I suddenly decided to blog in this place because of dunno god knows wat reason.
It's new years eve, and I'm feeling so fucking bored I decided to revived TTT.
Fuck, I've been posting on Lan Jiao for quite sometime, and now I retrace back to this blog, i realised the link which I put down wasn't working! Which is like holy fuck shit cause tis sucks.
Anyways, it's http://takahina.livejournal.com
Fucking piece of shit.
Anyways, I was like loitering around computer and the net work. Watching perfume, youtube, blogs and stumbled upon Michi's blog. I don't care if she reads this, in fact I think she has even forgotten who the fuck I am.
So, it goes like eh some cool shit. There's reviews and pics of babes clubbing and stuff.
Quite cool stuff..
But somehow the blogs reminds me of the so many clubbing/enjoying life girls blog. Which describes on their misadventures with fashion, food, clubs, holidays, bras, more food, furniture, IKEA, boyfriends, how guys like to treat them. etc etc etc.
Fuck shit.
Somehow it's quite nonsensical in a sense why do I even care? It's what girls like, somehow it's like Otaku's post like mine, putting up stuff on Perfume, bands, girls, emo, love life, more emo, life, future, studies.
Fucking hell..
And I think, it's kinda crappy. But that is what blogs are meant to be. Silly, crappy and totally no chim stuff to be included. If it's chim, it's not a blog, it's propaganda. So it's some dumb fuckshit to even talk about it now.
Anyways, this sucks. I just felt like ranting because I'm fucking full of angst now. I just wanna fucking hell kill and tear someone apart right now!
OK, to do that, I have to play game.
"Step away Pa!!! I wanna play game! No more Taiwan Political shitty ass for you!"
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The End of The True Takahina
Hi guys... hmmm guess this will be the last post on The True Takahina, cause I'll be switching over to Live Journal. More uses there, and privacy control is also better.
Just go to http://www.takahina.livejournal.com, confirm will find me de.
Well... so that's that.
Just go to http://www.takahina.livejournal.com, confirm will find me de.
Well... so that's that.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Surveyed Takahina 1
Did some survey introduced by Benji, called the Handwriting survey. See for yourself how true it is to me :0
Welcome Woon Han Chong, here is your handwriting analysis.
Woon Han is moderately outgoing. His emotions are stirred by sympathy and heart rendering stories. In fact, he can be kind, friendly, affectionate and considerate of others. He has the ability to put himself into the other person's shoes.
Woon Han will be somewhat moody, with highs and lows. Sometimes he will be happy, the next day he might be sad. He has the unique ability to get along equally well with what psychology calls introverts and extroverts. This is because he is in between. Psychology calls Woon Han an ambivert. He understands the needs of both types. Although they get along, he will not tolerate anyone that is too "far out." He doesn't sway too far one way or the other.
When convincing him to buy a product or an idea, a heart rendering story could mean a great deal to him. He puts himself in the same situation as the person in the story, yet he will not buy anything that seems overly impractical or illogical. Woon Han is an expressive person. He outwardly shows his emotions. He may even show traces of tears when hearing a sad story.
Woon Han is a "middle-of-the-roader," politically as well as logically. He weighs both sides of an issue, sits on the fence, and then will decide when he finally has to. He basically doesn't relate to any far out ideas and usually won't go to the extreme on any issue.
People that write their letters in an average height and average size are moderate in their ability to interact socially. According to the data input, Woon Han doesn't write too large or too small, indicating a balanced ability to be social and interact with others.
Woon Han will be candid and direct when expressing his opinion. He will tell them what he thinks if they ask for it, whether they like it or not. So, if they don't really want his opinion, don't ask for it!
In reference to Woon Han's mental abilities, he has a very investigating and creating mind. He investigates projects rapidly because he is curious about many things. He gets involved in many projects that seem good at the beginning, but he soon must slow down and look at all the angles. He probably gets too many things going at once. When Woon Han slows down, then he becomes more creative than before. Since it takes time to be creative, he must slow down to do it. He then decides what projects he has time to finish. Thus he finishes at a slower pace than when he started the project.
He has the best of two kinds of minds. One is the quick investigating mind. The other is the creative mind. His mind thinks quick and rapidly in the investigative mode. He can learn quicker, investigate more, and think faster. Woon Han can then switch into his low gear. When he is in the slower mode, he can be creative, remember longer and stack facts in a logical manner. He is more logical this way and can climb mental mountains with a much better grip.
Woon Han is a practical person whose goals are planned, practical, and down to earth. This is typical of people with normal healthy self-esteem. He needs to visualize the end of a project before he starts. he finds joy in anticipation and planning. Notice that I said he plans everything he is going to do, that doesn't necessarily mean things go as planned. Woon Han basically feels good about himself. He has a positive self-esteem which contributes to his success. He feels he has the ability to achieve anything he sets his mind to. However, he sets his goals using practicality-- not too "out of reach". He has enough self-confidence to leave a bad situation, yet, he will not take great risks, as they relate to his goals. A good esteem is one key to a happy life. Although there is room for improvement in the confidence catagery, his self-perception is better than average.
Woon Han has a tendency to put things off, Woon Han procrastinates. He sometimes pretends to be busy, so he will not have to do whatever he is putting off. He is often late to appointments or deadlines. This usually leads to a great amount of effort at the last minute to meet the deadline. Procrastination is an important factor as it relates to his output on the job or at school. Remember, Woon Han will put it off until later. Procrastination is easily overcome through a simple stroke adjustment in the handwriting.
Woon Han has a need to be in control of his own life. He is a strong individual that can control situations to his advantage. This person can take control of a situation. He likes control and has the ability to control people without getting them offended.
Woon Han is very self-sufficient. He is trying not to need anyone. He is capable of making it on his own. He probably wants and enjoys people, but he doesn't "need" them. He can be a loner.
For a graphologist, the spacing on the page reflects the writer's attitude toward their own world and relationship to things in his or her own space. If the inputted data was correct Woon Han has left lots of white space on the right side of the paper. Woon Han fills up the rest of the page in a normal fashion. If this is true, then Woon Han has an unhealthy relationship to the past and has a fear of moving forward. The right side of the page represents the future and Woon Han seems unwilling to face the fear of getting started living now and planning for the future. Woon Han seems to be clinging to past events and spending lots of time thinking about what happened. It would be best to leave the past behind and move on. Stop crowding that left margin.
Accurate or not??
Welcome Woon Han Chong, here is your handwriting analysis.
Woon Han is moderately outgoing. His emotions are stirred by sympathy and heart rendering stories. In fact, he can be kind, friendly, affectionate and considerate of others. He has the ability to put himself into the other person's shoes.
Woon Han will be somewhat moody, with highs and lows. Sometimes he will be happy, the next day he might be sad. He has the unique ability to get along equally well with what psychology calls introverts and extroverts. This is because he is in between. Psychology calls Woon Han an ambivert. He understands the needs of both types. Although they get along, he will not tolerate anyone that is too "far out." He doesn't sway too far one way or the other.
When convincing him to buy a product or an idea, a heart rendering story could mean a great deal to him. He puts himself in the same situation as the person in the story, yet he will not buy anything that seems overly impractical or illogical. Woon Han is an expressive person. He outwardly shows his emotions. He may even show traces of tears when hearing a sad story.
Woon Han is a "middle-of-the-roader," politically as well as logically. He weighs both sides of an issue, sits on the fence, and then will decide when he finally has to. He basically doesn't relate to any far out ideas and usually won't go to the extreme on any issue.
People that write their letters in an average height and average size are moderate in their ability to interact socially. According to the data input, Woon Han doesn't write too large or too small, indicating a balanced ability to be social and interact with others.
Woon Han will be candid and direct when expressing his opinion. He will tell them what he thinks if they ask for it, whether they like it or not. So, if they don't really want his opinion, don't ask for it!
In reference to Woon Han's mental abilities, he has a very investigating and creating mind. He investigates projects rapidly because he is curious about many things. He gets involved in many projects that seem good at the beginning, but he soon must slow down and look at all the angles. He probably gets too many things going at once. When Woon Han slows down, then he becomes more creative than before. Since it takes time to be creative, he must slow down to do it. He then decides what projects he has time to finish. Thus he finishes at a slower pace than when he started the project.
He has the best of two kinds of minds. One is the quick investigating mind. The other is the creative mind. His mind thinks quick and rapidly in the investigative mode. He can learn quicker, investigate more, and think faster. Woon Han can then switch into his low gear. When he is in the slower mode, he can be creative, remember longer and stack facts in a logical manner. He is more logical this way and can climb mental mountains with a much better grip.
Woon Han is a practical person whose goals are planned, practical, and down to earth. This is typical of people with normal healthy self-esteem. He needs to visualize the end of a project before he starts. he finds joy in anticipation and planning. Notice that I said he plans everything he is going to do, that doesn't necessarily mean things go as planned. Woon Han basically feels good about himself. He has a positive self-esteem which contributes to his success. He feels he has the ability to achieve anything he sets his mind to. However, he sets his goals using practicality-- not too "out of reach". He has enough self-confidence to leave a bad situation, yet, he will not take great risks, as they relate to his goals. A good esteem is one key to a happy life. Although there is room for improvement in the confidence catagery, his self-perception is better than average.
Woon Han has a tendency to put things off, Woon Han procrastinates. He sometimes pretends to be busy, so he will not have to do whatever he is putting off. He is often late to appointments or deadlines. This usually leads to a great amount of effort at the last minute to meet the deadline. Procrastination is an important factor as it relates to his output on the job or at school. Remember, Woon Han will put it off until later. Procrastination is easily overcome through a simple stroke adjustment in the handwriting.
Woon Han has a need to be in control of his own life. He is a strong individual that can control situations to his advantage. This person can take control of a situation. He likes control and has the ability to control people without getting them offended.
Woon Han is very self-sufficient. He is trying not to need anyone. He is capable of making it on his own. He probably wants and enjoys people, but he doesn't "need" them. He can be a loner.
For a graphologist, the spacing on the page reflects the writer's attitude toward their own world and relationship to things in his or her own space. If the inputted data was correct Woon Han has left lots of white space on the right side of the paper. Woon Han fills up the rest of the page in a normal fashion. If this is true, then Woon Han has an unhealthy relationship to the past and has a fear of moving forward. The right side of the page represents the future and Woon Han seems unwilling to face the fear of getting started living now and planning for the future. Woon Han seems to be clinging to past events and spending lots of time thinking about what happened. It would be best to leave the past behind and move on. Stop crowding that left margin.
Accurate or not??
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Random Thoughts 4: ELZ
Heh Heh heh...
Good luck hor.
In like less than a week, EvE has changed to ELZ. Nice.
Good luck hor.
In like less than a week, EvE has changed to ELZ. Nice.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
The Perfuming Takahina
I've always said in the past that I'm not an Otaku.
True, I'm a fanboy, I play games, I surf net, I youtube everyday.
But still I have outside life.
BUT, Today was different.
Lately everytime I reach home, and I have nothing to do. I do 1 thing. That is to survey on youtube on PERFUME...

