Late last year and early this year, Takahina is directed to various other paths and introduction of different religious. Tian Wei with his preaching for Chrisitianity, the late Miss Lee's late minute change in religion, Priscilla the Soka society and lastly, my own buddhism.
The theme and subject is simple, each religious beliefs in their believes and miracle are helpful and beneficial to the society, there's no doubt about that, and surely I won't wanna question them in anyway which could caust social unrest.
Takahina just returned from a Soka concert... or you can say it's more like a graduation party for sections in the Soka Associations. The crowd was mostly the Soka people themselves and were quite enthusiatic. The characteristically unenthusiatic Takahina was well rather, overwhelmed. Then there were also some jokers around the area which somewhat pissed Takahina to no limits, but whatever. They are lucky Takahina never take out drumsticks to pia him.
Anyway, somehow religions which features such enthu kia (currently I only know chrisitianity and Soka) are very well... passionate. Perhaps it's got to do with the teachings of the religions or what, they always have things such as concert or what. And then with such things, they somewhat try to "attract" in more believers or so... not putting you all in a bad light or such, but then such methods are well... unmoved by Takahina.
There was once I remember I went to this Church concert for a christmas concert. My friend told me it's a concert, so it's ok to watch even though it's made by a religious group. Around the end of the whole thing, almost the whole place started praying or preaching or so, I don't know. Few of the people invited me to follow, but I didn't want to. Maybe it was my face which made them pek chiek, but then they somewhat got a little edgy. I think it's my face.
Then there was the time I went to Miss Lee's wake. Somehow, Takahina got a little pissed. The wake and all was well done... but then the church is like advertising themselves... and it was during a wake? I find it a little atrusive even if it's their policy or what to do so.
Then in around sec 2 I think. The pimpled faced, oily, tired and reluctant Takahina was asked for a survey... which in the end turned out to be a "recruiting" session to put it bluntly. Takahina answered and listened to that guy for like, an hour. Gave him my number and all... only to answer him, "no" in the end.
I made him waste an hour. I'm good.
Notice that most examples I mentioned are chrisitianity related, cause those are the more memorable examples I had regarding religion. Soka didn't do much to recruit, they mostly just encourage. Which was still acceptable with Takahina's limits.
With all due respect to any religions in the world, I feel that, no religion in any way should try to flaunt people of other religion away to theirs. Also no religion should disrespect other religions or what. And I'm sure no religions has any intentions on that.
I mean, for people to switch religion or so, there's nothing wrong with that. But then you don't go around and try to influence people in like the survey thingy or the funeral issue. The thing in the first place about influencing people is already a somewhat "disrespectful" thing to other religion. It's like saying that "hey, my god is better than your god, so join me!"
I think that influencing, should only happen when people are interested and ask. Like let's say I ask Tian Wei about Jesus and all. Then he can answer me and then from then on, offer me the choice of the church activities and then during the activities, you have the full liberty to offer silent influential effects. You don't ask people to join you, you let them want to join you. It's not your theory on how good you feel that your religious is, it's you let him feel on how good it is. Then the person from there will start to make their own choice. This is the way in which it won't be disrespectful to anybody in any sense... at least Takahina feels it that way.
Of course a little advertising on your religion is good... but don't ever be persistent regarding such issues. It's hurtful.
Takahina personally isn't such a religious person. I don't bai bai everyday, nor do I pray or what. I only do such things on special occasions. However, I do and still know of the circle which I know I should step in and out. And also, I'm logical and respectful enough to any religions. So let the future decide on the path which I choose. Don't influence me or what in whatever way. I won't really welcome that.
Hmmm, been some time since I last posted anything Matsu Takako. Lately, I've came to purchase a poster and a pictorial book of Matsu Takako. I'll post some of the pics up.
And lastly, one of the latest edition of Takako pics. Taken from her fansite.
It's taken during her stageplay... which she is currently focused at.
That's all for today.
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