Gotta admit, I really look like a mushroom. But i like to eat them as well so whatever.
An extra note though, you got to know that there are different type of mushrooms.
First, Shitake Mushroom.
Don't it look delicious... Well, it does have several health uses.
1. Weight Reduction - So suitable for me
2. Fights bacteria - but it's a bacteria itself....
3. Inhibits HIV - So eat it before u have sex with monkeys
And many others lah, I don't care.
Second, straw mushroom.
I only know I don't really like it and it looks like a penis head. Oh ya, Qing Heng (my classmate) has a hair style quite similar.
Third, golden needle mushroom.
Ok lah, i translate it direct from the Chinese term 金针菇, so i dunno how should u call it. And i don't know what properties it has. I only know, I quite like it.
This is another type of mushroom I like and I only know it comes from a can food branded Golden Boy Mushroom. I still remember there is a dumb commercial on it.
A man tries to spray some salt on 2 of this small sized mushroom, the mushroom seemingly alive, actually skipped off the salt!!!
That guy annoyed, went to spray pepper at the mushrooms. The mushrooms only continued to skip off at that peppery onslaught!!
That guy, completely in furnished fury, just took a fork and he went off to kill it!!! Strangely the mushrooms didn't jump this time, seemingly crying to him saying, "KILL ME WITH A FORK!!"
He ate it and he nodded his head in acceptance, happy that he has finally killed this 2 menacing mushrooms.
Well, mushrooms aside, i wonder what's wrong with having a mushroom head.
or, just a stupid hair style in that sense.
What I don't understand is why is it that guys are so attentive of their hair? Self esteem? Pride? Or you are just an avid fan of Dragonball Z?
Don't mind that green guy. He's bald and has two tentacles on his head.
If not, some guys love rambutan and durian?
I'm ok with anything, but the only hairstyle in which I can't notice the charm of is spiked hairstyle. I have nothing against Audric (another classmate) lah, I just don't like spiked hairstyle, it reminds me of a guy trying to act punk and that is very fake in my opinion.
But of course, hairstyle is your freedom.
The thing is why must we be that bothered with hairstyle? Because it dignifies our suaveness... to a large extent yes. I'll just show 2 pictures to depict of the great difference.
Due to the hairstyle of the top picture, it fully shows of his dumbness and unsuaveness compared to the one below. The beautiful and demure girl has no change in hairstyle at all. If the guy above has a better hairstyle, he will be more suitable for the girl than the one below...
*People in background runs to the background to vomit.
Aiya, Takuya, I still admire you lah, don't worry.
So point very much proven that hairstyle does make a big difference. However, Takahina still doesn't like the notion of placing hair in a very big position. Hair all in all are just a show of our appearance and appearance are not everything to us. Thus so it's not worth it to bring a bottle of wax/gel to school everyday and use a personalised comb to specialise your hair in the toilet. Do that at home, not school.
Normally, regarding the issue of hair there will be 3 types of people.
1. Totally disregard hairstyles, just uses the hairstyle of their pillow
2. Don't really care bout hairstyle, but will worry when people start to call him mushroom.
3. Everyday bring comb and gel, go toilet and spends more time than a girl
4. Can't help it but can only remain in 1 hairstyle
Type 1 has a very strange perspective of appearance. For some reason they are just too lazy to be bothered with such trivia nature and will just ignore it. However ironically they can produce the best and worst hairstyle. The pillow is a great gel that is able to totally hardened the style of your hair, to the extent that even if you shake your head like siao, just a little adjustment will ensure the standardised hairstyle. Also, they are economist. They need not spend extra money to buy gel cause it's already gel for their life.
Type 2 are people who are indeed concerned about their appearance but are lazy to do anything about it. Cause they will think that no matter what hairstyle they have, no girls would care to bother about it, life still continues. But, when a girl does start to comment. CHAM LIAO, chiong, they will have to care bout that mushroom/bowl/watermelon hair of their's. So what to do? Use water and sweep their hair over. Problem settled.
Type 3 are people who are over concerned. They normally use too much gel or wax that their hair will seem to be flashy shining or just slimy white. They will care too much about the girls' attention even if the girls are just ignorant about it. Also, they use too much wax and gel that it will be so hard, they can use it for many uses like digging the ground or piercing through a wall, very useful indeed.
Do I still need to elaborate on type 4?
So what can we do? Go yunnan jian fa zhong xin to help? Or just buy a super strong gel?
Hairstyle mah... in the future it will just turn white and whittle. Why bother?
U just posted a picture that make cost the life on ur blog.....
Dun think so. He won't be so free anyway. And i didn't insult anybody, all i did was just stating a fact.
And it's not offensive anyway.
hahahahaha!!! pengz~~
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