Frankly, I'm a little obessed. Hmmm no I think I'm VERY obessed with them. In fact I dare to say that they have overtaken Takako's position in my heart. And that is very serious matter for Takahina. You see if Takako's position is overtaken... then Takahina will not be called Takahina... but maybe
And you won't see Takako's pic with Naru's pic but Perfume's Pic with Naru's pic as my border for The True Pafumhina.
That is very serious matter.
A Pic from their latest single Love the world.
Ever since I've started accidentally found Shuchishin on youtube, which then led me to find Perfume. I've grown addicted to their Polyrhythm. Then I start to search for their live performance, which I feel is better than their mv cause it shows one of their strong points, their dance.
The dancing is quite different from the usual boyband girlband stuff you see, 1 point is that it's very synchronized. You can tell their years of training in dancing. Their dancesteps aren't very difficult. But it's like the synchro between them which is amazing. And the chemistry formed by the 3 girls is extraordinary. I don't really see this in other bands like Morning Musume and Smap. It's more like... you feel the relationship between the girls and the hardship they have grown through to get it.
True their singing aren't that impressive, at least can pass average standards la hor. But since the genre they're doing is "Near Future Techno Pop", or just call it technopop la. Their singing can be compensated by the techno element. If really wanna compare, Takako or any of the more professional singers can beat them hands down.
Next is their music... I never thought I'll like techno. But theirs sound different. It actually sounds...
nice. I don't know how to really explain much about their music. But it's refreshing and quite addictive actually.
Here's the introduction video which made me know more about them. And kinda the final thing to make me solidly like them.
The last part when A~chan cried after their first big successful concert, was a very touching moment for me, and I guess for anyone who is trying to make it big but not having any success. It kinda gave me the feel that...
"Yeah, this is the type of feel... the type of happiness which can touch you. The type of experience of obtaining the final success that you can only get through after years of hardship. The moment when it's not shameful to cry in front of a big crowd, cause it's your biggest moment."
This type of happiness and touching moments, I feel is different from like success in business or wealth or getting together with someone you like. It's something which I think can only be achieved with your fans, hardship and many many years of effort that you put into. Music I believe is the only way you can get it.
Acting, getting an award and crying for it. Is different. Almost the same but different.
Music, you need not get award or some platinum records. But all you need is fans, and people who like your music, people who call out your name when you perform in front of them. People who feel touched with you when you cry on the stage. It's only possible I believe, through music.
And that is what I believe has made Perfume climbed over Takako's position. Their years of hardship which led to success. Something which I hope I can achieve as well.
And of course.
Perfume is cute. :p
Nocchi is beautiful and cool. With that aura.
A~chan is simply cute... too cute. And her entics in variety shows are too funny.
Kashiyuka has that icy beauty and yet another form of cuteness.

