When in the past I can go out and...
Watch movie with my dear Stella.
Hanky Panky with my dear Benji.
Camwhore alone in the toilet with my dear China Phone.
Having a great jam with my dear bandmates...
Get groupshots with my dear Taka's. (There's Takabenben, Takasamsam, Takaweiwei, Takachinchin, Tatemocow)
Take group picture with my dear Yui.
Or take solo pic with... TOMOMIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~~~~~~~...
Takahina who was once handsome and suave... has fallen to...
Going home and sleep like no one's business everyday.
This is...
The undead takahina. Using phoenix down on me will kill me seriously.
As I stated before in facebook, working plus study is like poison, eatin away at your soul slowly like
this critter poking me everyday 9999. Even if Takahina has as much life as Omega Mark (the strongest shit in FFXII), I'll still perish.
Fatigued has caught up with me once the previous tuesday. From then Takahina has recovered a bit, but still the tonberry is POKING me.
Anyways just an update.
My work at TNT as a part time data entry clerk, is not unenjoyable actually. It's a very typical work, just that it gets draining on you eventually. So you feel like shit after work everyday. Coupled with the fact I always sleep late, I'm asking for it la. (For example, this blogpost is written after work at 1am)
Few people there like Ah Sam (yes Takasamsam, you hav a competition for your name), Hee Fong jie, and a few other of the part timers and full timers, people there are friendly and helpful, so it's quite fine throughout. The only complain is that we're short handed and the business seems to be improving, meaning that we will suffer more.
You wanna know why when Economy is good, people earn more money??
Economy good = business good.
Business good = more work to do.
More work to do = more time spend to work.
More time spent to work = more hours paid.
So if I direct the whole bulk of what I summarised to my current situation. It kinda just means that the good economy produces a dying Takahina.
Yup. As Simple As That. Bullshit.
School's fun, job's nice. Sleep's not enough, FFXII is not getting completed. Takahina is getting fatter by the minute. Bah.
Doesn't mean I'll quit my job or school anytime. This life now is very fruitful (well in a sense), I'm heading towards the type of busy life I anticipated when I started uni, so yeah it's nice by all means. Just a drag though, as the social time spent with my buddhies, friends, families, brothers will be much lesser.
And if I do get a girlfriend? I will lose her cause I no time for her.
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