stick figure.
But in the previous "free-less" world, not really. All you need is some influence, and even if you look like shit, you still can "force" a girl into a marriage. Even if you're some damn freaking useless beggar, you still can rape a girl into a marriage. Damn evil, but that's the "free-less" world for you, a world that we will NEVER be involved right now.
That's why I dare to say, the free world, is not for losers. Either you have something good at hand that can survive you for life, if not you can just seriously end it right here right now.
So, no one wants to be a loser. That's natural. But the problem is how to be a winner. What is the amount of stake you must have in order for you to earn your prize, that is the ultimate question that no one knows. Life is not like some game whereby constant practicing will make you king. Games like L4D is NEVER real, why? Cause there's no way 4 person can come out from a population of undead zombies alive. NO FREAKING WAY.
No way will a boomer see you and say such cute stuff.
Last time, Takahina used to think, "Winning and Losing doesn't matter, its the process and how you cope with it."
True enough, I still think this way. It doesn't matter how many times you lose, as long as you achieve that "win" at last. However, getting through the many times that you lose can be a very very tedious thing. You see people around you winning, while you lose. You think to yourself, it's ok... I'm still learning, I'm a late game hero and given time, I'll huat myself. (No benji, huating myself doesn't mean wanking myself off)
A classic example of a creature with a Takahinian spirit!
It's very difficult. Humans are jealous creatures and seeing others around you achieving something which you want to is insanely disturbing. Especially if you see that person undeserving of that victory. You will think, "how the hell did he win me????"
You know you epikkk phail at life if you lose to this pokemon trainer.
So you gotta understand the pain of losing. Before you even know how to savour true victory. This is also kinda why Takahina never likes/respect people who achieve "success" without going through much hardship or determination in getting that success. Example are like:
They are Shinnee. In case you can't differentiate them.
Most factory made Korean bands. Even though you guys keep telling me how much they got tortured under their management firms, that still achieve success upon their release and hence faced no true grit and down periods before.
Get a new hairstyle you piece of faggot.
Donald Trump, come on I don't care WHAT YOU DO ON TV, however much you boast about yourself and your "hardships". Simple, your money comes from your family. Now STFU TYVM.
Helllooooo gay shit!!
Justin Bieber like seriously tried to conquer the whole world's young girls population through just 1 song. Like seriously?? 99% of people on youtube hates you, take it. And don't you dare sing 'baby' in front of me, I'll freaking smack your baby outta your balls! Lawl.
I know this mean seem much like a hate blog etc for the unfairness of the world, but no... don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining for I am already very fortunate. It's just that constant wait for success and retry for victory that is getting on my nerves. My brother Chin Han got the talents, got the diligence, got the determination but no luck. Who am I to complain when he's not?
Winning, is a very sacred thing. But nobody is giving it the respect it should get. You can win in a lot of cases, but if you don't have any sense of appreciation it will backfire on you.
Being labelled a loser, no doubt not fake is rather appalling to me. I admit that up till now, I haven't been able to achieve things which I would have felt as a "Win", maybe it's myself placing unrealistic goals for myself, or simply my goals and targets takes time I do not know. But in a sense, I do not see myself as a loser, because I know the day I see myself as one, I will always be one.
Knowing that the current "free" world doesn't allow people to lose, knowing the pain of experiencing losing, knowing that I'm not at the bottom of the survival list, knowing of the victory that I want to achieve, these will lead me to be a winner, regardless of how long or how difficult that road is.
The Winning Takahina with a spectacle and a grin.
I'll get one pair soon btw. For real. :/
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