Keep on a lookout for the blog's picture above...
It could be changed anytime soon........
True, I'm a fanboy, I play games, I surf net, I youtube everyday.
But still I have outside life.
BUT, Today was different.
Lately everytime I reach home, and I have nothing to do. I do 1 thing. That is to survey on youtube on PERFUME...
Frankly, I'm a little obessed. Hmmm no I think I'm VERY obessed with them. In fact I dare to say that they have overtaken Takako's position in my heart. And that is very serious matter for Takahina. You see if Takako's position is overtaken... then Takahina will not be called Takahina... but maybe
And you won't see Takako's pic with Naru's pic but Perfume's Pic with Naru's pic as my border for The True Pafumhina.
That is very serious matter.
A Pic from their latest single Love the world.
Ever since I've started accidentally found Shuchishin on youtube, which then led me to find Perfume. I've grown addicted to their Polyrhythm. Then I start to search for their live performance, which I feel is better than their mv cause it shows one of their strong points, their dance.
The dancing is quite different from the usual boyband girlband stuff you see, 1 point is that it's very synchronized. You can tell their years of training in dancing. Their dancesteps aren't very difficult. But it's like the synchro between them which is amazing. And the chemistry formed by the 3 girls is extraordinary. I don't really see this in other bands like Morning Musume and Smap. It's more like... you feel the relationship between the girls and the hardship they have grown through to get it.
True their singing aren't that impressive, at least can pass average standards la hor. But since the genre they're doing is "Near Future Techno Pop", or just call it technopop la. Their singing can be compensated by the techno element. If really wanna compare, Takako or any of the more professional singers can beat them hands down.
Next is their music... I never thought I'll like techno. But theirs sound different. It actually sounds...
nice. I don't know how to really explain much about their music. But it's refreshing and quite addictive actually.
Here's the introduction video which made me know more about them. And kinda the final thing to make me solidly like them.
The last part when A~chan cried after their first big successful concert, was a very touching moment for me, and I guess for anyone who is trying to make it big but not having any success. It kinda gave me the feel that...
"Yeah, this is the type of feel... the type of happiness which can touch you. The type of experience of obtaining the final success that you can only get through after years of hardship. The moment when it's not shameful to cry in front of a big crowd, cause it's your biggest moment."
This type of happiness and touching moments, I feel is different from like success in business or wealth or getting together with someone you like. It's something which I think can only be achieved with your fans, hardship and many many years of effort that you put into. Music I believe is the only way you can get it.
Acting, getting an award and crying for it. Is different. Almost the same but different.
Music, you need not get award or some platinum records. But all you need is fans, and people who like your music, people who call out your name when you perform in front of them. People who feel touched with you when you cry on the stage. It's only possible I believe, through music.
And that is what I believe has made Perfume climbed over Takako's position. Their years of hardship which led to success. Something which I hope I can achieve as well.
And of course.
Perfume is cute. :p
Nocchi is beautiful and cool. With that aura.
A~chan is simply cute... too cute. And her entics in variety shows are too funny.
Kashiyuka has that icy beauty and yet another form of cuteness.
Keep on a lookout for the blog's picture above...
It could be changed anytime soon........
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Re-Furnishing Takahina
Today, I finally managed to break down a bulk of my books, files from my old room down to my new room. Then went through a lot a lot of stuff which I wrote before in the past, such as my econs essay, Gp essay, maths paper and even a Chinese Compo.
All the mindmaps, compo, outlines, focus, blah blah made me laugh and recall many things which I had done in the past.
My JC life wasn't bad. Not exciting, not angsty, not painful. Just normally normal.
Then I thought through a lot of the stuff which I went through particularly in the mental side.
I read through some of my essays, and I realised on how pesismistic I was in the past. Actually, I think I still am but then I changed a lot from before.
For example one thing I wrote about Education,
"Students are mainly concerned about their studies and the future prospects in which it'll give them. Moral education and civil education aren't really in their agenda of studying and the education system only serves to prove so with Civics and Moral Education being thrown as almost being redundant nowadays by students and parents alike. Teacher could only be half hearted in teaching such."
My thinking has changed somewhat a little. But still didn't divert too far.
My angst and fury with the society was at it's peak during the JC years. Now I can only look over it and laugh. Maybe it's cause I have given up in my personal effort of trying to get people to change.
All I need is for myself to change. That'll be enough.
I relook at myself now. What has differed? Actually quite a lot.
I'm more daring now.
I'm more optimistic... albeit just a little.
I'm more confident now.
I have an aim in life.
I don't feel anger or emotions towards the society, only pity.
I don't care about what other people says, I do what I like.
I'm not as conservative as before.
I'm still as emo as ever. Maybe even more.
Life has gotten a little more interesting don't you think?
However, I think more too now. About my future. I don't think I'm self centered now as before. Love and Romance can wait, for me they are the main factors of my emo-ness which still comes on a regular basis that is rather frequent and dependant on certain people in my life. Working in NS is second.
My future, my dreams.
I have my dreams, but to do that I have to secure my future. I was self centered enough in the past to think that dreams and future can be one. Reality is starting to prove me wrong and I think I'm mature enough to be aware of that.
I just discussed a lot on "future" with someone who helped in the current design of my room. And I gained quite a lot of insights.
I'll be freaking rich in the future. And my dreams will be fulfilled.
Looks like not only my room got re-furnished.
I got re-furnished nicely as well.
All the mindmaps, compo, outlines, focus, blah blah made me laugh and recall many things which I had done in the past.
My JC life wasn't bad. Not exciting, not angsty, not painful. Just normally normal.
Then I thought through a lot of the stuff which I went through particularly in the mental side.
