To be frank, it's kind of a give away, machiam like how Barcelona seems to be sweeping away every cup they get in contact with. If Barca is in EPL, I can tell you no other teams would come close. They are kind of a league beyond now, and even Real Madrid can't get close to.
Of course this pic is of ultimate gayness. Especially brought about with Chin Han's smile being so vibrantly pretty and filled with happiness. (I love you too Chin han) So you see, we are so gay, I can't believe that we haven't fucked each other literally yet.
And to be frank with have tons of other photos, just check out Chong the Dinosaur and Friends and you'll know why.
Now then... ever notice, why it's named after "Chong" the dinosaur and friends?
Yes, the group in a sense is named after me. Cause in a sense I'm the one who brought them together.
Last year I mentioned them, heck I always mention them. Now check my facebook, is only them, no one else. Seriously makes one feel that you have no life. I mean, even Pang Shen has some other girls posting something in his page, or commenting in something about his post. Even if so, PANG SHEN is the authority in MH, that makes girls attracted to him.
I have been nurturing... I shouldn't use "I", I should use "we".
Truth be told, I had been tired and exhausting managing the group, organizing events so that everyone would be happy and to keep the group going on. I don't do this for other groups of my friends at all, only "Rurouni" which I'm still more affectionate to calling, since it's the first name it has got.
I had been having spasms of emo-ness at times, I have been limiting myself and ignoring "responsibilities" which I'm committed to for the group, because I wanted to let someone else take this job, or just share the burden with me. But I did it in a rather selfish way. I did it in a selfish, unresponsible manner in which to date scores no reasons for me to excuse myself.
At the peak of periods, I always sent sms to the group like...
"Today Free and Easy, no meet. Feel free to organize meetings among yourselves."
The fact is not I wanted out of the group, I would never want to be out of the group since they're kinda the only bunch of friends I truly trust with my life. I'm just lazy. Like fucking lazy, as in a pig lazy.
I didn't realised my actions were detrimental to the group. You could say I just wanted quit of the event coordinator role, without thinking through much. Even if I did so, someone else could have easily taken over the position of events coordinator like Twai-ster, Bento, Lim face and Talibai.
But the feel would be different, because I'm the founder of the group, I merged the group together, bringing in people from outside like Tian Wei and Samuel into my East View group. To date, the ultimate regulars of the group would consist of these 4, and including me, 5.
1 thing which I didn't expect, is for my introduction of Tian Wei and Samuel into the group to merge so beautifully well, and the group would only grow larger.
We've been through many things, like Gackt's first love and first puke, the many club session, the many lans sessions, all these brought about fun, laughter, peace and joy to everyone in the group. When we are fun, we are fun. When we need to be serious, we're still like a bunch of jokers, but that's all the fun there is to it right now.
That's what this group means to me now, it's for a lifetime and I fully understood that this year. Therefore my pivot role of events coordinator cannot disappear, cause if i'm gone, the group is gone, and I probably would emo myself to death.
The group consist of... (in terms of age)
Stars Ahn Jae Sung
Ben Yeo Lock Wei
Benjamin Seet Chong En
Malcolm Chong Woon Han
Stella Ng Shu Yu
Shion Wah Chin Han
Samuel Lim Wenjun
Chen Junrong
Woo Tian Wei
And it'll only grow larger. Trust me.
Everyone in this group is unique in their own way.
Everyone in this group is stubborn and prideful in their own way.
Despite that, this group is united in it's own way, and it'll be so all the way.
So long ago omg.
Seriously, have the guts to take the pic, den have the guts to tag it man. WTF!!!
And i have to say, Sam, you look totally identical to...
Just stop your grin... and a Yuna may come your way. If not a shoopuf will chiong you for revenge thanks to Jecht killing one of it's kind.
siao liao..... no more image liao... oh well... btw i brought the outside-mac photo to Tekong for my BMTC days..
what a nice pic. hahahahaaha
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