"Parents who failed to plan for their family financially are failed parents."
I don't know whether he stills remember that or not, whatever. But then at that point of time I was vehemently against that idea.
"Money shouldn't be a problem in the point of love."
Ah-huh. >_>
Now I think twice, money really is a problem.
Look at the prevailing family in Singapore now. Seriously out of the families in Singapore, 50% are well suited to lead a family, 30% are struggling to, 20% should just stay single.
I'm starting to see more eye in eye with Benji in that parents, before thinking of getting married, like FUCKING...
"I DO"
"I DO... NOT!"
Kinda matter.
Girls, don't tell me just a bit of hoaxing and a ring can get you in?
And once you get married, POP COMES THE WEASEL.
So how? get married? don't get married. Ok PAP this is like a wake up call to an answer as to why Singapore JUST REFUSE TO GET MARRIED.
Ok, let's not digress.
The very simple understanding is simply the cost in getting married.
Let me break it down for you.
1. Get Married
You need to pay for all the ceremonies, pictures, shit. Just that cost you a bomb. You think the red bomb you throw to others will offset? NOOOOOO..... TAN GU GU (Aunty Tan) ARRRR... The margin of profit is fucking negative.
Getting married will eventually means years of hong bao and more expenses like getting a HDB, getting this getting that getting alot other stuff. Cause getting married is almost equal to saying...
"yo Pa... Ma... I grow up le... no need to depend on you old folks le... I need to pay back your maturity funds le..."
Whereas your Pa and Ma will be "HUAT AR!! MATURE LIAO !! GOT $$ LIAO"
"Because I trust... in my son. You, can do it too." - Happy Uncle.
And what about Chinese New Year?? You'll feel like escaping back to Genting like my parents. After like 3 decades they bui tong liao, must escape liao.
2. Getting a family
So you think you can be childless after getting married? WO PUI!!
It's impossible, because your matured investors will DEMAND you to produce a toy for them as special gift, a.k.a your kid.
And unless you are a couple who doesn't love each other, I'm pretty sure sexual activities happen frequently. The probability of getting one child, regardless with condom or not, in the long run will be confirm a 1. A FUCKING 1, MEANS CONFIRM WILL HAVE.
Unless Jesus don't love you, a kid is confirmed.
So a family is pretty much confirmed. Where do you go from there?? Heh Heh Heh...
3. Providing for that kid which you didn't planned for.
I was that kid which my parents didn't planned for. That's why they are refusing my uni allowance fees. But never mind, I shall continue.
Having a kid means wat?
It means additional...
Medical fees (For both parents and kid, parents for getting overly stress, kids for getting even more stressed)
Education fees (You gotta love SparkleTOTs, btw right below my house there's a sparkletots WAITING FOR ME!!)
Growing up fees (You gotta like feed 1 more person now.)
Misc fees (Every kids gotta have somethings to play with/holidays to go to/girls to fuxck with, all these takes $$)
I mean even your kid's fucking money (as in literally FUCKING money) is from u.
You think its gonna be cheap?
I attended this talk once, about child's finance blah blah. It cost to like hundreds of thousands in total. 1 toto first prize may not be even be enough.
Setting up a family, needs financial planning, heck doing anything in life needs financial planning.
So Benji's words starts to haunt me... in that it's true. You need to have some finance in you, to be able to start a marriage.
And that is why Singaporeans don't get married. As simple as that. Money. You think the gov bit of Child Bonus Policy gotta work? If it works I tok my dick to solidify my future reluctance of getting a family.
Ok to be frank, I'll like to have a family. I'll be kidding myself if I said, "no... no family for me."
But I'll keep this in mind man. If you wanna be a good parent, be a well-off one first, at least be in the top 50% families, so you child don't suffer, being unable to do/learn/live stuff which they want to.
haha yea not that you mention it, i remember, i kinda said it cos its hampers the child in maximizing potential/doing what he or she wants etc. etc.
lol even though it's so la.
But still if the children really want to, they should pursue it and get the $$ needed themselves.
Of course when they are old enough la. Don't talk about children wanting to learn piano, tts a different case.
like my case.. everything is on credits.. my parents didnt planned that WE will make it to tertiary.. now, i'm down with debts from the bank... its so hard to tong thru the coming 4yrs..
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