I read through some of my essays, and I realised on how pesismistic I was in the past. Actually, I think I still am but then I changed a lot from before.
For example one thing I wrote about Education,
"Students are mainly concerned about their studies and the future prospects in which it'll give them. Moral education and civil education aren't really in their agenda of studying and the education system only serves to prove so with Civics and Moral Education being thrown as almost being redundant nowadays by students and parents alike. Teacher could only be half hearted in teaching such."
My thinking has changed somewhat a little. But still didn't divert too far.
My angst and fury with the society was at it's peak during the JC years. Now I can only look over it and laugh. Maybe it's cause I have given up in my personal effort of trying to get people to change.
All I need is for myself to change. That'll be enough.
I relook at myself now. What has differed? Actually quite a lot.
I'm more daring now.
I'm more optimistic... albeit just a little.
I'm more confident now.
I have an aim in life.
I don't feel anger or emotions towards the society, only pity.
I don't care about what other people says, I do what I like.
I'm not as conservative as before.
I'm still as emo as ever. Maybe even more.
Life has gotten a little more interesting don't you think?
However, I think more too now. About my future. I don't think I'm self centered now as before. Love and Romance can wait, for me they are the main factors of my emo-ness which still comes on a regular basis that is rather frequent and dependant on certain people in my life. Working in NS is second.
My future, my dreams.
I have my dreams, but to do that I have to secure my future. I was self centered enough in the past to think that dreams and future can be one. Reality is starting to prove me wrong and I think I'm mature enough to be aware of that.
I just discussed a lot on "future" with someone who helped in the current design of my room. And I gained quite a lot of insights.
I'll be freaking rich in the future. And my dreams will be fulfilled.
Looks like not only my room got re-furnished.
I got re-furnished nicely as well.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Random Thoughts 3: Money
I think.
I need more money.
No, not, think. It's:
"I need money."
Every month I will owe people money towards the end. Bah, hate it. And I keep on pondering where I spend it on... I realised.
I don't know.
Now Matsu Takako's new cd is out, cost $70+. I DEFINITELY NEED MONEY.
Maybe there should be a Takahina's Charity Fund. Yeah.
I need more money.
No, not, think. It's:
"I need money."
Every month I will owe people money towards the end. Bah, hate it. And I keep on pondering where I spend it on... I realised.
I don't know.
Now Matsu Takako's new cd is out, cost $70+. I DEFINITELY NEED MONEY.
Maybe there should be a Takahina's Charity Fund. Yeah.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Random Thought 2: 羞恥心
I don't know. But I have a sense of hair standing while I'm watching this video. Imagine Superband, a band performing this. HOMG.
I'll really love the band who play this in Superband, for all you know I think I'll make my first phone call donation to that band in Superband.
Then there's Perfume.
Whom I feel, is a much better dance band. At least the music doesn't make your hair stand and screams of Power Ranger. And Perfume has been out there for quite some time. Not bad. See their live and it's just all rehearsed, really damn amazing and scary at the same time. And electropop, it's the first time I heard something like this. HOMG. Really not too bad. And their music is quite nice.
But when Perfume has a Sense of Shame...
Jin Seiiiii
Jin Seiiiii
Jin Seiiii~~~~
Shuuu Chiiii Siiinnn Mote!!
Shuuu Chiiii Siiinnn Mote!!
Shuuu Chiiii Siiinnn Moteee~
Don't Mind Don't Mind Don't Mind Don't Mind, ore tachi wa...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Story Telling Takahina
Takahina today... have a story to tell. At the same time, would like readers to actually ponder about it.
*All names are anonymous and have no link to whoever whatsoever*
Taka is a very average youngster. He spends average and most of the time, fully spends up his whole pay which comes monthly. He doesn't earn much, just enough to support himself and his girlfriend, Saeko who loves him very much.
However, Taka wants more. Taka has a secret. Taka doesn't really love Saeko as much, he does like Seako, but probably not as much as what Saeko thinks. The problem about Saeko is that she resides in a lower caste, CASTE 1. Meaning she has much lower education level, many family problems, many financial problems while Taka is in CASTE 2. A very naive girl one could say. She trust Taka very much but at the same time, she knows that Taka could leave anytime. But still, she tries her very best in the relationship. She knows due to the caste level, the society could never accept their relationship, and maybe even Taka himself will eventually be unable to accept it.
But anyways, it doesn't matter that much to Taka. Cause Taka is feeling alright with her now. Taka's focus isn't on Saeko, but more on how to advance to the higher level caste, like CASTE 3 and CASTE 4. Taka knows that to be able to enter the realm of the higher caste, he needs money. He needs power. Also, the girl of Taka's dreams, Ayako resides in probably CASTE 3 or CASTE 4 cause he seldoms get to see anyone of such stature. Intelligent, highly educated, gorgeous and definitely high in maintenance.
Now enter Takasuke, another person who is somewhat related to Taka. He frequently meets Taka and have discussions about the future.
Takasuke is one on the higher caste, CASTE 3. Naturally he wishes to go up to CASTE 4 and is willing to bring Taka along with him. He also has problems.
Takasuke is a little on the opposite side of Taka. Takasuke doesn't really want girls like Ayako, of course he doesn't mind, but he just wants a relationship similiar to that of Saeko and Taka. A girl's full attention and love. He has got too many relationships but it all just ended with the girl liking him for his caste level.
On this faithful day, Taka and Takasuke discussed on Ayako.
Is it that girls on a higher caste like Ayako somehow put lesser emphasis on the relationship itself and prefer to go for caste level?
Is it that girls on a lower caste like Saeko are able to devote fully on the thought of romance rather than caste level?
Is it that guys who are on the lower caste like Taka goes for girls of higher caste?
Is it that guys like Takasuke who resides in higher caste, goes for the purity of relationship? Rather than higher caste girls like Ayako?
Taka and Takasuke got depressed.
Somehow it seems that no matter what, the way through everything is still obtaining a higher caste.
"Best is getting a CASTE 4" Taka says. "A CASTE 4 means not needing to worry about anything financially. All you crave for is just looking for love, and intelligent presentable girls like Ayako."
