Without further ado...
Number 5: My university friends.
The group is quite big actually... so I'll tone down the few to which I'm closer with.
The one 2nd from the left is Kasumi Chai.
The girl beside is Serene Lee.
The girl in pink is Manluo Guo.
The guy beside me on the right is Charles You.
The guy beside me on the left is Desmond Chan.
The girl on the right of Manluo is Justina Koh.
The girls beside Justina in black and white inners is Liting Neo.
To the right of Liting is Shuchen Yeo.
This is the standard group I kinda hang out frequently with now, although we kinda segregate further more in 3 branches, with Kasumi, Serene, Desmond and me together, Liting, Justina and Shuchen together, and Charles kinda jumps around the OG or even the whole lecture group. He's popular.
To be frank it's not until recently when I start to talk more with the liting, shuchen, justina group, A.k.a the cheerleader group. They are a fun loving bunch.
And of course there's tons of rumors surrounding me and Kasumi. In fact rumors are flying between me and Serene and Manluo too. So it's kinda like... whatever.
These people here, are what makes university fun. To the extend there was a point of time in life I like school, even though it's demonic timing of 8.30am everyday. Of course I experience more in life thanks to them, even though we're still not that close yet... as in will like always hang out, but we're pretty pretty close I guess. Desmond has been with me since JC, so it's even better.
I used to hate studying, even though NS made me changed that viewpoint. After I enter university, I still didn't really like it as much. I appreciate studying, but I didn't like the notion of needing to study for the sake of paper. Friends make studying and going to a place fun, and they made it fun for me, so it's like the 2nd part of my this year in university is much more fun.
Thanks for making my uni fun guys. :)
Number 4: Alan Dawa Zhuoma
To be frank, I was hesitant in putting Alan in this list. Cause to be frank, I won't say Alan affected my person a lot. She's just a Tibetan Singer from China who goes to Japan under Avextrax to further her singing career.
She's talented alright.
But why do I put her in my list?
Actually, I have heard about her from like mid year this year. Grew addicted to her even, and started looking for her stuff in Youtube, to the extent she managed to kick down Matsu Takako 1 rank from my idol ranking. So currently, my idol ranking is...
1. Perfume
2. Alan Dawa Zhuoma
3. Matsu Takako
4. Tokyo Jihen
5. Do As Infinity
6. Ayumi Hamasaki
7. Utada Hikaru
8. F.I.R
9. Shibasaki Kou
Perfume being Perfume, will be there. :)
I searched up a lot about Alan, knew about her history, know about her stuff. And her music... I like a lot.
Unlike Perfume, Alan's music doesn't bring you out of this world, Alan's music blows you away with her voice. I refuse to admit she's similar or inferior to Yuna Ito like what Sam said, cause they use different techniques in singing and you can tell. Alan's voice is more crisp and sharp, plus her Tibetan wail can push her up and of higher key than Yuna Ito's or any artist that I have known. Till now, I have never seen any artist able to hit Alan's key in Ashita e no Sanka clearly. If they did, they are using Opera singing technique which is different. I'm not saying Yuna Ito pales in comparison compared to Alan, but they are just different. If they are similar, I would have fallen in love with Yuna Ito long ago.
If I look through the most check video in youtube for me for this year, I dare to say Alan will be the highest. Somehow some of her music never grow old for me. Perfume's music however, did grow somewhat stale. Ok who am I kidding, there is no music that doesn't grow old, but Alan's song brought me through a period when I needed the feel she has, coupled with Perfume, both of them made me through this year.
The only thing I'm feeling a little sad though, is similar to Perfume, Alan is getting her big break and is getting bigger, albeit not as big as Perfume yet. Perfume's success was 1 hit phenomenon, Alan hasn't achieved that yet. She's still not an A-lister, but maybe close.
So why is she in this list? Cause I listen to her music so much, she has accompanied me through almost half of this year and adjusted my mood when I need to. And unlike Perfume, I'm still very much addicted to her stuff, plus she releases new stuff much faster than Perfume, this is the one thing which made her win over Perfume in a sense.
Ok, that's all for now. Number 3 and 2 will be up on the next post.
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