The specs add to his already very high intelligence level.
Yup, Takahina graduated with a god-damn distinction. Hell yeah! But then what does that mean? Takahina already has a job, so does getting a distinction certificate mean anything to Takahina? Well it does.
Takahina knows himself well. Takahina knows that he's never one to strive too hard for anything unless its something that he wants desperately or knows he has to achieve it desperately. So for some things, Takahina can be super slack or relaxed about it, for some other things however, he will be rushing and pushing for it. Be it materialistic gains, principles issues, commitments and stuff. If Takahina really wants it he'll strive for it. Kinda like a directly proportionate relationship; the more Takahina wants something, the harder he'll strive for it. But of course not everything in this world is achievable or due to some reasons you missed it. Never mind, try harder next time. This is Takahina's very basic basis of the world.
How does this relate to this certificate? Simple, Takahina wanted to graduate with a degree, simple as that.
It goes back all the way to Takahina's mum actually. Since young Takahina's mum has been infusing him with the thought that Takahina must graduate as a university student, then her life goal is achieved.
Takamama will stare you down.
This created a lifelong goal to Takahina, "I MUST FREAKING GRADUATE AS A UNIVERSITY STUDENT!"
So to Takahina, his academic goal since young has been quite focused. Graduate with a freaking degree. Thus he strive on, from Tampines Primary School to East View Secondary School to Tampines Junior College to SIM-RMIT.
Takahina was once a fat f**k
Takahina was once a class monitor.
Takahina has and will always be good looking.
Another of his more suave moments.
Takahina recalls once, when one of his primary 6 school teacher asked him, "W*** H**, where do you want to study in the future?" Takahina thought that his teacher is asking him where he wants to study when he grows up when in actual fact his teacher is asking which secondary school he wants to go to. So the fat and innocent Takahina just answered, "NUS."
Stunned they are.
Similarly in secondary school, teacher asked a similar question. But being more cautious of being a class joke now, Takahina simply replied JC. In TPJC however, the teachers forgo asking such questions because it's a given when you enter JC, you die die must enter university. Now that Takahina is eligible for graduation, all that remains is for the graduation committee in SIM to send him some info so he will then know when he's gonna graduate and his mother will finally achieve her life goal. At the same time, it represents a goal in life that Takahina has achieved. Sure it may not be the best degree, but it's nonetheless still a hard-earned degree.
These 3 years in university could not have been completed so smoothly if not for the help of Huntsman, Desmond, Serene, Kasumi and Manluo. Takahina has mentioned them tons of time in his blog and that is because of how important this people are to him, that's why they're in this blog. If Takahina writes about you in his blog, it's because you guys have impacted him, that's why you're in it.
The standard color scheme for every graduation, black and white.
Along the way, there have been tons of other friends that he has met and known in university. Casual friends, Hi-bye friends, fellow project mates, OG mates, some people whom faces he knows but names he doesn't etc. There are so much to mention that Takahina is unable to fully describe them all. Don't really, slowly but surely Takahina will make sure to include everyone in.
Imma had a few drinks then.
Takahina has to say, these few years in university is probably one of the best times of his 24 years life. Takahina remembers his uncle once said, "W*** H** ah, University is a very fun and is probably one of the most enjoyable time of your life, you have to cherish it." Now that he recalls, it's very true. Compared to his primary school, secondary school, JC, University was simply the most outstanding 3 years of his education period. With tons of maturing and growing up, knowing more people and bitching about them, realizing exactly what is life and how to go about with it, all the related BGR involved, all the dirty sex jokes with Desmond, all the racist things that we have done, all the drinking and all the studying and accusing that they have done, it's all now part of a very fond memory in Takahina's heart.
Sorry Des, Takahina can't resist himself.
Now that Takahina is already in the working phrase of his life, he can't help but reminisce on the fond memories he has of the past 3 years that doesn't seem so long ago.
Takahina has often thought and spoke of this thought, "When we are studying, we want to go to work. When we start working we want to go back studying." Well, Takahina isn't really feeling like that right now, Takahina feels that it's more of the friendship and things that happen when we're studying that makes us want to go back to studying life, not STUDYING itself.
Nevertheless, until the day when Takahina officially graduates and comes out with tons of pics, you guys are guaranteed a full size in full glamor testimony specially done by Takahina... WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! HAR HAR HAR.
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