"Wrong!" Takasuke says. "So what if you're at CASTE 4? The girls whom flocks to you are those without real love. They love you for your money. There is no true relationship. Girls like Saeko are like super big diamond gems in the higher caste."
"But if you don't like the girl? Then how? What if you only like girls in the higher caste?" Taka rebutts.
However, Takasuke attacks back rather irritatingly, "Many is just a false front, Ayako will eventually flock to another guy who is like in CASTE 5 or even CASTE 6. They can't be satisfied and have no love whatsoever."
Taka by this time, is rather disappointed to hear such stuff. He thought, is it true that Ayako is such a person? Is money really that important?
Takasuke, noticing that change of expression in Taka, tries to comfort him, "Taka you see, this world is messy, what the lower caste craves for is in the higher caste, but what the higher caste craves for is in the lower caste."
Taka however, still finds it unreasonable.
At this junction however, Saeko suddenly called Taka. Taka, instead of picking up the call, just shuts it off.
"What's that for?" Takasuke asked.
"I don't know... my mind is in a state of mess now. Should I continue to strive for Ayako, or stick onto Saeko... someone whom I won't like for long?"
Takasuke then replied, "Continue to go for CASTE 3, I believe you can do it. But ignore Ayako."
"But I can't! I love her so much!" Taka snaps back.
"You have Saeko! What the hell are you thinking about?!" Takasuke shouts back.
What should Taka do? At the same time what should Takasuke do? Saeko and Ayako, exactly what is so different about them that makes Taka feels so frustrated?
*End of Story*
Ponder about it guys. :)
*All names are anonymous and have no link to whoever whatsoever*
Taka is a very average youngster. He spends average and most of the time, fully spends up his whole pay which comes monthly. He doesn't earn much, just enough to support himself and his girlfriend, Saeko who loves him very much.
However, Taka wants more. Taka has a secret. Taka doesn't really love Saeko as much, he does like Seako, but probably not as much as what Saeko thinks. The problem about Saeko is that she resides in a lower caste, CASTE 1. Meaning she has much lower education level, many family problems, many financial problems while Taka is in CASTE 2. A very naive girl one could say. She trust Taka very much but at the same time, she knows that Taka could leave anytime. But still, she tries her very best in the relationship. She knows due to the caste level, the society could never accept their relationship, and maybe even Taka himself will eventually be unable to accept it.
But anyways, it doesn't matter that much to Taka. Cause Taka is feeling alright with her now. Taka's focus isn't on Saeko, but more on how to advance to the higher level caste, like CASTE 3 and CASTE 4. Taka knows that to be able to enter the realm of the higher caste, he needs money. He needs power. Also, the girl of Taka's dreams, Ayako resides in probably CASTE 3 or CASTE 4 cause he seldoms get to see anyone of such stature. Intelligent, highly educated, gorgeous and definitely high in maintenance.
Now enter Takasuke, another person who is somewhat related to Taka. He frequently meets Taka and have discussions about the future.
Takasuke is one on the higher caste, CASTE 3. Naturally he wishes to go up to CASTE 4 and is willing to bring Taka along with him. He also has problems.
Takasuke is a little on the opposite side of Taka. Takasuke doesn't really want girls like Ayako, of course he doesn't mind, but he just wants a relationship similiar to that of Saeko and Taka. A girl's full attention and love. He has got too many relationships but it all just ended with the girl liking him for his caste level.
On this faithful day, Taka and Takasuke discussed on Ayako.
Is it that girls on a higher caste like Ayako somehow put lesser emphasis on the relationship itself and prefer to go for caste level?
Is it that girls on a lower caste like Saeko are able to devote fully on the thought of romance rather than caste level?
Is it that guys who are on the lower caste like Taka goes for girls of higher caste?
Is it that guys like Takasuke who resides in higher caste, goes for the purity of relationship? Rather than higher caste girls like Ayako?
Taka and Takasuke got depressed.
Somehow it seems that no matter what, the way through everything is still obtaining a higher caste.
"Best is getting a CASTE 4" Taka says. "A CASTE 4 means not needing to worry about anything financially. All you crave for is just looking for love, and intelligent presentable girls like Ayako."
"Wrong!" Takasuke says. "So what if you're at CASTE 4? The girls whom flocks to you are those without real love. They love you for your money. There is no true relationship. Girls like Saeko are like super big diamond gems in the higher caste."
"But if you don't like the girl? Then how? What if you only like girls in the higher caste?" Taka rebutts.
However, Takasuke attacks back rather irritatingly, "Many is just a false front, Ayako will eventually flock to another guy who is like in CASTE 5 or even CASTE 6. They can't be satisfied and have no love whatsoever."
Taka by this time, is rather disappointed to hear such stuff. He thought, is it true that Ayako is such a person? Is money really that important?
Takasuke, noticing that change of expression in Taka, tries to comfort him, "Taka you see, this world is messy, what the lower caste craves for is in the higher caste, but what the higher caste craves for is in the lower caste."
Taka however, still finds it unreasonable.
At this junction however, Saeko suddenly called Taka. Taka, instead of picking up the call, just shuts it off.
"What's that for?" Takasuke asked.
"I don't know... my mind is in a state of mess now. Should I continue to strive for Ayako, or stick onto Saeko... someone whom I won't like for long?"
Takasuke then replied, "Continue to go for CASTE 3, I believe you can do it. But ignore Ayako."
"But I can't! I love her so much!" Taka snaps back.
"You have Saeko! What the hell are you thinking about?!" Takasuke shouts back.
What should Taka do? At the same time what should Takasuke do? Saeko and Ayako, exactly what is so different about them that makes Taka feels so frustrated?
*End of Story*
Ponder about it guys. :)
Friday, August 08, 2008
Random Thought 1: War
Hmmm suddenly had a touch of inspire coming to me.
What if Singapore had a war.
Which side would you join? Singapore or the opposition?
Now I suddenly ponder on it... and I think..
What if Singapore had a war.
Which side would you join? Singapore or the opposition?
Now I suddenly ponder on it... and I think..
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Indian Takahina 3
Hmmm, when I went to India, my only thought at first was that the only thing worth viewing there is Taj Mahal. Since it's like the only place I know about India.
Well, there is another place of attraction there, the name is called...

