Takahina has a few hobbies which he shall endaringly open and confess to here. Fuck man, it's not like I'm gonna get any galfriend if I don't confess, so might as well make them afraid of me, then from then I can use some plot frequently featured in some type of perverse shows and do the blackmail shit.
The above paragraph is an evidence of how pervert Takahina can be. For those planning to sue me, go ahead and use it.
Anyway, perversity has it's codes. So to say, Takahina is a pervert, but then I'm a different kind of pervert from what most other think.
Ok, I shall start my post proper. (This is gonna be long)
Takahina watches porn, Takahina even once studied pornology a little. Takahina does think like a case 2 at times (Guys who want to flaunt on their knowledge in porn), Takahina even made guys like Junwei or Desmond Chan into a potential case 2. Notice that these 2 guys I mentioned are attached, so girlfriends be careful.
However, the way I pervertise myself i different.
In the "LONG-'MAN': DICKtionary of ContemPORNary English", pervert is defined as...
1. to change something in an unnatural and often harmful way
- "Genetic scientists are often accused of perverting nature."
2. to influence someone so that they begin to think or behave in an immoral way
- "TV sex and violence (and Takahina) perverts the minds of kids" (Des and Junwei should know whom this is directed to)
3. someone whose sexual behaviour is considered unnatural and unacceptable
- "What are you Takahina? Some kind of pervert?!"
Apparantly, definition 2 and 3 from Long Man states clearly that Takahina is a pervert. Why?
Firstly; regarding definition 2, when people ask me anything bout porn or so, I will shoot them back with a range of contents and referance. :p
An example of referance? Well...
Well, the copyright law infringement is done. Xiaxue and Tammy can do it, why can't Takahina? Ready???
Rurouni would have seen this one b4...
Ok, i'll just push more space down so that your mother won't scold you.
Little boys who saw this, this is just a mouse. Nothing else.
Ok, here I am, defiling more of those little brains... haiz.
Ok, now to definition 3.
Hmmm, my sexual preferance is indeed a little different. While people go mad over the fact that a cheerleader posted alot of herself in hot steamy action on the net, I don't care. In fact I've even wrote a newspaper report on that scolding those people who went mad literally over it. I'll post it once Ah Tan returns it back to me.
I, Takahina. Watch Hentai and prefer Hentai to any real live porn. Of course the novelty will fall short time from time and I'll want to watch some real live action, but still Hentai remains my favourite. Also, I grab hand guns while watching it. And I even have something like a law implanted in my mind. Sam, sad ar... don't think I write all my laws in my lawbook. That is too dangerous.
In fact, the term "Hentai" in Japanese mean "pervert". Go figure.
No, my sexual preferance is not males. That's Desmond Ong's preferance. Benji prefers Aunties, in fact we just realised that he is Auntie Killer of Rurouni. 7 Flowers have Desmond Chan, Rurouni has Benji.
Ok, back to Hentai. Actually, watching hentai imo is better than watching porn. It has more advantages compared to porn. I've made a list. (Inspiration thanks to Ben from Rurouni)
- Much better storyplots than those lame porn stories you see. What tuition teacher getting lonely and in the end fucked by her student. Nonsense.
- They actually have better voices! Believe it or not, the voices in hentai are produced in a way like they are trained for such things!
- Some Hentai actually have opening and ending songs for it... and some of them don't sound bad! Like Step Sister's ending theme and Koihime's ending theme... They are not badly done.
- They have genre from almost any kind of kinky fields you can conjure of, from normal props and parahernalia to vibrating handphones to golden shower to enemas to piss drinking and even to giving birth! OMFG! You try to do that with real person, and be prepared to go to jail loser.
- Last and best of all, there are no ugly girls in Hentai.
- Short and sweet sexual scenes.
- Sucky or just no storyplot at all. Sian
- Sometimes, porn is not real penetration, it's just a matter of positioning as i mentioned previously. So, the voices are rather... repetitious. And also, fake. At least in Hentai, they give you the impression that it's real even though it's still fake.
- Normally features only just normal hardcore sex. It features the full course which will include the foreplay, blowjob/licking, main course. However, it has no afterplay, which isn't really important anyway. But in real life, afterplay is good to ensure the romancing bond between the couples. Hentai loses out in this term though.
- Some girls you see... aren't that attractive after all. But still, it's real, gives you the sense of realism.
So in the end, which is better? Hentai. But in the end, it's still a fetish. Which lets me still unable to understand, why does people like Tammy Lee's work. All I've heard is that the blowjob and girl isn't bad. But so??? It's just amateur's work compared to more professional product. Some people say that cause it's locally produced, that's why it's better.
Dude, go to Kazaa or something like that, go type "Singapore Sex", I'm sure die die you will get some. And since SG has almost 0 porn industry, I can confirm that almost all you dl are homemade. Suited just for you. Why focus on just Tammy when there are better ones out there?
Everyone, even though I'm almost professional at saying such things, I've still not watched that Tammy Lee's video, nor do I have any desire to. If I watch it, it's purely for professionalism studies.
Ok, then since Takahina has stated so much on his so called pervertism, let him carry on to digress, on what he feels is the real type of pervertism which is evil and ugly.
Go Japan, you will know.
Maybe I'm paranoid or wat, but then I hate seeing things like girls getting groped in a crowded bus or mrt and in public and then she's not resisting it. If not, it's like a lao ti kou being your boss, and you demand your female employee to succumb to you, if not you sack her or something like that. Another case is like you (a male) stares at a scantically dressed female and acts like an idiot. That is what I call pervert. Even though it's not accurately to the definition in Long Man, but still I find that just evil.
Surprise huh, Takahina, someone who is almost desensitised being so against such things instead of performing them. As Takahina has always stated, Takahina has only the theory and not the practical. I don't even have a study object to work on in the first place.
Linking to my previous post, Takahina shall state again that Takahina feels, watching porn and discussing it, is not so called pervertic or what, well at least in Takahina's emotions he finds it that way. Because in the end, such people, they don't do harm to the girls, unlike people who actually go ahead and rape girls. However, porn does cause such sentimentals to happen, so porn indirectly cause pervertism but watching porn doesn't totally mean to be pervertic.
Get me?
Don't think so.
But anyway, in the end, because Takahina watches such a huge amount of porn, he could possible end up performing the pervertic actions.
Takahina is very...
Remember that well girls. Until I become a monk, don't ever get near me.
People in background, "We really don't get it. You want a girlfriend so badly, but you keep on writing stuff like this to deter them, it's bloody contradictory you know?! What is your motive behind this?!"
Takahina: "Shut up"
A picture of me watching porn. Go figure ^^
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