And here is our sponsors, by Pussies Privatised Limited.
Here is Takahina, making a special report on yesterday's performance by Le Foret. Now, I shall invite my special guess, Taka of Le Foret in and he'll relate about what happened and his views on the performance.
Takahina, "Hi Taka."
Taka, "Hi."
TH, "So tell me, how are your views on your band's performance yesterday?"
T, "Overall Le Foret did improve a lot as compared to the previous one at Gas Haus, and I did have fun drumming. Just that the drum bass did went faulty by the fourth song and I'm already struggling. Throughout there were minor and rather silly mistakes, by still it turned out ok. Hyde can use more practice though, but that energy of his is precious... *laughs* "
TK, "Ok, then overall which bands do you like?"
T, "Well, my favourite has got to be the Indonesian band, they were damn good, and their style is in a way, special. Like the vox's sharp and tangy voice as such a voice is very rare. The whole band is really really good. The other will have to be Myidarre, they seem professional even though this is probably just their 3rd gig, and also overall their style and performance is rather united. My friend Steiner was playing nicely as well, even though he's a little stiff."
TK, "I see, and indeed I heard their stuff and Myidarre was considerably united especially in their costume *laughs*"
T, "Yeah.. haha.."
TK, "Well, then was there anything which happened throughout? I see you were like looking out for people during the performance.."
T, "Haha, well I was waiting for my friends who said they will appear but didn't."
TK, "Well, I see, girlfriend I suppose?"
T, "Haha, no... How can I get any girlfriend with my looks anyway. Haha.."
TK, "Then what happened actually?"
T, "Well, my friends said they will come watch. One of my friends named Tidus came round the 4th song. Haha, it was actually raining heavily, so can't really blame him for being late."
TK, "Ah, only 1?"
T, "Haha, no. But when the whole thing was over, my cousin appeared and was late because she went in the wrong direction. Still, they came specially to see me perform, so I'm rather greatful to their support."
TK, "I heard a rumour stating that Le Foret is disbanding and isn't deciding to perform in any gigs in near future, including the DXO gig... Is that true?"
T, "Well, kinda."
TK, "Hmmm, why is that so?"
T, "Well, mainly cause everyone has other commitments like studying and stuff, the whole band is still young actually and all are getting ready for their exams, so there isn't really much time to be doing any serious performance anytime soon."
TK, "But for the DXO gig which is just on the next day, I guess that's alright for you guys isn't it so?"
T, "Haha, I actually was kinda sick and tired physically and mentally. So not feeling good, can't be playing right. I'm very sorry actually, it's cause of me that's why Le Foret can't gig."
TK, "Well, overall I heard negative comments on Le Foret with things such as guitar not properly done and problems with the Vox and such happening throughout like the mike and such, could that be one reason why you don't want to gig? Are there any big problems to those?"
T, "Well, critics are still critics. Unless they particularly hear the type of music we do, they won't really appreciate actually. In the end it still falls to thing such as taste and preferrence. Some people liked our Vox, some people hated him. But overall I think he did well and had a big improvement. We're just human, so I mean mistakes are assured to happen. Guitars wise I don't really have anything to say. In the end, it's like we have improved greatly compared to last time in my opinion, and don't really relate us to those professional bands you hear out there like the real Dir En Grey. Also, I would like to tell those people that unless you have performed and really worked hard for it, it will be irresponsible for such flamings. I won't forgive those, even if they come from friends. True we have mistakes, but don't diss us as fatal to the ears."
TK, "But then, there are some comments which stated on the drumming, which is you, being good while the overall is not really good. What do you feel about those?"
T, "Hmmmm, I'm pleased that people liked my drumming or felt that my drumming was good, but haha I'm like the more secluded member in the band. Still, the thing is the band itself. No matter how much people say that I'm good and say things like I shouldn't be in the band and stuff, I'll still say I like the band I'm in now. Saying that the band is bad is about equal to saying that I'm bad. I was frankly quite depressed actually when I heard casual comments such as "wah heng I missed the band's performance..." Not giving the band any chance and such, is quite disheartening. Overall, if you ask me if I regret being in the band, I'll say no. I enjoyed being in the band and was happy playing music with them."
TK, "Quite touching words I see, well then, any last words for our viewers?"
T, "Well, I hope that people can still continue supporting the genre of Jrock and Jpop and to give chance to new bands. I mean, it takes courage and all to be out there and that deserves commendation."
TK, "Ok, thanks for your time Taka, I hope this isn't eating too much out of your time. *laughs*"
T, "Haha, not really."
Takahina, "There you have it guys, the interview with the drummer of Le Foret, Taka."
Here are some photos obtained through a source from another blog.
Due to Takahina's cameraman needing to go for repairs, Takahina is unable to get more pictures of the other bands available. Sorry, for the lack of pictures.
My Dedications...
Today, we have a dedication coming from an email known as Here it writes...
"Happy Belated Birthday Matsu Takako sama!! Sorry for not being able to wish you happy birthday earlier. You're the best Matsu Takako sama!!! I'm love you forever!!"
Haha, well, that was from a very passionate Matsu Takako fan it seems. So now, we're going play one of her songs, for all of Matsu Takako fans... and of course, the source is from our co-sponsor...
YouCylinder...: Anything else which is not tubed.
You fantastic. I <3 <3
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