Fort Agra.
Don't really think I'll elaborate on the history of the place, I just know its like some damn important fortress in India whereby some son killed his father king to become king and some blah blah sheep story.
Anyways, as usual there was the great big mass of India sellers trying to sell their sexual portrait. Takahina as usual wasn't too interested. But it got me thinking that I have to buy somethings back for my Rurouni gang and friends back in Singapore. Well, I'll just have to wait till I get to some souvenir shop in a shopping center I know I'll be going later. Buy from those Kids is like encouraging Child Labour.
Spamming Photos...

Truth is Fort Agra is like... Wow! A damn big red brick building that will bring Redhill to shame. But other than that, there isn't much to talk about. However, it's indeed quite magnificent in terms of it's structure. Some of the pics also look quite scenic and almost suitable for a postcard like this...

Imagine Rapunzel... that long hair girl who can use her hair to become a rope like that, den have some idiot climb it up the tower while she yells in pain as her hair is being tugged on.
Damn pain.
Anyways, back to the pics.
We continued inside, those walls u saw just now were like the outer layer of the place, inside there's this passage way...

You know this passage way like reminds me of the passage of death ya, in ancient china those people whose gonna be executed will walk down this narrow tunnel, then some rebellious General will be on his horse and come slash slash slash and save out the prisoner.
Too much Three Kingdoms le. Not Good. But Red Cliff is good. Really.

Inside is machaim a big soccer field. You can like hold a football match with a trapezium court la. Or can play cricket since it's like their national sport.
The whole place is like a big maze, so Takahina kinda got lost.
Imagine this to be like... a game.

You enter the fort entrance.

You see a walkway of doors and stuff. Should be the bunks.
1) Turn Right
2) Go Straight
You choose 1)

You see a courtyard and a building out of nowhere. Something is lurking around but you have no idea what it is. You spotted a hole out of nowhere in the middle of something.
You went to step on it... only to hear something click.
Some mechanism seems to have been activated. Your alertness is perked up now. What should you do...
1) Enter the building in front of you... and try to act like a tourist.
2) Retreat from the place and act like a pussy.
You decided to do 1)

"That's all?" You acclaimed.
"I thought there will be like some sort of monsters appearing... but no.. Bah." All you see is like... an even bigger courtyard. Well, you choose to carry on.

You decide to get on and you reached a side of the building. Nothing much though except for some scenic stuff like

You then decide to explore a little bit more. That click sound must have meant something!

You looked...

and you looked.
All of a sudden, some little coutish sound roared at you. Stunned, you immediately turned your attention to a tree. Finally, your first battle!

Type: Mammal
Lvl: 1
HP: 1
MP: Not applicable
Strength: A peanut's worth
Defense: 0.1N
Speed: Godlike
You tried to attack it. You miss!
The Chipmonk ran away. It looks like it's preparing to look for bandmates and Alvin!
You then...
1) Chase after the Chipmonk
2) Let the chipmonk Acapella at you and die!
You chose to chase naturally.
The chase of the singing chipmonk eventually bought to an eden like place...

The chipmonk then scurried off. You can't believe at how blind you can be by not noticing the green field below you.
Feeling rather stupid. You then moved a whole big round to the entrance of the corridor.

Woah. You can't believe your eyes at the amount of holes the chipmonks can chew off. That's damn bad.
Moving out, you see some strange looking structure.

You feel handsome all of a sudden and decide to take a picture.

You then approached the strange building, but then to no avail. The building is there for Pai Sui nia.
You felt disappointed. All the walking and sweating and all you gained is just 1 Exp from the chipmonk who gave it to you out of charity.
You tried to resume your way back... but then something seemed very very strange.

The entrance seems to have rotated itself. You feel annoyed. That must be the effect of the Click!

You stuck right now... so what can you do? Go to middle of nowhere and LOL.

Little did you know, the monkey is thinking, "He's gonna be what I'm evolving into? No wonder there are both monkey and humans around at the same time."
Anyways, you continue to wonder about

Still going nowhere.

Ok, at least you reached somewhere. And eventually reached the corridor where you turned right. Now you decide to go straight.

You feel like you came here before. But wat the heck.
Then you suddenly see something..

