What does this pic reminds u off?
Welcome to India Taj Mahal everyone.
Anyways, after the 16 days army trip, we went off for our R & R. And naturally the MUST go place will be Taj Mahal. After all one of the primary objective for Takahina in India is to touch mahal.
The coach ride along the way is highly exhaustive. In a sense that you sit 6 hours in a coach and feel helpless at whatever is happening in the area.
Some "scenic" shots here and there. It's quite appealing to observe the way they live their life. You won't know either it's sad because it's very poor and full of hardship, or just simply slack and carefree with no stress.
But anyways, I feel like a celebrity there. It's like everyone along the streets will look at you as if they have never seen a freaking yellow skin coupled with black hair.
Or maybe they see business.
Anyways, some incident happened along the way.
One of our coaches hit one of the cyclist along the way. From the first day I stepped in India I know traffic accidents die die will happen. It's like the auntie attitude I mentioned before. They never let you pass. They will horn as if there's no tomorrow and horning is like saying.
It's really WTF. I thought I've seen bad in Hainan Island China. India is shittier. This proves why Chun Li in Street Fighter is much better developed than Dhalsim.
So the coach knocked this cyclist. The windscreen instantly cracked and you can see the creepy cracklines flowing down the whole front panel. Damn freaky. The driver went down to check on that Indian guy while the rest of the village, just rushed over to the scene machiam The Rock just laid the smack down on a person.
Takahina was in another coach. Only seeing the locals around having either excited faces or worried faces. The excited faces takes 90%.
Anyway, some of the people in that incidental coach went down for a smoking break. The scene they saw is as such:
"The guy was lying down with blood spilled and flowing all over the ground. His mouth seems to be oozing blood out. And naturally he's unconscious."
Or some thing similar to it.
The bus driver then seeing the situation, immediately called EVERYONE back to their coaches. Rushing them and stuff. And we drove off.
Hit and run.
After all, 1.1 Billion population with more than 1/4 of them being unrecognized or can't be bothered by the government. Deplorable. Die 1 more guy doesn't make a difference la hor. I mean that dead guy would do better achievement by quarreling with Ah Beng of Singapore and having some great speech happening in Singapore.
Anyways, soon after around 4+ we reached the legendary Taj Mahal.
See the crowd. Along the pathway up to Taj Mahal, there was like paddlers promoting their stuff.
"Taj Mahal keychain, only 100 rupees"
"Nice bracelet and chains, 200 rupees."
"Kamasutra, 150 rupees."
One of my friends responded to the Kamasutra.
"Got DVD one??"
The walk there was like constant pestering whore. It's like worse than Bush trying to get votes for another presidency. Irritating. Then some of the paddlers are like fucking small kids.
The whole way in consist of a few archways. First is like a road down this certain garden which was now full of camel shit and paddlers. After that you'll reach this gateway where only those who paid can enter. Then slowly you'll walk to this certain mini Taj Mahal which is in redhill colours.
The Mini Taj.
And it expanded itself.
Anyways, we reached the straight center of the place and you'll see it's like a symetrical stand alone by itself. Machaim a mini taj la. The patterns and everything you see on the structure is a direct symetrical wonder by itself. Engineering wise and designing wise, it's magic.
Anyway, past this small taj and...
The real deal appears. With a building of such a big scale it's freaking difficult to get a perfect shot of it. But then you can see the majestic of the place. It's big. It's white.
Anyways, my friends and I began goofing around...
Center guy is Edwin, right side is Rue and left is yours truly.
The Sexy Takahina.
Look at Takahina holding Taj Mahal.
More pics of Taj Mahal. Getting bored?
We reached the building soon after and noticed something. We need to take off our shoes, or we can place a cloth covering over our shoes. Most of the locals did the former.
I love their sense of humour.
Slowly we walked up and finally..
Mission Objective Achieved! Touched Mahal!
We later started walking in the place. It's not really allowed to take photo so you'll just be reading more stuff by Takahina.
The inside is some sort like a Holy Grail thingy, with a cage in and 2 coffins in it. Read on Taj Mahal history and you'll know one is a Queen, the other... should be the King if I never remember wrongly. But anyways, the place inside is completely holy and dark. But still it's like symetrical everywhere. Really just symetrical, even the cage itself and the positions of the coffins.
Don't know who the fuck planned it. But he must be good at geographics. And he orgasm to symetrical stuff.
I walked around a little... then eventually reached like the backyard of the place.
The 2 pics below is like the view from Taj Mahal. It's quite nice really.. but it was a little destroyed with that smell lurking constantly in the air.
Try to read it. Even the words engraved on the Gate frame is symetrical. DAMN GAY.
Hmmm... den just moved around with photos and slow walk around the area while the locals will be pushing us around. Sad to say they really don't seem to have manners, I mean, it's like their culture don't really regard such as a culture, it doesn't seem offensive to them but it does to us. So yeah...
A pic of the Mini Taj. Look at the fountain. You always see in the postcards they were like on and flowing around or something. GUESS WHAT?!?! NOOOO... It's mosquito breeding ground!
Aedes Mosquitos rock on.
Hokay... it's time to leave so we were on our way out. Here's the fun thing.
"Sir sir, Taj Mahal Keychains, 200 Rupees, 200 Rupees!! For 12, good buy good buy."
Takahina decided... it's time to do some flirting.
"How much u say?"
"200 Rupees Sir, 200.."
"No no, 100 Rupees."
"Ok ok, Sir, 100 Rupees..."
Wow, he's damn casual with the price. I need to flirt somemore. Takahina just continued walking down the street not saying anything, but just smiling and shaking my head.
"Ok sir ok, 50 Rupees, 50 Rupees!!"
Takahina still diam diam. Slowly he's reaching the entrance gate.
"Ok sir, 25 Rupees, Sir please 25 Rupees."
Hmmm... Takahina decided to patronise him.
"Ok, 10, 10 Rupees I buy."
"Ok sir no problem, 10."
As I took out 10 Rupees... he said something.
"Sir, 10 Singapore Dollars sir."
Pissed off, I staggered off to my bus.
The last Indian Takahina, The Indian Takahina 3 next!!
the sexy takahina is damn funny....hahah
I'm sexy mah...
What's there to be funny about de??
Sexy right??
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