Anyway, I wonder. Should we even condone multi relationship or is remaining faithful to one too difficult to human.
TV drama loves to show an adultress in marriage, i personally prefer threesome in sex even though it's just a pure thought of imagination that can never come true nor will my character allow me unless the opposition permits it. :p
In my life principles, I've always said that I will only remain faithful to only one person and never betray her although I still remain my rights to look at girls in mini-skirt. But lately, I don't understand it anymore and my principles of love seem to be falling.
No lah, DIAM LAH idiot PIB. Takahina don't even have 1 girlfriend, how can I say 2???!!
Even though I have tried my hardest to pursue to of the girls I liked in my life, one for 4 years and the other for maybe... just 2 months currently? But still both girls have remained maybe unresponsive to my actions. Maybe I'm too persistent and I should change this blog's name to "The Persistent Takahina with regards to girls". And I should only blog on my methods to chase girls I see and then obtain help from people all over the net.
But nah, I'm not The Desperate Takahina just yet... soon enough though.
With recent setbacks in my attempts, I'm thinking maybe I'm using the wrong methods, maybe I'm too impulsive I don't know.
PIB: Didn't you say you won't speak of your love life?!
Shhhhh... didn't I tell u to diam?! I'm getting to the point of my story. Plus love life is always one of the best publicizing topic. The second is to have your naked pictures or obscene pictures being pasted on the blog. It always help, Porn is the most developed industry and the demand is never ending.
Anyway, let me get back to the gest.
Due to the recent setbacks, I'm feeling like, wtf is wrong with me. Why do I feel so fucked up when she says she is busy or wat? She's busy with her work and so, of course it's natural. But then I don't have any information on her life and so...~~~
With the principles of Takahina, it truly and dutifully stated that "only pursue a relationship when you find it true."
I was sure that it's true when i first went for it. But still, my heart is like having a split. I feel uneasy when I see Mutsumi (Take Mutsumi to be that 4 year person crush) and also, I'm thinking maybe I should just give up and go for others. Like that girl I saw in MRT today always peeping at me while I'm also peeping at her.
Ok ok, she may be just commenting on my pants which has holes near the private parts, but disregard that. The charm of Takahina is insatiable.
*PIB pukes in the side corner, finding Takahina's words a total disgrace to the word "charm"
Wa lao, sometimes hor, I can't believe I'm always writing things on this blog scolding myself, ain't I confused?
Anyway, the thing is why do I still have thoughts for other girls if I'm loving just one? Is it the human nature which causes this? Or is it that I don't feel repreciated for my efforts. 4 years effort for Mutsumi goes down the drain and 2 months of meeting with only 5 meetings with her is remaining too stale and not moving.
Is it just nature, or just me. Will people really get stale of all this boy girl relationship and eventually quit, while parents hold onto their relationship mostly for the sake of their children?
Singapore, or should I say socially, there are many cases of parents staying together mainly for their kids. Of course I'm not saying there are no cases of love still remaining between couple after marriage. My parents for example have been loving.
From what I remember, last year or dunno what year we went to watch fireworks. My parents went off and snug in a corner while I just sat alone with Tian Wei; both of us acting like gays. :x
But then, I still frequently hear some funny comments from my father with my mother alongside.
Scenario: I sit in the car with my father and mother. Saw a girl in mini skirt, quite chio walking pass the road.
Takahina: WAH, SIBEI SUI!
Father: WAH, SUI! (His sight remained focussed on the girl, not on the road)
Mother: Huh Huh??? Where Where???
The girl walked passed the road, light turned green.
T: Pa, can go liao.
M: Aiya, he like that one. See girls his head will follow the girl. Like Lao Ti Ko!
F: Aiyo, you see girls wear so mini! For us MALES TO SEE ONE! I'm doing her a favour by watching ok??? I repreciating her thought of letting see!
M: See SEE!! He at it again!
T: But it's true mah. (Takahina got influenced by his father for quite some time)
Anyway, my father only began to drive when the car behind us BEEP BEEP him.
The fact is, even though we may love someone, we will still keep our focus on other people of different sex. If same sex den cham liao, that person will be gay or lesbian.
However, for me it's a different case. Even though Takahina knows best that when a girl is acting intimate, she may not mean she likes you, but Takahina just can't help on such matters of his own heart. Under a long period of time, he will eventually fall in love with her. So girls, don't try to act too intimate with me unless you like me. You may be inviting trouble.
PIB: Didn't you always encourage girls to look for you?
I said to like me, not to look for me. If you don't like that person, but still continue to act very nice to him, guys with low self esteem and no girlfriend for their whole life will get the bloody wrong idea and that will cause him or you a very big problem.
Takahina is an example.
The biggest problem for Takahina is
He turned into a pervert and he is too active in his pursues just cause he thought you have the same thinking as him.
So girls, beware.
It's very....
Well, regarding my case... Mutsumi is a long gone case. She has already stated that she didn't like me last year. The other one... I don't know.
Oh ya, let me end this post with a Takako pic.
Kirei desu shou? ^^
If you don't agree with the above normative statement. Den PIB and Takahina will have you converted.
Your comments for the previous post hit the highest i think...
Hmmm..think u missed out PL??
PL ar... I dun really know how to account for her leh...
But, her's is just infactuation i think, and i dun include infactuations in as a true close of 'love'
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