I'll relate the story from top to bottom...
One day...
As Takahina is watching the older James Bond movies on a saturday night when his parents have gone to Genting, he's expecting and waiting to call and contact Tian Wei to go his house. Suddenly, an sms came in through his old handphone. Eager, Takahina went to check it.
Hateful for being interrupted his James Bond sex scene and wanting to know who sent what SMS, Takahina began the routine move of thamming the screen in order to jerk it back to the original screen, or at least a visible screen.
But being engrossed in the TV, he thammed thammed thammed... After so many hits, the hp remained the same.
"Fucking handphone. Technology is a bane man!"
With a last ditched effort, Takahina dived in his paws for a mighty swipe.
Crack. And all flows the juice inside the LCD screen... red and all freakish, like some sort of horror show.
Takahina grew amused.... very amused...
"What the fuck is this man!!" And thus so, Takahina began to use his fingers to pry open and press against the screen, intentionally... even though he knows it'll make the situation worse.
People in Background: This guy... sadist man... watch too much hentai not good...
"Ah fucking useless shit, I don't know about you, but i'm feeling good..."
And thus so I went back to watching my James Bond.
"Argh, he's done and over with that girl..."
Why isn't Takahina worried? Cause his hp contract has long ended and is wanting to change a handphone.
And so, what has Takahina bought? Hmmmmm... some Nokia hp. Seems pretty high end, but watever. It's not an army phone.
Now that Takahina has his new hp, he went around to voyeur with a lot of pussies...
This pussy was staring at a few other people... but didn't expect that Takahina was there to take it's pic... hehehehehe....
Soon after, I felt that just the old pussy is not enough. I need some... young and cute stuff to satisyf my fetish...
Nah... pussies playing lesbians... not good ar.... Nvm, I still take... hehehehehehe....
Soon after, Takahina went to look for more pussies...
Then he spotted some a strange family of mother and daughter. The mother seemed decent enough. But then the one thing strange is...
The mother being something like Michael Jackson, produced 2 pussies, 1 white 1 black. Amazing thing man, gotta salute mother nature.
But then, other than those few pussies... Takahina can't find any more decent ones... They all run upon seeing Takahina's mighty weapon...
And so, Takahina grew bored... and very vain.
What to do? Take his own pic.
Oh... zoom too much le...
After the scene of trying to find a picture for Lime, Takahina decided that it's better to remain expressionless than to smile.
I don't like smiling too much anyway, it jams my jaws.
And then, Takahina went around and took pictures of Rurouni... it's time to formally introduce them anyway.
Ah... one of the most emo members of Rurouni. Give him a dota match or a maths paper and be prepared to hear alot of fuck and cheebye coming out from him... no matter where... no matter when...
Cutesy Ben... All I can say is he likes to tickle people. Thats all.
Onishinobi tried very hard to prevent Takahina from taking his picture. Whenever I tried to take him, he vibrates his head. This picture is a rare one, u can get it from any Shinobi gameshop website applicable.
My "disciple" and also another sianner albeit slowly changing. He's gradually under the influence of Rurouni, which is very good. But play dota with him, u own him, u steal his kill, u team with him and own the opposing team, he'll go and tickle u. Beware.
And finally... let Takahina boast his favourite Matsu Takako collection... he believes he's one of the few rare people to have all her albums in Singapore...
The one on the top, the concert version, is not counted as an album in Takahina's opinion, he won it through 933... frankly because Takahina thinks he's just one of the few who wants it... he lost the Utada poster they wanted to give out once.
But yeah... my proudest collection... Hehehehehe.... the other one should be Do As Infinity album set, but forget it, that's not indie enough...
Anyways, prepare for a lot of photos...
Cause Takahina has a new phone.
Is it just me or do you seem to have a crazy fetish for taking cat photos? I have heard about shoe fetish...hat fetish...but this is a first... -_-"
who the hell would hav shoe and hat fetish?
Identity revealed....
Enjoyed a lot! » » »
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