A well out of nowhere??
You decided to look inside...

The well has patterns. Very de special. However, you feel danger. BEHIND YOU!

You can't believe it... slowly you felt into the well and became unconscious.

You see 2 figures looking at you... and you said,
"Hello god."
You realised you're back into civilisation... but it doesn't really look like civilisation...

Reality doesn't allow things like this.

This is like a monster buggy.
Anyways, you look around feeling stunned.
And you turned around to see someone...

Indian man eating curry in delux paint pills looked at you. And he said.
That's all folks!
Hmmmm kinda the end of pics ba hahaha. I expended all the pics le. Tks to Rue and Edwin for the pictures.
Hmmmm... India is over... what to do next?
But anyways, the India trip has been... an enriching one? Albeit a little time-wasting of my life.
And I won't go again... most likely.
Most likely.
Well, there is another place of attraction there, the name is called...
Fort Agra.
Don't really think I'll elaborate on the history of the place, I just know its like some damn important fortress in India whereby some son killed his father king to become king and some blah blah sheep story.
Anyways, as usual there was the great big mass of India sellers trying to sell their sexual portrait. Takahina as usual wasn't too interested. But it got me thinking that I have to buy somethings back for my Rurouni gang and friends back in Singapore. Well, I'll just have to wait till I get to some souvenir shop in a shopping center I know I'll be going later. Buy from those Kids is like encouraging Child Labour.
Spamming Photos...
Truth is Fort Agra is like... Wow! A damn big red brick building that will bring Redhill to shame. But other than that, there isn't much to talk about. However, it's indeed quite magnificent in terms of it's structure. Some of the pics also look quite scenic and almost suitable for a postcard like this...
Imagine Rapunzel... that long hair girl who can use her hair to become a rope like that, den have some idiot climb it up the tower while she yells in pain as her hair is being tugged on.
Damn pain.
Anyways, back to the pics.
We continued inside, those walls u saw just now were like the outer layer of the place, inside there's this passage way...
You know this passage way like reminds me of the passage of death ya, in ancient china those people whose gonna be executed will walk down this narrow tunnel, then some rebellious General will be on his horse and come slash slash slash and save out the prisoner.
Too much Three Kingdoms le. Not Good. But Red Cliff is good. Really.
Inside is machaim a big soccer field. You can like hold a football match with a trapezium court la. Or can play cricket since it's like their national sport.
The whole place is like a big maze, so Takahina kinda got lost.
Imagine this to be like... a game.
You enter the fort entrance.
You see a walkway of doors and stuff. Should be the bunks.
1) Turn Right
2) Go Straight
You choose 1)
You see a courtyard and a building out of nowhere. Something is lurking around but you have no idea what it is. You spotted a hole out of nowhere in the middle of something.
You went to step on it... only to hear something click.
Some mechanism seems to have been activated. Your alertness is perked up now. What should you do...
1) Enter the building in front of you... and try to act like a tourist.
2) Retreat from the place and act like a pussy.
You decided to do 1)
"That's all?" You acclaimed.
"I thought there will be like some sort of monsters appearing... but no.. Bah." All you see is like... an even bigger courtyard. Well, you choose to carry on.
You decide to get on and you reached a side of the building. Nothing much though except for some scenic stuff like
You then decide to explore a little bit more. That click sound must have meant something!
You looked...
and you looked.
All of a sudden, some little coutish sound roared at you. Stunned, you immediately turned your attention to a tree. Finally, your first battle!
Type: Mammal
Lvl: 1
HP: 1
MP: Not applicable
Strength: A peanut's worth
Defense: 0.1N
Speed: Godlike
You tried to attack it. You miss!
The Chipmonk ran away. It looks like it's preparing to look for bandmates and Alvin!
You then...
1) Chase after the Chipmonk
2) Let the chipmonk Acapella at you and die!
You chose to chase naturally.
The chase of the singing chipmonk eventually bought to an eden like place...
The chipmonk then scurried off. You can't believe at how blind you can be by not noticing the green field below you.
Feeling rather stupid. You then moved a whole big round to the entrance of the corridor.
Woah. You can't believe your eyes at the amount of holes the chipmonks can chew off. That's damn bad.
Moving out, you see some strange looking structure.
You feel handsome all of a sudden and decide to take a picture.
You then approached the strange building, but then to no avail. The building is there for Pai Sui nia.
You felt disappointed. All the walking and sweating and all you gained is just 1 Exp from the chipmonk who gave it to you out of charity.
You tried to resume your way back... but then something seemed very very strange.
The entrance seems to have rotated itself. You feel annoyed. That must be the effect of the Click!
You stuck right now... so what can you do? Go to middle of nowhere and LOL.
Little did you know, the monkey is thinking, "He's gonna be what I'm evolving into? No wonder there are both monkey and humans around at the same time."
Anyways, you continue to wonder about
Still going nowhere.
Ok, at least you reached somewhere. And eventually reached the corridor where you turned right. Now you decide to go straight.
You feel like you came here before. But wat the heck.
Then you suddenly see something..
A well out of nowhere??
You decided to look inside...
The well has patterns. Very de special. However, you feel danger. BEHIND YOU!
You can't believe it... slowly you felt into the well and became unconscious.
You see 2 figures looking at you... and you said,
"Hello god."
You realised you're back into civilisation... but it doesn't really look like civilisation...
Reality doesn't allow things like this.
This is like a monster buggy.
Anyways, you look around feeling stunned.
And you turned around to see someone...
Indian man eating curry in delux paint pills looked at you. And he said.
That's all folks!
Hmmmm kinda the end of pics ba hahaha. I expended all the pics le. Tks to Rue and Edwin for the pictures.
Hmmmm... India is over... what to do next?
But anyways, the India trip has been... an enriching one? Albeit a little time-wasting of my life.
And I won't go again... most likely.
Most likely.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The Indian Takahina 2
