What are the few things you'll think of?
Sora Aoi... humba humba...
Yua Aida... huat la.... guys sweat liao right???
Ok ok, that's the perverted Takahina.
But seriously, it makes you think, why is Japanese's porn industry so vibrant? I mean Anime industry I can understand, with the story plot, the characters, the fantasy behind it, anyone can get interested and attracted to Anime/Manga industry.
But... porn... why??
Previously I stated before. Japan has a few greats. 1 is anime and their popculture. 2 is porn, 3 is their industry and financial power in Asia.
The 2nd great makes a good wonder, why Porn? I mean their porn industry is so brilliant, they have OLD PEOPLE PORN!
(Believe me, you don't wanna see the cover. It's nightmarish to the extent that even Takahina doesn't dare to post any of it on his blog)
Well of course with cute girls with angelic faces and demonic bodies, which guy won't be tempted to them? Their high pitch voices in porn can make anyone sweat.
But why did Japan enter this field in the first place? I thought on general they are a very conservative bunch?
Conservative? Yeah. Extremist, yeah. Fanatics, yeah.
The culture of Japan works in a strange way. The nature of "Rape Club" itself shows something. Their lack of respect for woman, and woman's nature of not being able to stand up for themselves, and in a sense a woman's lack of respect for themselves.
Takahina in a sense is conservative in that woman of all things, should protect their body and chastity the most, not being loose. You respect your dignity as a woman. (In a sense that's why I don't like the stereotyped clubbing girls, cause they seem to display a lack of self-protection) Naturally guys should do the same, don't fool around too much, have some self-restrain.
But of course, no one in the world cares about that, neither will the Japanese do. (Nor Sgreans as well) If money or impulse is able to make you sell your body, then you don't appeal to me. You can like me cause I'm rich, but you can't have sex with me and request money from me for it.
The modern Japanese, under Takahina's scrutinized view, is that they are divided into 2 extremes. And a 3rd percentile in the balanced area.
1 the traditional and conservative type. Mainly influence from the older generation. The other is the open, fanatical type, mainly new age youngsters influenced from Western culture with added features of their own. Imagine US people to be at 80%, Japanese will be at 100%.
Let me just say about the 1st type, the older generation traditional view.
They are the ones who are anal and not letting freedom.
Owwww... so sweet... but...
"Son, you don't take over the shop as the Ramen Unker you're gonna be cooked with the soup! I'll freaking disown you!!! Look at my eyes they mean freaking business!!"
Imagine a son who doesn't want to become a doctor, yet his father forces and stressed him to become a doctor. What do you get? A stressful society.
"Look at me... I'm stress."
Why Japan is such a stressful society is contributed by mainly 2 things, 1 I believe is the naturally fast paced society of Japan, 2nd is the mentality of this traditional family. Why so many people in Japan commit suicide, be it students who can't cope with the expectations of life, or old man who are abandoned by family for being useless, has gotta to with 1 nature of their traditional pride and nature. Survival of the fittest is very evident in Japan. (Another place I know with an even higher rate of committing suicide is Hong Kong)
If you think Singapore is stress, wait till you go to Japan. You think you can handle their society?
Pt number 2, the other part of the picture: The freaking open people.
Ok, maybe it's a bit wrong to call them open. Should say "Open-minded". Casual sex, posting pictures, whatever you say it, they did it. The leading industry in sex toys and stuff, they seem to excel in it. I can truthfully say now that the US porn industry is losing out to Japan, in terms of quality, and quantity per square inch. (Meaning for the same amount of land-space and area and population, US pales in comparison) And believe me... when Japanese mean extreme, they are extreme.
It's never a coincidence that porn industry strives so well in a nation. It's the social thinking, be it due to monetary issues, or so much stress from studying that the girls need some "love", or whatever you have, something about the society made it soar into world history.
I dare to say most people around hadn't been to a Japanese club before, I also want to take a look for myself, see whether the Singapore clubbing culture is open, or just plain crude compared to Japan's. For all you know, maybe Takahina, who's approach towards clubbing is never initiative but sporting, could get some action or 2 in Japanese clubs, unlike Singapore clubs whereby girls just ignore Takahina... (Just you wait you singapore girls... just you wait...)
Ok, joking about that, but I dare to bet my ass off that Japanese clubs are more hyper and open than Singapore's. Being Open??? Yes.
So it's good, it shows a good reason for a guy to go over to Japan. Well of course if you don't mind your Japanese girlfriend licking another guy in front of you in the club go ahead. Or she may suddenly show you a DVD with the cover...
"Fantasy with 18 years old, 100 man straight ぶっかけ..."
Well, if you like that, and can handle it go ahead. I'm not saying that it's bad to be open-minded, but there should be a limit to open-mindedness while Japanese from my impression seems to be able to go the whole stretch. So the innocent image of any Japanese girls you have... could be fake. And believe me, not all Japanese girls are as beautiful as you think. Enter their society and see for yourself.
Ganguro, the weirdest species of female ever.
How about Japanese guys? Well, truth be told, I'm haven't heard or been able to dig out too much about them. Rape Club only gave a part of the picture of Japanese guys. But I have a weird gut feel that Japanese guys are less horny than the Singapore counterparts. But the possible lack and the feature of guy power in Japan is still very much around, as hinted by my Japanese School's teacher 福島 Sensei.
男尊女卑. In romanji Dan Son Jyo Hi. My teacher taught this phrase in Japanese with a slight tinch of anger and passion.
But overall though, take what I wrote with a pinch of salt, after all Takahina has never really lived in Japan before. I believe elements of what I wrote exist, but still it shouldn't be that prevalent.
As i stated above, a 3rd percentile of the people should be living a normal live with a balance in between. But... people being people, how many appearance of a "normal lifestyle" hides a deep secret inside??
Look for yourself. :D
Takahina may write more about Japanese and his personal opinion on them, when he has the mood and materials. Ready for part 3?
1 comment:
yea for one they do not have a history like the west of Christianity. And Christianity tend to treat sex as profane, rather than a pretty neutral thing.
that also such a phenomenon need not be new to Japan. There had been some co-existence between the sexual and the "conservative". Pop culture in the Meiji period was pretty sexual. There were also some steamy novels in the Heian period i think.
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