Anyways, I went to India.
Sounds impossible yeah?
I'm like coerced to go over to India, NS training mah.
Went there for this exercise, but then throughout the whole trip i'm more like a sai kang warrior, do wu eh bo eh, Safety Spec 1 moment, Int Spec 1 moment. It's quite ridiculous that Takahina's presence is even needed la. Edwin maybe, but not Takahina. Heh Heh Heh..
I can't talk too much bout the Ex there lar in case ISA come over and squeeze my lan. But few things I can say.
1. India is fucking hot.
I mean literally, fucking hot. It's like you let a bottle of water sit in the desert for just few minutes, it'll be come hot water suitable for milo. Thank god our army ration pack has different types of packet drinks. Got milo la, tea la, coffee la, cereal la... So it's like we drink everyday. Then the armor vehicle's plating can be so hot, it can be an ironing board. You just place your uniform on the plating, ask a fat person to go roll over the uniform and voila the uniform is ironned along with a dead fat person scalded to death. You sleep in the bunk, you can sweat while sleeping, so it becomes a very good sauna spot actually. I know the temperature hit 49 degrees once then the training is cut due to heat warnings. Really, what is Tekong and Singapore if they keep on complaining it's hot.
2. India is fucking dry.
Even though India is hot, you don't really sweat much there. Don't ask me why cause I have no idea why. You do sweat, but then it's like you sweat 1 second, then the next second the sweat is gone in the air. What left is just the salt particles. So India proves that it can be a very good starching country. You just stand in the middle of the desert and your clothes will turn crispy and hard in just a few seconds while Singapore's will turn wet and soggy. And cow shit, dog shit whatever shit will be come like rocks, pebbles in a few minutes. You can use it to throw at someone, damn fun. No amount of water you drink seems to be enough and yeah...
It's dry. Believe me. Semen will be particles of protein and calcium in no time.
3. India has lot of fucking shit.
I mean, literally. Lots of shit.
Goat shit, Cow shit, Dog shit, Camel shit, Donkey shit. Maybe even human shit. It's like you go on a route march along the desert and throughout all the way, you can see shit.
Goat shit looks like...
Small little cute stuff. If you don't look properly you might take it as some half way done Ferrero.
Cow shit in India, doesn't look like shit.
It looks like... curry puff. Those Indian curry puff u see them sell in Mama shops?? ya??
I think I know where Indians get the idea for the shape of a curry puff. And don't ask me who that ang moh lady is. She's some random abnormal indian.
Camel Shit...
I think this pic is quite straight to the point.
4. Indians loves a certain spice which Takahina absolutely hates.
I don't know what spice or taste is it... but they add it in almost everything.
Potato chips
Soft Drink O_O
Beer... yuck. :x
Practically... in almost every possible aspect of their love which they love.
I have no idea why they like it.
And I don't know what name that spice is called. You just go there and try out yourself.
5. The Rural Indians have a problem
Somehow, they all act like Aunties. I mean really the Singaporean aunties. First they smell, like Singaporean aunties. And they all have this very distinct spice smell which I mentioned b4.
They like to push around like Aunties you see in the morning buses and mrt trying to google their way through to some seats.
Their fashion sense... I don't quite get it. Which is like some aunties and how they like to wear night gown.
6. They don't cover their salad.
So you can expect flies to move around. No salad sauce no NOTHING. Just raw ripe and unfresh-looking vegetables with extra flies topping.
Never eat them. Trust me. Actually, you won't eat too if you see it.
Anyways, let's get started.
We departed on the 17th April and arrived there at night... it was close to 10+ when we got there while Singapore is already 12mn.
Can't help but take some pics of their taxis... which is like the pirated mini cooper or if not that they took the idea from Mr Bean. And they like to park at "no parking places".
Nice... They should try to do that in Singapore.
We went on our coaches and travelled to a hotel first to pass through the night. No, we're not going on R & R first but, just for a night rest and dinner which starts at 3am.
He looks like Ursa Warrior from the back, but he's not me. Please don't be mistaken.
Look at around 100 plus people gathering at this hotel.
And the sleeping area is just a big empty carpetted hall where we all just cramp it. From this you can see the training has already started even before we enter the camp.
The next early morning dawn we woke up and proceeded over to take the train to Jundi (I think... I forgot the name).
Look at how colourful the train is. Isn't it nice?
The whole train ride is about 6 hours, and we had our first local Indian breakfast. Didn't really taste nice imo. It's like a rice ball with curry and a bread with strange freakish spices in it. Damn weird stuff, or somehow I just can't get used to it.
And, if you feel like shitting. There is a toilet there.
Toilet Bowl Voyeur
Go on. Use it. It has footshapes fit for Hulk man.
The whole groggy trip we took was like us having many drugs and beer and smoke... head damn heavy. And it's like the train guides there were expecting HEAVY tips from us. They kept asking me...
"Eh... where you all stopping?" Guy with Turban asked.
"Oh, Camp Babina." Takahina replied.
"Oh... ok ok." Turbanned Guy nodded his head in reply.
Wait for 5 minutes later.
"Eh... where you all stopping?" Guy with Turban and a very waxy red uniform asked.
Anyways, when we reached our stop, it's like around noon and the weather is hot.
This is their standard life. Human and Cars move together on the same road on the same lane.
The motorbikes all... if yours was stolen there you won't know.
Anyways, soon after we sat in our coaches to our Camp Babina. The kids were like chasing us, hoping we could buy something from them. But they won't offering anything. Saw 1 small boy getting slapped by his bigger sister soon after when we left.
This says something about their society.
Anyways, camp photos are prohibited as I said... BUTT..
An example of the environment we trained in.
The cow looks to be in happiness. Because it got like the only tree with good shade around in the area.
Poor Cow.
Are we gonna die like them??!?!?! Burn to death until only Takahina's fat legs are left?!
Throughout the training... of course it's tough. Our feets rotted like shit like that.
My Friend's Footrot
Disgusting Shit. Click it when you are not on medication.
Butt.. luckily there's always the kind locals and the local's mama shop.
So you get the origin of how the Singapore Mamashop came about? Yes, it's from India da...
But uncle... smile leh... relax a bit ma... smile laa...
Well, some scenaries of the training area,
You can't help but wonder how did the locals build up stuff like that in India. It's like horrichible... plus the weather omg... And it's high up on a hill. How do you even drive the bricks there is a wonder in itself.
Or maybe the whole structure is cow shit. You never know.
And introducing one of India's tank.
No that guy standing there is not Indian. But Indian has big guns which can't aim. That's why their toilets are so dirty.
During the last few days of our training there is like some phase ending dinner which involved all of us, and you can see the dinner they took in preparing.
I think I have a clue where the goat's body in this pic...
went to.
Our stomach.
And you can see the cow is loving it.
It's like the special guest of the show since it's like holy in India. So they need to showcase to us their holy cow.
The 16 days training... I won't say it's tough, since there really isn't much training involved for me. I'm more of a spec and stuff. The ones tough was the VC of the company lines doing all types of shit involved. Quite sad. And VCs don't gain much recognition from NS.. which I also understand why.
But it's never an easy job like what other units may think... just standing in the vehicle, doing nothing, no need to route march and stuff.
Yeah yeah... but imagine washing that tank you saw. You'll go high I tell you.
But for me... I'm more of like just slacking throughout the whole time, watching "Meet the spartans" and eating maggi mee while I'm not drawing maps and stuff... so yeah..
The guilty pleasures of being in S2 branch hehehehe...
The Indian Takahina 2 coming up next!
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