What does this pic reminds u off?
Welcome to India Taj Mahal everyone.
Anyways, after the 16 days army trip, we went off for our R & R. And naturally the MUST go place will be Taj Mahal. After all one of the primary objective for Takahina in India is to touch mahal.
The coach ride along the way is highly exhaustive. In a sense that you sit 6 hours in a coach and feel helpless at whatever is happening in the area.
Some "scenic" shots here and there. It's quite appealing to observe the way they live their life. You won't know either it's sad because it's very poor and full of hardship, or just simply slack and carefree with no stress.
But anyways, I feel like a celebrity there. It's like everyone along the streets will look at you as if they have never seen a freaking yellow skin coupled with black hair.
Or maybe they see business.
Anyways, some incident happened along the way.
One of our coaches hit one of the cyclist along the way. From the first day I stepped in India I know traffic accidents die die will happen. It's like the auntie attitude I mentioned before. They never let you pass. They will horn as if there's no tomorrow and horning is like saying.
It's really WTF. I thought I've seen bad in Hainan Island China. India is shittier. This proves why Chun Li in Street Fighter is much better developed than Dhalsim.
So the coach knocked this cyclist. The windscreen instantly cracked and you can see the creepy cracklines flowing down the whole front panel. Damn freaky. The driver went down to check on that Indian guy while the rest of the village, just rushed over to the scene machiam The Rock just laid the smack down on a person.
Takahina was in another coach. Only seeing the locals around having either excited faces or worried faces. The excited faces takes 90%.
Anyway, some of the people in that incidental coach went down for a smoking break. The scene they saw is as such:
"The guy was lying down with blood spilled and flowing all over the ground. His mouth seems to be oozing blood out. And naturally he's unconscious."
Or some thing similar to it.
The bus driver then seeing the situation, immediately called EVERYONE back to their coaches. Rushing them and stuff. And we drove off.
Hit and run.
After all, 1.1 Billion population with more than 1/4 of them being unrecognized or can't be bothered by the government. Deplorable. Die 1 more guy doesn't make a difference la hor. I mean that dead guy would do better achievement by quarreling with Ah Beng of Singapore and having some great speech happening in Singapore.
Anyways, soon after around 4+ we reached the legendary Taj Mahal.
See the crowd. Along the pathway up to Taj Mahal, there was like paddlers promoting their stuff.
"Taj Mahal keychain, only 100 rupees"
"Nice bracelet and chains, 200 rupees."
"Kamasutra, 150 rupees."
One of my friends responded to the Kamasutra.
"Got DVD one??"
The walk there was like constant pestering whore. It's like worse than Bush trying to get votes for another presidency. Irritating. Then some of the paddlers are like fucking small kids.
The whole way in consist of a few archways. First is like a road down this certain garden which was now full of camel shit and paddlers. After that you'll reach this gateway where only those who paid can enter. Then slowly you'll walk to this certain mini Taj Mahal which is in redhill colours.
The Mini Taj.
And it expanded itself.
Anyways, we reached the straight center of the place and you'll see it's like a symetrical stand alone by itself. Machaim a mini taj la. The patterns and everything you see on the structure is a direct symetrical wonder by itself. Engineering wise and designing wise, it's magic.
Anyway, past this small taj and...
The real deal appears. With a building of such a big scale it's freaking difficult to get a perfect shot of it. But then you can see the majestic of the place. It's big. It's white.
Anyways, my friends and I began goofing around...
Center guy is Edwin, right side is Rue and left is yours truly.
The Sexy Takahina.
Look at Takahina holding Taj Mahal.
More pics of Taj Mahal. Getting bored?
We reached the building soon after and noticed something. We need to take off our shoes, or we can place a cloth covering over our shoes. Most of the locals did the former.
I love their sense of humour.
Slowly we walked up and finally..
Mission Objective Achieved! Touched Mahal!
We later started walking in the place. It's not really allowed to take photo so you'll just be reading more stuff by Takahina.
The inside is some sort like a Holy Grail thingy, with a cage in and 2 coffins in it. Read on Taj Mahal history and you'll know one is a Queen, the other... should be the King if I never remember wrongly. But anyways, the place inside is completely holy and dark. But still it's like symetrical everywhere. Really just symetrical, even the cage itself and the positions of the coffins.
Don't know who the fuck planned it. But he must be good at geographics. And he orgasm to symetrical stuff.
I walked around a little... then eventually reached like the backyard of the place.
The 2 pics below is like the view from Taj Mahal. It's quite nice really.. but it was a little destroyed with that smell lurking constantly in the air.
Try to read it. Even the words engraved on the Gate frame is symetrical. DAMN GAY.
Hmmm... den just moved around with photos and slow walk around the area while the locals will be pushing us around. Sad to say they really don't seem to have manners, I mean, it's like their culture don't really regard such as a culture, it doesn't seem offensive to them but it does to us. So yeah...
A pic of the Mini Taj. Look at the fountain. You always see in the postcards they were like on and flowing around or something. GUESS WHAT?!?! NOOOO... It's mosquito breeding ground!
Aedes Mosquitos rock on.
Hokay... it's time to leave so we were on our way out. Here's the fun thing.
"Sir sir, Taj Mahal Keychains, 200 Rupees, 200 Rupees!! For 12, good buy good buy."
Takahina decided... it's time to do some flirting.
"How much u say?"
"200 Rupees Sir, 200.."
"No no, 100 Rupees."
"Ok ok, Sir, 100 Rupees..."
Wow, he's damn casual with the price. I need to flirt somemore. Takahina just continued walking down the street not saying anything, but just smiling and shaking my head.
"Ok sir ok, 50 Rupees, 50 Rupees!!"
Takahina still diam diam. Slowly he's reaching the entrance gate.
"Ok sir, 25 Rupees, Sir please 25 Rupees."
Hmmm... Takahina decided to patronise him.
"Ok, 10, 10 Rupees I buy."
"Ok sir no problem, 10."
As I took out 10 Rupees... he said something.
"Sir, 10 Singapore Dollars sir."
Pissed off, I staggered off to my bus.
The last Indian Takahina, The Indian Takahina 3 next!!
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